This website, or blog, is about the crime in the Avondale/Logan Square neighborhoods on Chicago's Northwest side.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Neighborhood Roll Call At Diversey and Kostner
12:03pm - Beat 2520 is doing a "neighborhood" roll call at Diversey and Kostner. Event number is 07198.
12:52pm - EMS run. 29X6 N Lawndale. Man overdosing.
1:30pm - Vandalism. 3600 block of W Dickens. Three teens tagging properties.
2:53 to 3:29pm - Fell asleep. Sorry.
4:04pm - Violation order of protection. 3134 N Kostner. An offender is in the building, violating the order.
5:33pm - 1) Disturbance. 3102 N Kenneth. Guy revving his motorcycle too loudly. 2) Assault(?). 3600 block of W Diversey. Gangbangers loitering in front of a business, talking about burning it down. 3) Disturbance. Diversey and Kostner. Group of males standing on the corner, advertising a business, but are blowing a loud whistle.
5:35pm - Beat 2584 is taking one in from 1857 N Lawndale.
5:53pm - Looks like I'm not going to the meeting at Koz Park after all. I'm not being allowed to go, probably because of gang problems at Koz Park (they're not occurring right now, but you know). Oh well. Can someone who goes tell me how it went and what was talked about, over email? I'd apprieacate that.
5:54pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3636 W Wolfram. At St. Hyacinth's. Three to four people keep walking around the property and in and out of the building.
6:31pm - Assault. Diversey and Kildare. Male threw something in the caller's car. He fled in a grey car towards Pulaski.
6:32pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:45pm - I'm back.
6:46pm - Battery in progress. Pulaski and Barry. A white vehicle with a partial plate of 890 had a male beating a female. He fled south on Pulaski then west on Diversey.
6:47pm - Domestic battery. 2926 N Pulaski. Boyfriend beat the caller. Might be related to the 6:46pm job.
7:42pm - Gang disturbance. Wabansia and Harding.
8:06pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
An Inside Look at Avondale and Logan Square's Toughest Gangs
But who are these gangs? A quick look at the main gangs in the area and their respective sordid histories perhaps will give a better insight into local crime. The three most prevalent gangs in the Avondale/Logan area form part of the large cross-country alliance, Folks Nation. These gangs include the Insane Spanish Cobras, the Imperial Gangsters, and the Maniac Latin Disciples, all of which are vying for turf in the Avondale area.
The largest of these gangs are the Maniac Latin Disciples, the biggest Latino gang part of the Folks alliance, which was sealed in 1978. MLD was founded by Albert "Hitler" Hernandez in 1966. The MLDs gained strength throughout the 1980s in Chicago's North Side, and then quickly spread to the South and outlying suburbs in the 1990s. In 2004, the FBI arrested several top-ranking members of the MLD for drug charges. Today, the MLDs are thought to be divided into three large factions, and continue internal organizational fighting. The MLDs' colors are light blue and black, while their signs are varied and include a heart with horns and tail, pitchforks, monks, an inverted swastika, or a six point star.
The MLDs chief rivals are the Spanish Cobras. The Cobras are also a Latino group, and their history goes back as far as the 1950s, when Puerto Rican immigration began on Chicago's North side. Although it is uncertain, it is reported that the Cobras were founded by a man known as King Cobra, who was assassinated by the Insane Unknowns in 1979. The Cobras formed and broke with several gang unities, including the MLDs. Once the Cobras, as part of the Insane Familia, separated from the MLDs, a vicious drug war ensued between the MLDs and Cobras in the 1990s. The two gangs remain heated enemies to this day. The Spanish Cobras' sign is a diamond staff with three dots and their affiliated colors are black and green.
The Imperial Gangsters are another large gang presence in the Avondale/Logan Square area. The IGs are also part of the original Folks Alliance. The IGs began in the 1960s in conjunction with the Imperial Bachelors. In the 1970s, the Imperial Bachelors, having Logan Square origins, defected and renamed themselves the Imperial Spanish Gangsters. In the late 1970s, the ISGs remerged with what was left of the original IBs and became known as the Imperial Gangsters. Throughout the 80s, the IGs changed organizationally several times, losing their leaders to deaths and arrests. The IG colors are pink and black, and their signs include a pink panther, a shotgun, and an IG crown.
Other significant gangs that have exacerbated crime in the Avondale/Logan Square area are the Insane Orchestra Albanys, the very powerful Latin Kings, and the Harrison Gents. More information on these gangs and other Chicago area organized crime mobs can be found at
This guest post is contributed by Jessica Cortez, who writes on the topics of "online degree programs". She welcomes your comments at her email Id:
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Drug Selling At George and Avers
2:48 to 3:22pm - I was napping. Sorry.
4:03pm - Narcotics. George and Avers. Four to five gangbangers on the SW corner, flashing signs, shouting and selling drugs.
4:08pm - Battery in progress. Kelyvn Park. Two gangbangers fighting.
5:29pm - Traffic accident. Wrightwood and Kilbourn.
6:20pm - For those of you who live in the 30th Ward, don't forgot, we're meeting at Koz Park tomorrow at 6:30pm with the alderman to help plan activites in our ward. Also, I have an anouncement. For those of you who have Facebook, I created a page for my blog on there. It's a fan page. You can add it, and we'll see what goes from there.
6:56pm - Beat 2572 has a stop at 2911 N Harding. Female needed for a search.
7:08pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:30pm - I'm back.
7:40pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 3800 W George. Violent, elderly female who has memory loss grabbed a knife.
7:41pm - Beat 2566David has a stop at 2700 N Lawndale.
7:54pm - Check the well being. Wellington and Kenosha. Kids walking right by the track.
8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Possible Homicide On Ridgeway Last Night
I'm betting this was a homicide. This is truly the beginning of a long and bloody summer.
Shooting On Hamlin Overnight
Hit And Run Kills Woman In Avondale
Shooting On Hamlin This Morning
Stabbing At Milwaukee and Central Park Wednesday Night
Man Shot In Neck Yesterday On Cortland
Child Possibly Shot @ Harding and Wabansia Last Night
Two People Shot In Traffic On Schubert
Two Men Shot Near Foodsmart On Armitage
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Monday, June 28, 2010
EMS Run At Fullerton and Pulaski
2:33pm - EMS run. Fullerton and Pulaski.
2:34pm - Beat car 2523 is on a street stop at Pulaski and Wellington.
2:55pm - Domestic disturbance. 2454 N Lowell.
3:01pm - Domestic disturbance. 2705 N Monticello.
3:22pm - Beat car 2523 is on a special attention at 2856 N Avers. Event number is 11624.
3:26pm - Assault. 2004 N Pulaski. Female with a cane threatened the caller.
3:27pm - 1) DUI driver. Central Park and Oakdale. Male came out of the bar. He's so drunk that he can't start his red scooter. 2) Information for the police. On 2523's Beat.
3:46pm - Municipal ordinance violation. Kelvyn Park. People possibly selling ice cream without permits. 2505 codes this out, as they have all of the permits they need.
3:51pm - Information for the police. 2856 N Avers. A known gangbanger named Mark got into a black Lexus that has a plate of K9066199. The car went north on Avers, then went west on Wellington. This gangbanger may have a gun. But can people really be stopped now for guns? After all, starting soon, guns will be legal in Chicago.
4:07pm - Battery in progress. 2238 N Avers. People fighting in the street.
5:06pm - Disturbance. Fullerton and Pulaski.
5:27 to 5:48pm - Fell asleep. Sorry.
6:34pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.
6:45pm - I'm back.
6:47pm - EMS run. 3192 N Milwaukee. 60-ish yr old man passed out on the front stairs.
7:26pm - Domestic disturbance. 3149 N Springfield. Boyfriend needs to go.
