This website, or blog, is about the crime in the Avondale/Logan Square neighborhoods on Chicago's Northwest side.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sounds like more gang activity is building up. George and Hamlin has been a relatively quiet corner the last few months as far as gangs are concerned. But I think it's getting active again. Though, it's not as bad as George and Avers, where gang members have been acting up over the last couple of days.
May I remind people to please call 911 on any sort of gang activity. Be on the look out.
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Dozen Teen Argument On Ridgeway
4:28pm - Assault in progress. 2446 N Ridgeway. A dozen teens are arguing in front and caller is concerned it'll escalate.
4:43pm - 1) Traffic accident. 1800 N Hamlin. 2) Narcotics. Kostner and Wrightwood. Skateboarder selling drugs.
4:45pm - Person w/ a gun. Wrightwood and Hamlin. Male Hispanic with a black t-shirt and blue jeans is riding towards Schubert on a bike. He's got a gun. He was with three other teens and they were fighting.
4:58pm - They're calling back on the 4:29pm job.
5:15pm - 1) Domestic battery. Wrightwood and Keeler. 2) Gang disturbance. Dickens and Lawndale. 3) Disturbance. Belmont and Lawndale. Loiters on the corner. 4) Vice complaint. On 2525's Beat. 5) Disturbance. 1900 N Springfield.
5:35pm - Gang disturbance. George and Avers. Two of them stopping traffic and throwing up signs. Again? Oh, c'mon now. Second time in three hours. They're really acting up over there this afternoon. Sorry to say, but I except a Shots Fired call sometime this evening from this corner.
5:41pm - Vice complaint. 1659 N Pulaski.
5:48pm - Criminal damage in progress. 2526 N Springfield. People breaking out the neighbor's windows.
5:54pm - Beat car 2524 needs another car on the 5:49pm job. 2573 is going over.
5:56pm - Beat 2573 is given a disregard on the 5:55pm assist.
5:58pm - Gang disturbance. Barry and Monticello. They're loitering on the corner.
6:04pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 2844 N Lowell. Problem with mom who won't give the caller the car keys so they could go pound their I-Pod in the car. 2) Disturbance. Mozart Park. 3) Gang disturbance. Armitage and Pulaski.
6:06pm - Person w/ a gun. Belmont and Monticello or Central Park. Male Hispanic, red t-shirt, tattoo possibly has a gun. He's heading east in either the north or south alley of Belmont.
7:00pm - Beat 2505 asks for an event number for Kelvyn Park. It's 16464.
7:03pm - Beat car 2534 a handwaver at Armitage and Avers.
7:09pm - 1) Criminal damage. 1724 N Springfield. 2) Disturbance. Keystone and Palmer.
7:15pm - Reckless driver. Central Park and Oakdale. Intoxicated male White in his 50s driving towards George in a red Toyota with a plate of 3738292.
7:25pm - Beat 2566Eddie asks for a transport unit at 2747 N Karlov. 2521 will go.
7:26pm - An RD number has been pulled from a traffic accident which occurred at 2604 N Elston. It's HS284477 with the event number of 16521.
7:34pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 7:26pm stop. It's HS284499.
7:42pm - Multiple calls for a disturbance w/ a mental at 2659 N Springfield. The mental is violent and a couple of tickets say that he's beating on mom.
7:43pm - I'm going to take a nap for a little while. I'll be back at 9pm, granted the storms don't wake me up. If they do, I'll be back then.
8:59pm - I'm back.
9:04pm - Parker. 3858 W Palmer.
9:07pm - Shots Fired. 3905 W George. Male Hispanic in a black jacket on a bike fired shots and took off towards Wellington on Springfield.
9:17pm - 1) Alarm. 3643 W Belmont. At East Village Youth Hall. 2) Suspicious vehicle. 4243 W Wrightwood.
9:25pm - Assault in progress. 2522 N Springfield. People in the background threatening the caller. Police code this call out because they've been out there three times already and I guess the call is nonsense.
9:30pm - Some job at Fullerton and Pulaski. involving a plate of A972316.
9:35pm - Battery in progress. 1814 N Monticello. Gang fight in the park. Couple of calls coming in.
9:36pm - Battery in progress. 1807 N Lawndale. Men fighting in the street.
9:43pm - A slow down is being given on the 9:36/9:37pm jobs. There's clothes and jerseys laying on the street, though. They were out there at some point.
9:46pm - Person w/ a gun. 3649 W Cortland. There's a gang fight and a dude in a black shirt has a gun.
9:47pm - Multiple tickets coming in for a fight at Cortland and Lawndale, 1831 N Lawndale, 3649 W Cortland, etc. 15 to 20 males out there fighting.
9:48pm - A slow down is being given on the 9:47/9:48pm jobs.
10:01pm - Person w/ a gun. Fullerton and Central Park. Several male Blacks in white tees and masks have guns. They act like they're gonna rob something or something. This job is coded 19Adam because 2523Robert is on scene and sees nothing. Maybe they meant Fulton? 2) Disturbance. George and Lowell. Kids hanging on the corner, making noise.
10:04pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. Monticello and Wabansia. From a garage. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2300 N Avers. From an ice cream truck.
10:07pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Pulaski. Male beating a female in the gas station.
10:30pm - Fireworks. 1925 N Hamlin. In the alley.
10:31pm - Person down. 3121 N Haussen.
10:32pm - Battery in progress. Schubert and Kildare. Male beating a female near the factory.
11:38pm - A unit has a traffic stop at 1937 N Hamlin.
11:55pm - Loud music disturbance. 2124 N Avers.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
A 16 yr old was shot at 8pm last night in the 2300 block of W Armitage. He was shot in the pelvis and was seriously injuried. The vitcim was taken to St. Mary's in serious condition intally, but was then transfered to Stroger. The shooting is believed to be gang related.
Boy, do we have some violent offenders in that area. This has got to STOP. Period. People, work with the cops, please. Call 911 as often as necessary to report activity. Folks, you need to pressure our elected officals to do something.
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Parker On Sawyer
8:09am - Parker. 1856 N Sawyer.
8:16am - Disturbance. 1950 N Milwaukee. Problem with the manager at the liquor store.
8:17am - Criminal damage report. 2915 N Richmond.
8:25am - Commerical alarm. 2800 N Milwaukee. At Payless Shoes.
8:31am - Suspicious person. Armitage and Milwaukee. Heading towards Western is a male Black, 17 yrs old, 200 lbs, short brown hair, light complected, blue hoodie is talking to himself while he has a bat in his hand. He's swinging it as he goes by.
8:34am - An RD number has been pulled from the 8:16am job. Non-criminal, however. It's HS281661 with the event number of 03263. Also, school kids heading to Logandale school at Wellington and Kedzie need help crossing the street because the traffic lights are out. That is due to an earlier power outage in the area.
8:36am - Two male Blacks with baseball bats. It is thought that the one from the 8:31am job joined up with another guy. Location is Armitage and Oakely. There was a shooting in the area last night, so I think it may be related.
8:47am - Beat car 1434 advises that he's going in with the report from the 8:16am job, but there will probably be future problems there.
8:50am - 1) Beat 1472 is doing an "L" check at the California Blue Line station. Event number is 03858. 2) Reckless driver. Fullerton and Albany. Heading east is a 4-door Honda Accord speeding. It's got a plate of 4176328.
8:55am - Reckless driver. Logan and California. Burgundy GMC heading towards Diversey nearly cut off the caller. This was after that car was chasing the caller's car after a traffic dispute.
9:04am - Two parkers on 1412's PDT.
9:08am - Person w/ a gun. 1715 N Humboldt. Male Hispanic, white leather jacket, got out of a white vehicle and went into a trunk and got a gun. He put it in his waistband. He went into the hallway of the building. The plate of the car is HA476478.
9:12am - A slow down is being given on the 9:08am job.
9:15am - The officers would like to know who called in the 9:08am job. Anonymous did. One officer would like to know if it was a male or female voice who called it in because this all may be a boyfriend/girlfriend dispute.