7:59pm - I have an anouncement, everyone. For those of you who have Facebook, I created a page for my blog on there. It's a fan page. You can add it, and we'll see what goes from there.
8:01pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Burglar Alarm On Milwaukee
7:53am - Burglar alarm. 3030 N Milwaukee.
10:46am - Burglar alarm. 2200 N Pulaski. At Chicago Dryer Company.
11:27am - Domestic disturbance. 2056 N Keystone. Child's father's in the apartment, trying to get the daughter, without the caller's consent.
11:58am - Person wanted. 4052 W Armitage.
12:17pm - I have an anouncement, everyone. For those of you who have Facebook, I created a page for my blog on there. It's a fan page. You can add it, and we'll see what goes from there.
1:00pm - Burglar alarm. 2158 N Hamlin. At Familia Foods.
1:23pm - Backlog in 25 at 13:23 hours.
2:55pm - EMS run. Somewhere on Central Park.
3:00 to 3:29pm - Haven't been paying too much attention.
4:01pm - Burglar alarm. 3732 W Fullerton.
About 4:35 to 5:29pm - Fell asleep. Sorry. I've been rather sleepy for the last few hours.
5:31pm - Person w/ a knife. 4122 W Dickens. Brothers are fighting with knives.
5:43pm - Loud music disturbance. 3816 W Palmer. There can't be a 3816, Mozart school is there.
5:54pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Lawndale. Couple of calls.
6:00pm - Beat 2573's wagon just died out. Fullerton and Hamlin. 2530 is coming over to order a tow on it.
6:07pm - Disturbance. 3636 W Wolfram. At St. Hyacinth's. Five kids, 10 to 12 yrs of age, are playing in the church parking lot. Pastor wants to sign a complaint.
6:08pm - Beat car 2523 is asking for a call back on the 6:07pm job.
6:32pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:44pm - I'm back.
6:49pm - Beat 2566David has a handwaver at 3021 N Milwaukee. It's nonsense, though.
6:50pm - EMS run. 2820 N Ridgeway. Man fell, not responding. Ambulance 52 is already here, with a truck from Engine 91. I'm watching them from the window.
6:59pm - Battery. Belmont and Milwaukee. Grandson was hit at the park. There's no park there. I'm thinking maybe it happened in Parkview Park (School and Avers).
7:00pm - The ambulance just left from Ridgeway. Male victim is being taken to OLR. 2523 just pulled up over here. Now they're also relocating to OLR.
7:21pm - Another backlog in 25. 19:21 hours.
7:30pm - Parker. 1800 block of N Harding.
7:47pm - Assault in progress. Keystone and Palmer. Group of males threatening the caller.
7:52pm - Child left alone. 2821 N Hamlin. Kid left alone in the back of a grey vehicle.
8:02pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Shooting On Hamlin Overnight
I'm a little surprised as into where this occurred at. The 2600 block of Hamlin has condos (particulary on the SW corner of Schubert and Hamlin), some nice buildings and your average apartment buildings. There's never really any crime on that block. If anyone has information on this shooting, please, share it with me in the comments section or over email.
(The 2600 block of N. Hamlin, eight hours after the shooting).
Hit And Run Kills Woman In Avondale
Shooting On Hamlin This Morning
Stabbing At Milwaukee and Central Park Wednesday Night
Man Shot In Neck Yesterday On Cortland
Child Possibly Shot @ Harding and Wabansia Last Night
Two People Shot In Traffic On Schubert
Two Men Shot Near Foodsmart On Armitage
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Fight On Porch On Palmer
12:19am - Battery in progress. 4043 W Palmer. Two males fighting on the 1st floor porch. With that, I'm gone. See you all in the morning.
9:26am - I'm back.
9:30am - Ambulance needed at 4152 W. George, for a man breathing shallowly. I took a walk through that area and saw him, but I just thought he had too much to drink and was resting it off. It did seem odd for him to be laying on top of his pick-up truck, though. He's on the corner of George and Kearsarge. Beat car 2522 is on scene.
9:32am - EMS needs to step it up on George, according to the officer. The man appears to have stopped breathing.
9:35am - Parkers at 2222 N Springfield and 3979 W Barry.
9:42am - 2522 asks his supervisor if he can relocate the downer on George to an address on the 2100 block of N Campbell. 2520 gives him the ok.
9:44am - Beat 2520 is looking into a call from 3958 W North Ave.
10:09am - Traffic accident. 2845 N Ridgeway. Parked car hit overnight.
10:15am - An RD number has been pulled from 3645 W McLean following a search warrant. It is HS379685 with the event number of 06202.
11:18 to 11:35am - Wasn't paying too much attention.
12:45pm - Beat car 2532 has a traffic pursuit. Long and North Ave. White city van going west, on the SIDEWALK. A mental stole the van from 2155 N Parkside. He's got on a red shirt, has nappy hair and is 100 lbs. He is a male Black. This is a dangerous situation.
12:46pm - South on Linder from North Ave.
12:47pm - North on Long from Hirsch.
12:48pm - Driver is in custody. 5425 W North.
1:54pm - Renewed backlog in 25 at 13:54 hours. For third watch. But in reality, they've been in a backlog since 9am.
2:01pm - 1) Parker. On 2524's Beat. 2) Suspicious vehicle. On 2524's Beat.
2:39pm - 1) Sex offense. Diversey and Avers. Intoxicated man has his penis out. 2) Some call at 2958 N Hamlin. 3) Sex offense. 1634 N Hamlin. Man and woman having sex in the alley. The woman's completely nude.
2:42pm - Disturbance. 2630 N Avers.
3:47pm - EMS run. Mozart Park. Female got hit in the head with a baseball.
4:10pm - Domestic disturbance. 3910 W Barry.
4:53pm - Criminal damage in progress. 2544 N Lawndale. Three male teens tagging.
5:19pm - Burglar alarm. 1801 N Lawndale.
6:09pm - Traffic accident. 29X4 N Hamlin. Angry mob gathering on the scene of an intoxicated driver hitting a parked car.
6:21pm - I have information from the accident on Hamlin. A male White in his 30s, who looks drunk as a skunk, crashed his car, which is a grey Sedan, into the back rear of a really nice truck. The truck crashed into the car in front of it. I'm told that the street is full of mad residents.
6:29pm - An RD number has been pulled from the Hamlin accident. It's HS380417 with the event number of 15032.
6:30pm - Narcotics. Springfield and Wabansia. Five gangbangers doing drugs in the nearby park.
6:38pm - Domestic disturbance. 3912 W Wrightwood. Problem with the daughter's ex-boyfriend who refuses to leave.
6:40pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 3925 W Wellington. Landlord shut off the power.
6:44pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:16pm - I'm back. Had a bit of a long dinner. More information from the Hamlin accident will follow after this crime...
7:33pm - Assault in progress. 2300 block of N Kedvale. In the alley between Keeler and Kedvale, a man in a bluish-greenish vehicle is following a woman holding a baby.
7:38pm - Disturbance. 3636 W Wolfram. People causing problems at the church.
7:41pm - And now, here is your information re: Hamlin. The police gave the driver a sobriety test, which he failed. The guy couldn't walk straight. He was placed into custody. That is all the information I have at this time, but I will forward any more that I get.
7:55pm - Generic. 4100 block of W Barry. 5 yr old walking the dog by herself. Her parents let her do this all the time. Whoever wants their address for information purposes can email me and request it.
8:03pm - Reckless driver. Fullerton and Kostner. Red vehicle with a temp plate of 858L257 is speeding towards Altgeld on Kostner.
8:07pm - 1) Reckless driver. Belmont and Milwaukee. Grey vehicle with a plate of FGG96 has three people in it drinking and doing marijuana. 2) They're calling back on the 7:38pm job.
8:29pm - Loud music disturbance. 2633 N Monticello.
8:52pm - Loud music disturbance. 3632 W Shakespeare.
9:07pm - Something's going on at Mozart Park.
9:10pm - Disturbance. 27X9 N Lawndale. Men smoking and talking too loud in front.
9:17pm - Battery in progress. 2907 N Springfield. 10 people fighting in the street.
9:19pm - The 9:17pm job may be a traffic accident. People are jumping on someone who crashed into parked cars at 2929 Springfield.
9:21pm - A slow down is being given on the 9:17/9:19pm jobs.
9:25pm - Burglary in progress. 2341 N Monticello. Drunk guy's trying to break in.
9:53pm - Fireworks. 2536 N Lawndale.
10:19pm - Gang disturbance. Fullerton and Lawndale. SW corner. Five loitering.
10:24pm - A unit has a street stop right at the 10:19pm job.
10:27pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Five of them in white t-shirts and baggy shorts yelling in front of somewhere on Hamlin. I missed the block. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2338 N Ridgeway.
10:46pm - Beat car 2525Robert is getting disturbances on the 20 sector.
10:47pm - Parker. 4105 W Wellington. Two cars blocking the alley.
10:49pm - Beat car 2521R is also getting disturbances on the 20 sector.
11:04pm - Domestic disturbance. 2822 N Lawndale. Roommate's trying to throw the caller out.
11:14pm - Person w/ a gun. Lawndale and Shakespeare. Two males, one in blue clothing and the other in a white t-shirt are walking towards Hamlin on Shakespeare, with possibly guns in their waistbands.
11:19pm - Loud music disturbance. 3050 N Central Park. Multiple calls.
11:20pm - A slow down is being given on the 11:14pm job. Now the guys are supposedly walking down Dickens from Lawndale.
11:27pm - Burglar alarm. 1938 N Springfield.
11:37pm - Domestic battery. Altgeld and Kostner. Caller beaten by the boyfriend.
11:56pm - Assault in progress. 2410 N Lawndale. People arguing in front.
11:59pm - 1) Reckless driver. Fullerton and Lawndale. Car speeding and swerving in traffic. Headed towards Central Park. 2) Disturbances. On 2525R's Beat.
12:00am - I'm gone for the night. Be safe, since there are some storms coming in overnight, and see you all in the morning.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Known Mental Goes Missing From Shakespeare
9:48am - Missing person report. 3741 W Shakespeare. 13 yr old mental son went missing.
9:51am - Narcotics. Armitage and Monticello.
10:11am - Theft. 21X2 N Avers. Gangbangers attempted to break in and steal two bikes.
10:14am - Wanted from the 10:11am job are three guys. They're named Mikey, Orlando and Julian. They're 16 to 18 yrs old. Mikey and Orlando are in white t-shirts, blue jeans, and have shaved heads with the shag hairstyle going on. They tried to jump the caller for their bike, so it's a robbery, not a theft. These homies are MOBs from Cortland and Keystone.
10:49am - Parker. 2447 N Hamlin.
10:54am - Robbery. Fullerton and Avers. Male came by, stolen a chain and ran off. Caller is a vendor on the corner. Does not want a police report, just wants them to know.
11:53am - Beat car 2524 gets a parker on the Beat.
11:57am - Criminal trespass in progress. 4052 W Armitage. Male trespassing; refuses to leave.
12:13pm - Backlog in 25 at 12:13 hours.
12:15pm - A slow down is being given on the 11:57am job.
12:28pm - Holding the offender. 4404 W Fullerton. Two women being held at International Foods.
12:43pm - They're calling back on Shakespeare.
1:16pm - Some call in the coverage area.
1:31pm - Assist the trucker. 2424 N Pulaski.
2:04pm - 1) Holding the offender. 4441 W Diversey. Male exposed himself to a female. 2) Municipal ordinance violation. 4322 W Schubert. 3) Parker. Schubert and Kostner. 4) Recover the stolen vehicle. 3004 N Karlov.
3:40pm - I'm laying down for a nap. I'll be back at 5.
5:00pm - I'm back.
5:10pm - Disturbance. 3600 W Belden. Male on a scooter bike, burning rubber where people are working on a car.
5:18pm - Beat car 2522 has a traffic stop at Altgeld and Ridgeway.
6:10pm - 1) Person down. 2555 N Monticello. Drunk passed out, with a bottle of liquor still in his hand. 2) Disturbance. Diversey and Kostner. Dispute with store manager.
6:31pm - Beat 2561, and his team, Beat 2561Adam, is doing a combined mission with the 14th District. Event number is 15184.
6:36pm - Person w/ a gun. Springfield and Wrightwood. Male Hispanic, white t-shirt and blue jeans, is showing off his gun.
7:02pm - Parker. 3102 N Monticello.
7:15pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Avers.
7:37pm - Beat 2562Boy is going in with one from a traffic stop at Palmer and Avers.
7:58pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2025 N Kedvale. 2) Domestic battery. 2624 N Kildare. 3) There were two or three other calls pending in the area.
8:27pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a park check at Ken-Well.
9:07pm - Disturbance. 2914 N Ridgeway. Problem with a man who refuses to give back money or something.
9:40pm - A unit is doing a park check at Mozart.
9:47pm - Gang disturbance. Wrightwood and Kostner. 15 of them flashing.
10:08pm - Domestic battery. 4255 W Nelson. Daughters' boyfriend hit the daughter.
10:22pm - Violation order of protection. 3750 W Armitage. Ex-husband's on scene, going through the caller's things. Caller is not home.
10:23pm - Domestic battery. 1824 N Springfield. 13 yr old's pushing everyone around.
10:25pm - Robbery. Armitage and Central Park. Male Hispanic, 5'6, 160 lbs, black t-shirt and jeans, robbed.
10:59pm - Missing person report. 2739 N Hamlin. 15 yr old son's been gone all day.
11:46pm - Beat car 2532Robert is chasing a car from Division and Long. Going west. White vehicle. It's taking off after shots were fired.
11:47pm - Still west on Division. From Pine.
11:48pm - Sounds like the car's stopped. Police/dispatch chatter follows for about 10 minutes afterwards.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Drunks Drinking At Milwaukee and Avers
12:55pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Avers. A group of the usuals are drinking.
1:18pm - Assault. 3709 W Armitage.
1:48pm - Beat 2592 asks for an event number for segway patrol from Pulaski to Cicero. Event number is 09041.
2:20pm - Beat 2575Sam is doing a premise check at the Healy METRA station, 4014 W Fullerton. Event number is 09673.
2:34pm - Theft. 4129 W Barry. Caller had things stolen out of their car.
3:20pm - Backlog in 25 at 15:20 hours.
3:22pm - Vice complaint. On 2523's Beat.
3:37 to 4:26pm - Fell asleep. Sorry :(.
4:28pm - EMS run. 3131 N Hamlin.
4:39pm - Domestic battery. 4128 W Nelson.
5:13pm - Gang disturbance. Wrightwood and Kostner.
6:09pm - 1) Vicious animal. 2938 N Hamlin. 2) Traffic accident. Belmont and Central Park. 3) Narcotics. On 2523's Beat.
6:15pm - Disturbance. 3821 W Wrightwood. Former resident of Safe Heaven is outside, causing a ruckus.
6:27pm - 1) Assault in progress. 1918 N Lawndale. Group of people trying to fight the caller's daughter. 2) Disturbance. Shakespeare and Springfield.
6:34pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:48pm - I'm back.
7:19pm - Gang disturbance. Belmont and Lawndale.
7:20pm - Some call in the coverage area.
7:45pm - 1) Suspicious person. 2124 N Hamlin. 2) Assault in progress. 1824 N Monticello.
8:18pm - Battery in progress. Hamlin and Belden.