9:30am - Traffic accident. North Ave. and Magnolia. By the Home Depot. Multiple calls coming in. A car flipped over. Also stated was that a truck went OVER a car. A female is pinned in a car. Multiple ambulances on the way for multiple injuries. Oh my god ... this sounds horrible.
9:31am - Someone's got a street stop at Wabansia and Mozart.
9:32am - Disturbance. 2300 N Maplewood. Citizen is giving C-DOT a hard time. WTH?
9:35am - Traffic control is to be done at North and Elston. Eastbound traffic on North needs to be diverted to Elston. Officer is instructed to send traffic to Division.
9:41am - A scrap iron truck is wanted for hit and run from the 9:30am job. It fled east on North Ave. into the 18th District, towards Kingsbury. An officer from 18 looked for a truck like the one described in a truck company parking lot on Clybourn near North. This truck was making a right turn when the car somehow got under it and it was flipped over.
9:45am - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Elston. Two cars, no injuries.
9:58am - Beats 1444 and 1446 are to do a TRP mission at 2325 W. Armitage, the site of last night's shooting.
10:09am - Beat 1454 has a possible truck from the accident on North Ave. at 1900 N Kingsbury.
10:15am - Wires down. 3534 W Wabansia. The wires for the POD camera are down.
10:28am - The 10:15am wires are on the SW corner of Wabansia and Drake. They are to the POD camera.
10:35am - The lights are flashing red. Humboldt and Palmer.
10:40am - Battery. 2750 W North. At the medical center. Pregnant woman hit another woman and kicked her daughter.
10:42am - Beat car 1412 asks for an event number for something. It's 03883.
10:43am - Beat 1410 is doing an outdoor roll call at Armitage and Oakely, near the scene of last night's shooting.
10:46am - Assault in progress. Milwaukee and Fullerton. CTA bus driver of #1463 is allegedly threatening a disabled man.
10:47am - A second call came in for the 10:46am job. Now the driver and the man are arguing over the fare.
11:00am - The 10:46am job is coded.
11:28am - ComEd was kicked out and they'd like to get their materials. They were trying to shut off the power. Location is 1860 N Hoyne.
11:29am - Alarm. 3512 W McLean.
11:43am - Beat car 1412 is doing a premise check at 3036 N Elbridge.
11:47am - Check the well being. 3309 W Palmer. Someone's being either strangled or attacked by a dog.
12:04pm - Person wanted. 2701 N Western. At Burger King. Female employee is wanted for leaving the scene of an auto accident.
12:08pm - The first school call has came out for our area today. There's a disturbance at 1711 N California, at the Moos school. Problem with a student over property.
12:11pm - Beat 1472 has a traffic stop at Dickens and California. Running a plate.
12:15pm - Beat car 1412 is doing a Sex Offender check at 2951 N Gresham. Event number is 06998.
12:20pm - Suspicious vehicle. 1658 N Leavitt. A sliver SUV with a plate of 719490 has a female laying in the vehicle.
12:33pm - Alarm. 1847 N Humboldt. At the church.
12:39pm - Alarm. 2335 N Lister.
12:45pm - Person w/ a knife. 1935 N Albany. Male Hispanic, 20s, black t-shirt, is out in front, yelling that he's got a knife and that he'll cut himself.
12:49pm - Theft. 1627 N Bell.
1:00pm - Threatening suicide. 3212 W George. At Logandale school. Female student has a knife. EMS is en route and police are being requested.
1:01pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Artesian. Five of them running around with bats.
1:03pm - Someone's doing an "L" check at the Belmont and Kimball Blue Line station. Event number is 07837.
1:05pm - A slow down is being given at Logandale school.
1:07pm - Disturbance. 2235 N Lister. Tenant who's getting evicted and he refuses to leave.
1:13pm - Battery. Webster and Ashland. The CTA bus driver on #1128 had food thrown on them.
1:19pm - The 1pm girl will be transported to Norwegian for an evaluation. Job will be duped out to the ambulance. The girl claims that she's hearing voices but the school think she's just mad because she's in trouble for skipping school a couple of times.
1:26pm - EMS run. 2061 N Campbell. Grandfather's been drinking and took some pills.