8:23pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 3813 W Fullerton. At Dollar Day Plus. 2) Parker. On 2524's Beat.
8:47 to 8:53pm - Wasn't paying too much attention. Sorry.
8:55pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 4312 W Schubert. 2) Some call at 3649 W Dickens.
9:15pm - Disturbance. 4406 W Diversey.
9:43pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 3741 W Shakespeare. 13 yr old high risk mental is going off.
10:00pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Beat 2523 CAPS Meeting Tonight (6-25-10)
The old issues that were talked about from last month's meeting were the ones on Avers. Before I arrived, there was a long discussion about both.
New problems:
- On Kenosha, there is a problem with one man coming up to cars, possibly making exchanges. Big bags of drugs found. Drug selling is going on, basically.
- On Davlin, there is a problem with suspicious vehicles between 2am and 5am. The people in them drink, do drugs, etc.
> I am told that the owner of Bristol's on Milwaukee came, and a resident and him had heated words.
> The shooting at 3942 W. Barry earlier this month was talked about a little. An offender was arrested. The victim and offender had previous altercations. On the night of the shooting, the offender came with three other men. The victim's mother came to the door. The offenders pushed their way in, shot the victim and beat another victim (who tried to stop the incident) over the head with a, believed, blunt object.
> The most incidents took place again in the 3000 block of North Milwaukee. The most crimes were, for three months in a row, battery (18 reported incidents), theft (16 reported incidents) and burglary (9 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Wednesdays and Fridays. Most incidents took place on the street (30 reported incidents) and in apartments (18 reported incidents). The most incidents took place in the 10am, 7pm and 10pm hours.
As I do in every Beat meeting post, I extend my thanks to all for being involved in this meeting. We are making progress for sure, I think, but a lot of work still needs to be done. Once again, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! We need all of the help we can get.
Thank you,
EMS Run On Montana
12:47pm - EMS run. 4444 W Montana. 65 yr old passed out and not breathing.
12:52pm - Domestic disturbance. 3637 W Shakespeare. Argument.
1:11pm - Disturbance. 31X0 N Davlin. Caller's being harassed by people at the door.
1:29pm - Backlog in 25 at 13:29 hours.
1:40pm - Burglary. 4042 W Nelson.
2:24pm - Beat car 2524 has a traffic stop at Springfield and Wrightwood.
2:25pm - Suspicious person. 2312 N Kedvale. Male in the alley, looking at the houses.
2:54pm - Disturbance. 1919 N Pulaski. Male and female arguing in the alley.
3:08pm - Disturbance. Belmont and Milwaukee. Several males loitering around the northbound CTA bus stop. They're also drinking.
3:12pm - Assist the citizen. Somewhere around Diversey and Avers. Caller needs help obtaining his runaway 14 yr old daughter from a location in the area.
3:24pm - Vice complaint. On 2523's Beat.
3:31pm - EMS run. 2739 N Pulaski. Female passed out in the Currency Exchange.
3:50pm - Domestic disturbance. 1750 N Harding. Family fight.
3:51pm - Disturbance. 2633 N Avers. Homeless men going through the garbage can. The cops sound surprised to hear this. I'm thinking that they're thinking it's at 2933.
4:06pm - Weather update for everyone: We've got some strong storms moving in. They're currently out near Rockford. They should be in Chicago between 5 and 6pm, and last until 7 or 8pm. They might be like Friday's storms (or worse, but hopefully they aren't), so be prepared.
4:15pm - Traffic accident. 2545 N Hamlin.
4:21pm - Domestic disturbance. 2048 N Hamlin.
4:56pm - Disrturbance. Avers and Milwaukee. 10 males on the corner drinking and begging for money.
5:40pm - EMS run. 2926 N Ridgeway. Man lying in the grass.
5:44pm - Some call in the area.
5:47pm - Zone 12 is now on Citywide 6. Probably because of the storm. Frequency is 460.250.
5:54 to 6:48pm - Was taking shelter with my mom. By the way, Zone 12's back on it's regular channel, 460.425.
7:41pm - Going to my Beat meeting. I'll be back.
8:34pm - I'm back.
8:36pm - Battery in progress. 2622 N Lawndale. Gangbangers came to the boyfriend's house and are beating him up.
8:37pm - Also a "battery in progress" ticket coming in for 2616 on Lawndale. Gangbangers are beating on a man in front of there, too.
8:42pm - EMS needed on Lawndale. Man was hit over the head with a bottle at 2622.
9:02pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Crime Speciality Of The Day: Theft
2:14pm - Theft. 3143 N Milwaukee. At Taco Bell. Caller was pick-pocketed.
2:34pm - Theft. Pulaski and Dickens. Three 14 yr olds snatched the 3 year old's necklace off his neck.
3:05 to 3:20, and again from 3:24 to 3:50pm - I took a small nap, but I'm back now.
4:38pm - Person w/a knife. 2908 N Springfield. Something about the neighbor being arrested last night. But how is that a knife call? That's an assault, at least.
4:58pm - Disturbance. Wellington and Hamlin. Dispute with punks over opening a fire hydrant.
5:24pm - 1) Holding the offender. 1627 N Pulaski. Shoplifting at Walgreens. 2) Gang disturbance. 24X0 N Kildare. Four Cobras hanging in front.
5:29pm - Gang disturbance. Ken-Well Park. Six of them throwing signs and selling dope.
5:43pm - Assist the citizen. 1824 N Monticello.
6:01pm - person down. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. Male laying on the sidewalk. EMS is NOT going. Don't know why.
6:28pm - Gang disturbances. On all sectors of 25. Including our sector, the 20 sector.
6:33pm - Person wanted. 3741 W Shakespeare.
6:41pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:55pm - I'm back.
7:25pm - Person wanted. 2990 N Milwaukee. Male wanted for DUI.
7:47pm - Narcotics. Altgeld and Kildare.
7:59pm - Narcotics. 2039 N Keeler. People doing drugs on the 3rd floor of the abandoned building. Prostituties may be involved.
8:41pm - Burglar alarm. 2200 N Pulaski. At Chicago Drier Courts.
8:52pm - Generic. 4437 W Wellington. Orange cones are blocking residents from parking.
9:01pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone. Oh, by the way, 2523's CAPS meeting is at 7pm tomorrow, 3160 N. Milwaukee, Copericus Center. If you live on the Beat, please, come. I'll be there.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Man Masturbates On Springfield
11:33am - Sex offense. 1854 N Springfield. Male masturbating in the alley.
11:49am - Beat car 2535 asks for an RD number from 3922 W North. It's HS371007 with the event number of 06975.
11:51am - Reckless driver. Altgeld and Avers. Blue GMC damaged the curb and the cul-de-sac.
11:57am - Suspicious vehicle. 3045 N Hamlin. Three people in an unknown vehicle, possibly drinking.
12:08pm - Burglar report. 2453 N Avers.
1:36pm - Some call at 3755 W Belden.
2:32pm - I'm laying down for a quick nap. I'm tired.
3:00pm - I'm back.
3:11pm - Assault in progress. 1929 N Pulaski. Male resident at Geneva Foundations threatening to burn the place down.
3:30pm - Beat 2562Eddie is taking one in from a stop at 2148 N Lawndale.
4:11pm - Disturbance. On 2523's Beat.
5:41pm - Shots Fired. Armitage and Karlov. Two heard.
5:43pm - A slow down is being given on the 5:41pm job. Nobody heard anything.
6:08pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 2933 N Avers. Three males breaking into the rear of the boarded up property.
6:23pm - Battery. 2908 N Springfield. Neighbor hit the caller.
6:35pm - Domestic battery. 30X0 N Kenneth. Sister's boyfriend is beating the caller. I won't give out the exact address, because it's kind of personal.
6:36pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:50pm - I'm back.
7:11pm - Apparently, the 6:08pm guys are now in the property. What a shame. And it was just boarded up today.
7:36pm - EMS run. 2330 N Harding. Male down.
7:54pm - Burglar alarm. 3927 W Belmont.
8:22pm - Person stabbed. Armitage and Keystone. Male stabbed in the chest.
8:26pm - Gang disturbance. On the 20 sector of 25.
8:38pm - Wanted from this shooting is a male who lives at 4249 W Armitage. No further information.
8:43pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 8:22pm job. It's HS371971 with the event number of 16760. Exact address of 4048 W Armitage will be used.
8:45pm - Backlog in 25 at 20:45 hours.
9:04pm - Gang disturbance. 29X8 N Springfield. They're hanging out in front, and the caller's concerned because there's a dispute between two neighbors on the block.
9:32pm - 1) Theft report. 4052 W Armitage. Man stole a bottle of liquor. 2) Recover the stolen vehicle. 3712 W Dickens.
9:55pm - EMS run. 3720 W McLean. Roommate's been drinking straight vodka for three days in a row.
9:59pm - Third call for tonight coming in at 2933 N Avers. These drunks are out of control with the way they're just taking over the property.
10:16pm - Loud music disturbance. 2911 N Kostner. From the garage.
10:28pm - Beat car 2524 has a traffic stop at Wrightwood and Kostner.
10:30pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, people. Oh, by the way, 2521's asking for another car at 2933 Avers.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day 2010
10:11am - Wanted for "Shots fired" at Milwaukee and Gresham is a grey vehicle with Puerto Rican flags on it. It fired two shots. Fled towards Central Park. Info coming over from 14.
10:21am - Domestic disturbance. 442X W Wrightwood.
11:35am - Domestic disturbance. 2137 N Springfield. Problem with visitation regarding a child.
11:56am - Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Belmont.
12:00pm - Backlog in 25 at noon on the dot.
12:02pm - Robbery. 2920 N Pulaski.
12:04pm - A slow down is being given on the 12:02pm job.
12:13pm - The 12:02pm vitcim is now in Koz Park. He says that a drug dealer took his money. One cop yells out nonsense. "Vitcimness crime!" "No police report!". It's the crabby old guy who usually works on Beat 2544 (he's on 2512 today). He needs to retire already.
12:34pm - Traffic accident. Diversey and Pulaski. Hit and run.
12:37pm - Domestic disturbance. 3146 N Springfield. Problem with the girlfriend.
2:00pm - Backlog in 25 renewed at 14:00 hours.
2:38pm - Criminal damage in progress. 3651 W Schubert. At Monroe school. Male Hispanic, teen, white t-shirt, black doo rag is with another teen, tagging up the Lawndale side of the school.
3:36pm - Disturbance. 3700 W Lyndale. Kids riding on a motor bike sort of thing.
4:21pm - More drama at Monroe. This time, four male Blacks who broke out a window there a few days ago, are now there, trespassing.
4:38pm - A unit is taking one in from a traffic stop at 4142 W Fullerton.
4:39pm - Domestic battery. 2134 N Karlov. Boyfriend beat the complainant and stole the cell phone.
5:02pm - EMS run. 3636 W George. Male down.
5:20pm - There is a man on the METRA tracks at Armitage and Springfield. Beat car 2525 will go up there with METRA police.
5:34pm - Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Belmont. Three cars.
5:55pm - 1) Parker. 3652 W North Ave. Car blocking garage. 2) Parker. 1800 block of N Harding. Premits.
6:13pm - Gang disturbance. 2000 block of N Karlov. Six of them flashing signs.
6:32pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:49pm - I'm back.
7:00pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 1800 block of N Springfield. 2) Suspicious vehicle. 18XX N Monticello.
7:36pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Hamlin. Four drunks blocking the sidewalk.
7:48pm - Burglar alarm. 1920 N Hamlin. At Ames.
7:51pm - Battery in progress. 4126 W Wrightwood. Domestic related. Male beating a female.
8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Night, everyone.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Disturbance On Milwaukee
12:02am - Disturbance. 2200 N Milwaukee. Intoxicated female has came to the scene and is yelling in front. With that, good night, folks. Will be back in the morning.
8:00am - I'm back. Good morning, everyone.
8:07am - Parker. 1629 N Claremont. Car in the way of "moving day".
8:09am - EMS run. 3325 W Wellington. Man slumped over wheel in his vehicle.
8:12am - Suspicious vehicle. 2502 N St. Louis. Car with a plate of H242XXX is parked out in front. It's been there for a while.
8:15am - The 8:09am job is coded. Dude got up and walked away.
8:31am - Criminal damage. 1920 N Sawyer.
8:34am - Disturbance. Kedzie Blue Line CTA Station. Male Black, 20s, is aggressively panhandling.
8:40am - Assist the citizen. Diversey and Logan. Woman's bumper fell off her car, and she now refuses to move. Traffic is being blocked.
8:42am - Multiple calls coming in for the 8:31am job. Caller says that they are at 1920 N Spaulding now.
8:46am - Information for the police. 2050 W Webster. Room sized rug laying on a down wire.
8:49am - Street lights at Milwaukee and Armitage are out. Milwaukee's are completely dead, but Armitage's are flashing red.
8:50am - Missing person report. 3525 W Dickens. 16 yr old went missing.
9:00am - Alarm. 1942 N Wolcott.
9:04am - The tree limbs on the 1700 block of W Cortland are real low to the ground. If a car comes through, they'll hit them. Dispatch is putting it on her long list of jobs pending for the city.
9:41am - Theft. 2747 N Milwaukee. Intoxicated male with a backpack just took money from the register and walked out. This is at Pierre's Bakery.
9:43am - EMS run. 2424 W Cortland.
9:44am - Traffic signals are out. 2801 N Western and 2153 W Fullerton.
9:55am - If anyone has any reports they'd like to share about yesterday's storm, please do so. Email me or comment on here.
9:57am - Parker. 2818 W Diversey. White truck, no plates, "for sale" sign has been parked there for over a week. In front of the I-Hop.
10:00am - Disturbance. 2846 N Milwaukee. Two males sleeping in front of the store.
10:21am - Traffic accident. Campbell/Elston/George. Two cars.
10:24am - Information for the police. 1900 block of N Hermitage. Tow truck unloading cars.
10:27am - Now the 10:24am job comes in as an assault. Complainant was threatened by a tow truck driver.
10:30am - Domestic disturbance. 2342 N Kedzie. Couple fighting.
10:34am - Burglar alarm. 3018 W Palmer.
10:43am - Traffic control. Fullerton and Seeley.
10:48am - 1) Disturbance. 1834 N Mozart. Drunk passed out in the alley. 2) Person w/ a gun. Campbell and Wabansia. White Volkswagen with a plate of 6361215 heading towards North Ave. The driver has a gun, and he pointed it at the caller.
10:58am - Criminal damage. 2867 W Belden. Neighbor threw a piece of plywood at the window.
11:09am - Reckless driver. Diversey and Campbell. Car speeding towards the Kennedy.
11:17am - Beat 1402 asks for an RD number from 2335 N California for a traffic accident. It's HS367831 with the event number of 07137.
11:42am - EMS run. 2723 W St. George's. The brother went through some glass during a fight.
12:36pm - Burglar alarm. 2417 W Medill.
1:09pm - Parker. 2400 block of N Spaulding.
1:37pm - Traffic accident. California and Logan Boulevard. Hit and run.
1:48pm - There was a call at the CVS at 2053 N Milwaukee.
1:53pm - Theft in progress. 3554 W North. At the Speedway.
2:12pm - Battery in progress. 3046 N California. Group fighting in the rear of Cline's bar.