1:30pm - Parker. 1952 N Damen. In the loading zone.
1:36pm - Disturbance. 2813 W McLean. Bums hanging out in the alley.
1:45pm - 1) Traffic accident. 1758 W Armitage. Citizen hit by a car. 2) Person wanted. 1815 N Whipple. A female named Jessie is wanted for battery. 3) Gang disturbance. Wrightwood and Kimball. Seven "punks" just tagged the sidewalk with gang lettering. 4) Wires down. 2921 W Diversey. Wire less than 20 feet from the ground. A strong gust of wind will probably knock it down. 5) Burglar report. 3011 N Kedzie.
2:04pm - Burglar alarm. 1800 N Washtenaw.
2:18pm - Disturbance. 1600 block of N Fairfeld. A group of male teens have been drinking on the sidewalk all day.
2:27pm - Beat 1489 is doing a school crossing at Humboldt and Armitage.
2:31pm - The wires at 2921 Diversey may be live. ComEd will be notified.
2:33pm - The street lights at Kedzie and Wellington are out. They've been out all day. The city is needed asap because of the Logandale school kids going home, from both the regular day and from after school.
2:34pm - Beat 1446 asks for a gang/drugs mission and a DOC mission. DOC event number is 09506 and gangs/drugs is 09505.
2:36pm - 1) Beat 1488 is doing a school crossing at Damen and Cortland. 2) Check the well being. 1740 N Spaulding. 86 yr old woman locked herself out of the house.
2:38pm - Violation order of protection. 2132 N Kedzie. Ex-husband's in front of the caller's job.
2:41pm - Burglar alarm. 2717 N Elston. At David's Bridal.
2:44pm - Burglar alarm. 1900 N Honye.
2:53pm - Domestic battery. 1719 N Talman. Boyfriend and girlfriend fighting.
2:57pm - Burglar report. 1848 N Western.
2:58pm - Beat car 1432 needs some jumper cables at Shakespeare and Oakely.
3:04pm - Beat 1462Eddie had a street stop at 1824 N Talman but is now going in with one.
3:05pm - Parker. 2120 N Hoyne.
3:24pm - Burglar alarm. 1735 N Honore.
3:26pm - Traffic accident. North and St. Louis. Couple of calls for a bike, a car and a motorcycle all involved in an accident.
3:39pm - A unit has a stop at 3006 W North Ave.
3;44pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2449 N Maplewood. 17 yr old brother, who's a high risk, may not be in his right mind and is arguing with mom. He may hurt someone. He's got a Noble school uniform, which is a burgundy shirt and biege khaki pants. He fled towards Rockwell on Fullerton.
3:46pm - Burglar alarm. 2051 W Willow.
3:51pm - 1) Battery in progress. 1655 W Wabansia. Male and female fighting in front. 2) Battery in progress. 1641 N Mozart.
3:53pm - A slow down is given for 1655 Wabansia.
3:54pm - A slow down is given for 1641 Mozart.
4:00pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back at 4:09pm tomorrow afternoon with 25. Good night, everyone :).
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Beat 2523 Meeting Tonight (4-28-10)
The old issues that were talked about from last month's meeting were the one on Hamlin, the one on Fletcher, the one on Kenosha and the one at Diversey and Lawndale. For Hamlin, Sergeant Weiglein stated that he went by there, spoke with the complaining resident several times and basically he did what he could do. For Fletcher, he went by there, but people who lived at the place told him there was no people selling drugs from there. For Diversey and Lawndale, two men were arrested for drugs. One for having two grams of weed, the other for having cocaine. I don't think I'm forgetting any other issues, but if I am, please let me know (I had several of you, my readers, in attendance tonight of the meeting).
Now on to the problems:
- On Davlin, there's been trespassers.
I'm not aware of any other new problems since I had to leave, but maybe those of you who were there with me can tell me (please)?