2:14pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 2945 N Fairfield. Couple fighting. 2) Gang disturbance. 3500 block of W Fullerton. Large group with beer bottles.
2:16pm - Some call at 2116 W McLean.
2:24pm to 2:35pm - There were a couple of calls throughout the area.
2:38pm - Beat 1404Adam needs a car at Diversey and Central Park for traffic control from a roll over accident at Schubert and Central Park.
2:45pm - EMS run. 1933 N Mozart. Drunk guy passed out.
3:04pm - EMS run. 1922 N California.
3:14pm - Beat 40Boy says that he's got word of Insane Spanish Cobras throwing bottles at Cortland and California.
3:29pm - Gang disturbance. Wabansia and Albany.
3:40pm - Disturbance. 2922 N Milwaukee. Males drinking in front of Iry's.
3:41pm - The Puerto Rican Parade is now on North Ave. Beat 1400, the Commander of the 14th, wants North shut down from Central Park all the way east.
4:12pm - A unit has a traffic accident at Belmont and Kedzie. Person was hit by a bike but is ok.
4:14pm - Battery. Albany and North. Caller was hit by gangbangers.
4:21pm - Person wanted. 3000 W Diversey. Offender in a car with a plate of A961136 is wanted. Not sure for what.
4:23pm - Traffic accident. Wabansia and Artesian. One car's blocking traffic.
4:32pm - Burglar alarm. 2845 N Rockwell.
4:38pm - Traffic accident. 3019 N Kimball. Two cars.
4:44pm - Beat 1404A reports that there is a group of gangbangers loitering at North Ave. and Washtenaw, on the NW corner. Then, a group walks south while another stands at the corner.
4:45pm - A call just came in for the 4:44pm thing. There's about 20 of them.
4:49pm - Person w/ a gun. North and Mozart. Male Hispanic, purple t-shirt and blue jeans has a gun.
4:52pm - Battery in progress. Wabansia and Albany. 12 guys fighting on the corner.
4:56pm - Disturbance. North and Spaulding. Teens.
4:59pm - A slow down is being given on the 4:52pm job.
5:04pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 2612 W Armitage. Squatters in a vacant building.
5:05pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Western. Two cars, no injuries.
5:06pm - Traffic accident. 2700 W Diversey.
5:50pm - Reckless driver. Palmer and Kedzie. Car with a Puerto Rican flag has people hanging out the back of it.
6:06pm - Gang disturbance. 2645 W Wabansia.
6:39pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:59pm - I'm back.
7:11pm - An outside unit says that if Dispatch gets a call for a "battery in progress" at Cortland and California, she can just code it.
7:24pm - Person wanted. California and Dickens. Male wanted for a shooting.
7:25pm - Domestic disturbance. 3580 W Belden.
7:38pm - A couple of units just got flagged down about a big disturbance on Fullerton. From Central Park to Ridgeway, there are people throwing objects at passing cars.
7:49pm - Gang disturbance. Cortland and California. They're breaking out car windows and throwing bottles.
7:50pm - Traffic control. North and Ada.
7:56pm - A unit has a street stop at McLean and Western.
7:59pm - Domestic disturbance. Armitage and Milwaukee. In the Walgreens parking lot, caller's having a fight with the girlfriend.
8:10pm - Battery in progress. Diversey and Central Park. Ten males fighting with bottles and bats.
8:36pm - Backlog in 14 at 20:36 hours.
8:37pm - Person w/ a knife. Wabansia and Drake.
8:38pm - Battery in progress. Wabansia and Mozart. Five guys fighting.
8:39pm - 1) Disturbance. St. Louis and Medill. Group of men loitering on the SE corner. 2) Traffic accident. Belmont and Kimball. 3) Assist the citzien. 1702 N Campbell. 4) Parker. 2126 W Homer.
8:43pm - There is a call for a fight at Wabansia and Albany.
8:51pm - Disturbance. 2500 block of N Campbell. People yelling. Not known what is going on.
8:54pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 1600 block of N Washtenaw. They're all hanging out. 2) Barking dog. 1814 N Talman. 3) Narcotics. Humboldt and Bloomingdale. Drug sales occurring.
8:56pm - Gang disturbance. North and Campbell. Two of them doing their thing.
8:58pm - 1) Disturbance. Bloomingdale and Spaulding. People snatching flags. 2) Disturbance. 3142 W North. Male harassing people at the gas station.
9:00pm - Assault. 2224 N Kimball. Two men in a gold vehicle with a plate of H950510 threatened him with a bat.
9:01pm - 1) Disturbance. 3226 W Palmer. Neighbors having a real loud party. 2) Disturbance. 3401 W Fullerton. Kids throwing water bottles from the roof.
9:06pm - Narcotics. 35X0 W McLean. Male smoking weed on the front porch.
9:14pm - Disturbance. Kimball and North. People throwing things off of a roof.
9:17pm - 1) Suspicious person. 1718 N Wood. Male teen chasing a female teen. 2) Narcotics. Fullerton and Sacramento. Male selling in the parking lot by a yellow motorcycel.
9:18pm - Parker. 2840 W Logan.
9:20pm - Shots Fired. Rockwell and Altgeld. Two gangbangers in white t-shirts were seen running towards Fullerton after two shots were fired. Also, there's motorcycles going up and down the alley of California from North Ave. to Bloomingdale.
9:28pm - Domestic disturbance. Wabansia and Whipple. Problem over child custody.
9:33pm - Person w/ a gun. 1631 N Spaulding. Male Black, dark complected, white t-shirt has a gun. He's with a group of people who are throwing rocks and stuff.
9:36pm - Gangbangers are acting up for the fourth or fifth time today at Cortland and California.
9:38pm - Sex offense. 2500 W Homer. Four people having sexual activity in the building.
9:50pm - Battery in progress. 2801 W Fullerton. Gangbangers fighting in the alley.
9:51pm - Person w/ a gun. 2800 block of W Wabansia.
10:01pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 1839 N Richmond. At Yates school. 2) Disturbance. Bloomingdale and Mozart. Cab driver took off with the backpack and crotches.
10:04pm - Gang disturbance. 3300 W Fullerton. Five of them screaming at passing cars.
10:16pm - Disturbance. 1628 N St. Louis. People arguing on the street.
10:22pm - Battery in progress. 3350 W Diversey. Two people fighting with a car trying to run them over. In the parking lot of the bank.
10:23pm - Domestic disturbance. Spaulding and Wellington. Male arguing with a female. He keeps grabbing at his waistband as if he has a gun.
10:26pm - Backlog in 14 renewed at 22:26 hours.
10:29pm - Person w/ a gun. Fullerton and St. Louis. Male Hispanic, 30s, white tanktop, blue shorts has a gun.
10:33pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:29pm.
10:34pm - Parker. 2736 W Altgeld.
10:35pm - Information for the police. Belmont and St. Louis. Two needles found on the bus stop bench.
10:39pm - Domestic battery. 2346 N Western. At the gas station. Caller was hit by the boyfriend who took off in their car with their keys.
10:40pm - Lots of stuff still going on at Cortland and California. Now minors are drinking liquor, and gangbangers are rushing at cars.
10:41pm - Shots Fired. 2800 block of N Kedzie. Multiple "loud reports" heard. Probably fireworks, I think. Lots of fireworks going off where I am, and I'm five blocks west of Kedzie.
10:42pm - Narcotics. Fullerton and Drake. Three females selling out of a sliver vehicle.
10:43pm - 1) Loud music disturbances galore. 1700 block of N Honore, 2137 N Maplewood and 3037 W Belden. 2) Gang disturbance. Armitage and Western. By the hot dog stand. They're yelling out slogans. One in a white t-shirt might have a gun.
10:46pm - Battery in progress. Western and Armitage. Gangbangers fighting.
10:51pm - Beat car 1411Robert says that a citizen came up to him saying someone was shot at near North Ave. and Drake.
10:56pm - 1) Assault in progress. Fullerton and Kimball. CTA bus #1982 has passengers threatening the driver. 2) Fireworks. Maplewood Playlot.
11:11pm - Gangbangers are still acting up around Western and Armitage. Now they're imtimdating people in front of a candy store.
11:12pm - Disturbance. 2318 N Leavitt. Problem with a female on the 3rd floor.
11:13pm - Beat 1481Adam has a traffic stop at Paulina and Wabansia.
11:22pm - Beat 1499 wants units to meet him at Wabansia and Humboldt.
11:34pm - 1) Assault in progress. Elston and Nelson. Man with a pitbull threatening a group. 2) Burglary in progress. 1731 N Sawyer. Unknown subjects went into the rear of an apartment, when nobody should be there.
11:35pm - Disturbance. 1745 N Sawyer. Group of guys loitering. They're also harassing people with BB guns.
11:39pm - Beat 6760Adam wants to disperse three for gang loitering at North Ave. and Wasthenaw. Console time is 23:39 hours and the event number is 20916.
11:43pm - 1) Battery in progress. Bloomingdale and Spaulding. Male beating a female near a black Honda. 2) Battery in progress. Western and Armitage. 10 to 20 people fighting by McDonalds. 3) Battery in progress. 1600 N Kimball.
11:51pm - Battery in progress. 16X3 N Washtenaw. 20 gangbangers fighting in the alley.
11:52pm - Gang disturbance. 16X2 N Talman. Ten to 15 of them about to fight.
11:57pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 3228 W McLean. 2) Gang disturbance. Albany and Belmont. Group of them yelling and shouting. 3) Gang disturbance. 21X6 N Bingham. 4) Loud music disturbances at Francisco and Altgeld, and Lyndale and Central Park. They're both loud parties. 5) Disturbance. Fullerton and Kedzie. 6) Couple of other disturbances which I couldn't get in time.
12:00am - I'm gone for the night. See you all in the morning.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Burglary Mission Is Being Done In The Area
10:03am - Beat 2565Adam asks for a Burglary mission event number on the 20 sector. Event number is 06512.
10:42am - Nothing's been happening in the area, but boy do the cops in the 15th have their hands tied. Big fights have been breaking out at schools throughout the district.
10:59am - Person down. 3143 N Hamlin. Male down.
11:00am - Traffic accident. Hamlin and Wabansia.
11:59am - Open door. 2435 N Avers. The abandoned property has it's back door open, and there's four teens in there right now.
12:53pm - Disturbance. 3849 W Wrightwood. Something about a U-Haul truck and someone refusing to give back belongings. This call sounds kinda weird.
1:22pm - Disturbance. Belmont and Pulaski. Man begging for money.
1:52pm - Person down. 1942 N Monticello. Male laying on the ground by the cul-de-sac.
1:53pm - I'm looking at the news/weather online, and I'm reading that severe thunderstorms are real likely to hit the area around 4pm. These storms have a history for producing destructive winds of about 70 to 80 mph. Those are hurricane force winds. Large hail, heavy rain and maybe even an isolated tornado are also threats. I hope we don't get any power outages or tornadoes. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed. If we do get bad storms, I would like everyone to send in storm reports.
1:59pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 4415 W Altgeld. 2) Disturbance. Fullerton and Pulaski. Male selling water. It's hot out, though. 3) Backlog in 25 at 13:59 hours.
2:05pm - 1) Municipal ordinance violation. 2856 N Avers. People illegally selling things. 2) Narcotics. 28X1 N Lowell. Teens doing marijuana. 3) Traffic accident. Fullerton and Avers.
2:36pm - 1) Disturbance. 2940 N Hamlin. Neighbors. 2) Domestic disturbance. 2451 N Kildare. Husband broke into the garage, busted out the car windows.
2:37pm - Vicious animal. 4428 W Parker. Neighbor's dog jumped the fence and chased the family.
2:41pm - An RD number is pulled from 2451 N Kildare. It's HS366497 with the event number of 11646.
2:52pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 2923 N Springfield. 2) Parker. 3634 W Wrightwood.
3:19pm - Supposedly, there's a bunch of bums in the abandoned building at 2943 N Avers.
3:45pm - Narcotics. 3633 W Dickens. Four teens doing drugs.
3:55pm - Person wanted. 2700 N Ridgeway. Handyman who stole things is on the scene now.
4:13pm - Tornado!!! Kedzie and Warren. Beat car 2531 was heading for a car wash when a funnel cloud appeared, then a tornado dropped out of the sky. Not sure where it's going.
4:26pm - Beat car 2514's partner got struck by debris at 5239 W Wolfram. He said he's ok.
4:41pm - Burglar alarm. 3714 W Shakespeare.
4:45pm - The street lights are out at Fullerton and Kostner.
5:14pm - Narcotics. 2750 N Lawndale.
5:20pm - Wires down at 2336 N Harding and at 2428 N Hamlin.
5:49pm - Request for supervisor. 2428 N Hamlin. CFD wants a supervisor to come check out the building.
6:00pm - The wires at 2428 Hamlin are live. They go into the house and they are sparking and popping. There is a good chance that the house could catch on fire. I'm going to make my way over there, I think, after the rain lets up.

6:09pm - Burglar alarm. 3814 W Wrightwood.
6:17 to 6:55pm - I went to go look at the storm damage in the area. We were definitely spared the worst of that storm. From what I saw, there's not a lot of damage. On Ridgeway, there's mostly small tree limbs on the sidewalk, with two big branches down (one on my block and another on the 2600 block). Lawndale, however, seems to have gotten the brunt of the storm in our area. No damage on the 2700 block, but on the 2800 block, there's twigs all over the street. There is also a couple of big tree branches laying in the street. On George, in the alley between Ridgeway and Hamlin, there's a big tree branch blocking it. On Wrightwood, there's a considerable-sized branch laying on the grass. On Hamlin, there's barely no damage. Just small twigs and stuff. Overall, there's not really any serious damage, as compared to other areas in the city.
7:02pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:16pm - I'm back.
7:42pm - High speed chase. About 5400 W Chicago. Car speeding off from a unit.
7:43pm - East on Chicago from Laramie.
7:45pm - Sounds like they have the offender in custody. 840 N Laramie. The guy committed battery to a police officer. By the way, we have more storms coming in. This next line should be in just after 8:45.
8:19pm - Gang disturbance. Fulerton and Central Park. They're out there, flashing.
8:20pm - Assault in progress. 3638 W Shakespeare. Gangbangers about to fight.
8:35pm - Person down. Milwaukee and Central Park.
9:09pm - Domestic battery. 3639 W Shakespeare.
9:33pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 3613 W Palmer. Large group in the alley, blasting music. 2) Drag racing. 4011 W Fullerton. Motorcycles.
9:43pm - Arson in progress. Diversey and Kostner. Man setting something on fire.
9:45pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 3743 W Belden. Patient going off.
9:50pm - Burglary in progress. 3721 W Belmont.
10:02 to 10:05pm - Wasn't paying attention. Sorry :(.
10:09pm - Beat car 2534 heard four loud reports at Pulaski and Wabansia.
10:11pm - Shots Fired. 2000 block of N Karlov. Couple of tickets coming in.
10:13pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 2238 N Avers. 2) A slow down is being given at the 10:11pm job.
10:28pm - The 9:09pm job is calling back.
10:31pm - The 9:09/10:28pm job now comes in as a "person w/ a knife".
11:06pm - Assault. 3033 N Davlin. Someone threatened the caller.
11:27pm - Shots Fired. 3845 W Wrightwood. Three heard with people yelling in the alley.

These three pictures are on the 2800 block of N Ridgeway.

This is the damage done from the storm on the 2800 block of N Lawndale. Like I said, they got the worst of it in this immeadiate area.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Fight At Dickens and Lawndale
12:04am - Battery in progress. Dickens and Lawndale.
12:05am - This possibly could be stemming from a gang disturbance at that intersection.
12:07am - Beat car 2523Robert is needed for a crime scene at 3942 W Barry. A man was shot. He's on his way to Illinois Masonic, in critical condition.
12:09am - The job is coded. No gangbangers fighting.
12:11am - I'm out for the night. I'll be back in the morning.
8:00am - I'm back. Good morning.
8:04am - Person w/ a gun. 3019 N Milwaukee. Husband has a gun. They're arguing.
8:11am - A slow down is being given on the 8:04am job. He doesn't have a gun, and he fled on the #56 Milwaukee bus towards Belmont.
8:15am - Wanted from the 8:04am job is a male White named Archie. He's 6 feet tall, 270 lbs, white t-shirt, black shorts and shaved head.
8:25am - I'm two days late on this, but does anyone know anything about a guy with a gun at about 12:45am on Tuesday morning at Moffat and Campbell? I'm told there were 20 cops looking for a guy with a gun. They allegedly caught him but were looking around until 1:30 for the gun. Any information would be appreciated on this.
8:26am - Robbery. Belmont and Pulaski. At the Walgreens. Male Black, white t-shirt, blue jeans and white shoes robbed a female. That Walgreens is on 17's side, don't know how the call landed on 25's side.
8:28am - No vitcim or offender on scene yet at the 8:26am job. 2523 is looking.
8:32am - The 8:26am job is duped out to 17.
9:00am - Suspicious vehicle. 2730 N Central Park. A red vehicle with a plate of H7371854 has been there for a while.
9:51am - Disturbance. 3082 N Haussen. Three to four men drinking and making lots of noise in the alley.
10:32am - Beat 2561 and his team are detailed to the Puerto Rican parade in 14.
11:10am - Parker. 2530 N Hamlin. Red Honda on the hydrant.
12:22pm - Narcotics. 23X6 N Springfield. Gangbangers selling, smoking weed, running up to cars, running in and out of gangways and walking the block. One's on a bike.
12:38pm - Beat car 2522 needs a wagon in the parking lot of the T-Moblie at Fullerton and Pulaski. She's got an offender from some job.
12:44pm - Narcotics. 28X2 N Tripp. They're selling out of a green car.
12:57pm - Fire. Altgeld and Lawndale. Car.
About 1:20 to 1:50pm - Fell asleep. Sorry :(.
2:02pm - Backlog in 25 at 14:02 hours.
2:50pm - Gang disturbance. Belden and Springfield. They're opening the hydrant with a wrench and are either splashing water at people.
2:56pm - Beat 2552 says that the water is going pretty good over at Belden and Springfield. Water department has been notified.
3:51pm - Beat 6753 is executing a search warrant at 2300 N Springfield. 15:51 is the console time and the event number is 12057.
3:54pm - Bus alarm. 5653 W Belmont. CTA bus #6719 is headed towards Central with it's alarm sounding. Just putting this out there since the bus is headed towards our area.
4:00pm - Switched over to Zone 1, 17th District until midnight. As soon as I switched, I find out that there is a disturbance call at 3310 N Springfield. A man is on the side of the building and they'd like for him to move along.
4:34pm - Disturbance. Addison and Hamlin.
4:43pm - Disturbance. 3242 N Ridgeway. Four youths playing out in front. One's in the tree. Wow. Kids harmlessly playing and someone's gotta call the po-po...
5:02pm - Theft. Addison and St. Louis. Vehicle was broken into in the K-Mart parking lot.
5:22pm - Gang disturbance. Belmont and Monticello. 10 to 12 of them flashing signs and loitering. Two are on bikes.
6:32pm - Assist the citizen. 3235 N Troy. Citizen needs help removing corner seals.
6:39pm - Traffic accident. Addison and Richmond. Two cars. One driver is refusing to give information.
6:48pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.
7:10pm - I'm back.
7:14pm - Traffic pursuit. Leclaire and Berteau. A Pontiac with Puerto Rican flags on it just took off from Beat 1643. Heading towards Milwaukee.
7:15pm - Going north in the west alley of Cicero.
7:16pm - The car went into 17 on Belle Plaine. Heading towards Killpatrick.
7:17pm - The occuppants fled from the car. 4704 W Belle Plaine.
7:18pm - The offenders are possibly near the Jewels, 4660 W Irving Park.
7:19pm - Offenders are in the Jewels. Officers are told to go block the main enterance.
8:05pm - Domestic disturbance. 3840 W Cornelia. Problem with the brother.
9:09pm - Beat 1772 had something at Lawndale and School.
9:44pm - Theft. 3528 N Kedzie. At Jewel's. A dark colored vehicle has a driver who stole items from the store. The vehicle's going towards Belmont.
12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back with 25 tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Burglar Report On Belmont
3:41pm - Burglar report. 3907 W Belmont.
4:04pm - Parker. 2720 N Lawndale. Red vehicle.
4:05pm - A unit is on a station assignment to Fullerton and Ridgeway.
4:32pm - Domestic battery. 4409 W Deming.
5:02pm - Gang disturbance. Belmont and Monticello.
6:12pm - 1) Recover the stolen auto. 2200 N Avers. 2) Parker. 2328 N Keystone.
6:17pm - Person w/ a gun. Wabansia and Harding. Male with spiky hair, black clothing walking towards Springfield with a gun.
6:29pm - Burglar report. Somewhere.
6:47pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:04pm - I'm back :).
7:59pm - Domestic battery. 4333 W Altgeld. Intoxicated uncle hit the caller.
8:21pm - Battery. 28X9 N Ridgeway. A guy in a white t-shirt and red shorts on a bike heading towards Milwaukee punched the caller. I just looked out the window and didn't see anything.
8:38 to 8:54pm - I fell asleep. Sorry :(.
9:00 to 10:09pm - Fell asleep AGAIN. Sorry.
10:11 to 11:45pm - And again.
11:47pm - All types of calls coming in for 3942 W Barry. Original call was a check the well being. Within the last 30 to 35 seconds, it's changed into a "battery in progress", "person w/ a gun", "person calling for help", etc. Four men are in the building, looking for someone. One ticket says they're trying to kill someone.
11:48pm - Shots Fired. 3942 W Barry. Males shooting in the building.
11:50pm - Three males busted out the back door. More units needed. Officers are going in. People can be heard screaming and dogs barking.
11:51pm - Someone's shot. EMS en route.
11:53pm - A slow down is being given. Someone has a massive head injury, however. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a homicide.
11:57pm - Check the well being. 3941 W Wellington.
12:25am, 6/17/10 - I have a description for the four offenders involved. The first one is a male Hispanic, named Ely Seae (I think that's the spelling on that last name). He's 5'8, 180 lbs. He is a Maniac Latin Brother from the area around Cicero and Barry. The second offender is a male White, 19-20 yrs old, 5'9, 165 lbs, wearing a black and white Cubs hat, and blue jeans. The third offender is a male White, 6'1, 120 lbs, wearing a Cubs t-shirt, black jeans and white shoes. The last offender is a male White, wearing all black (black shirt, black sweatpants), 5'10, 130 lbs. They're wanted for aggravated battery at this point.
12:30am, 6/17/10 - Ely has an IR number of 1917869, and according to records, he currently resides at 4825 W Wabansia. An officer sees a Puerto Rican flag there. A flag was involved in the shooting.
1:05am, 6/17/10 - CrimeLab was ordered on the shooting. Doesn't sound good.

(3942 W. Barry, looking from the corner of Barry and Davlin, about 10 hours after the shooting).