Other observations:
> We had a guest speaker, a dispatcher, from OEMC to come out to the meeting. She explained to us that the 911 calls come in priorities. Priority #1 jobs, for example, are like "Shots Fired", "Battery in progress", etc. Those jobs have to be dispatched immeadiately. Priority #2 jobs are like "battery", "robbery" and so on. Prority #3 jobs are ones like barking dogs, parkers, narcotics, etc. She told us that ALL jobs are [to be] dispatched. EVERY 911 call gets an event number and the call taker MUST create an event for it. No call can be held or canceled. The dispatcher urged citizens to call 911 for anything and everything we see. Unless we're vitcims of a crime, we DO have the right to be ANONYMOUS. Call takers are required to ask callers regarding gangs and drugs if they'd like to be anonymous. She also urged us to try to tell the call taker everything of what's going on with an incident, for officer's safety and their safety. She also urged us to call 311 for reports.
> A woman came to the meeting and talked about the drunks on Milwaukee Avenue. She was saying things like we should have sympathy for them, how come Salvation Army isn't in the neighborhood, etc. At first, it sounded like she was blaming us. As she continued talking, however, she seemed to have been on our side somewhat more than she as. She meant well, I think.
> The most incidents took place in the 2900 block of North Milwaukee. The most crimes were, as usual, battery (25 reported incidents), criminal damage (16 reported incidents) and narcotics (13 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Mondays and Fridays. Most incidents took place on the street (30 reported incidents) and in apartments (26 reported incidents). The most incidents took place in the 4pm, 9am, 12pm and 8pm hours.
As usual, I thank everyone for being involved in this meeting. We can still make Avondale better, if we all do our part. I still thank everyone for coming to the meeting. It's encouraging to see all of you care about the neighborhood. And, for my readers who were newcomers, nice to meet you! For those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! We need all of the help we can get.
Thank you,
Unavoidable Stop On Fullerton
5:59am - Beat 2593 is going in on an unavoidable traffic stop from Kilbourn and Fullerton.
6:43am - I have to go. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Domestic On Wrightwood
3:35pm - Domestic disturbance. 4236 W Wrightwood.
4:09 to 4:29pm - I fell asleep. Sorry.
4:38pm - Narcotics. Koz Park. Three males doing marijuana on the basketball court.
4:57pm - Assault (in progress). 2437 N Hamlin. Tenants threatened the caller.
5:11pm - Traffic accident. Avers and Diversey. Caller was side-swiped.
5:14pm - Shots Fired. Ridgeway and Milwaukee. Five heard by Avondale liquors.
5:20pm - The 5:14pm job is coded. No shots were fired.
5:40pm - Parker. 1800 block of N Harding. Premits.
6:04pm - Beat 2505 is doing a park check at Mozart.
6:30pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:00pm - I'm back :).
7:26pm - Gang disturbance. Belden and Keystone. Four representing.
8:58pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Good night, everyone :).
Monday, April 26, 2010
Criminal Trespass On Palmer
4:29 to 4:40pm - Had the radio off on accident. Sorry :(.
4:46pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3721 W Palmer. Two squatters trying to enter via the rear and take stuff.
5:08pm - Assault. Belmont and Monticello. Drunk guy argued with the caller's cousin, then threatened to get some of his friends to start some trouble.
5:40 to 5:50pm - Fell asleep. Sorry :(.
6:00pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 1929 N Pulaski. At Geneva Foundation. One of the clients is causing a problem.
6:07pm - Beat car 2523 gets two small things on the Beat.
6:16pm - Generic. 1725 N Ridgeway. Caller got a letter in the mail about the house they that own being in foreclosure. There was a number for the caller to call. They called it, but however, the person who the caller contacted was very rude. The caller then called 311, but for some strange reason, they sent it over to 911. Caller insists on sending police, even though Dispatch's partner called them to tell them it wasn't a police matter. Dispatch's supervisor wants someone to go over, also.
6:28pm - EMS run. 3832 W Diversey. Car on the sidewalk with a possible sick man in it.
6:58pm - 1) Disturbance. 2323 N Kedvale. Dispute over a car parked in the garage. 2) Parker. 3974 W Barry.
7:05pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
The attack occurred in the 1800 block of North Damen at 3:30am. The two women, both college students (one being an exchange student from Ireland), were walking back to vitcim #1's home (not the exchange student) when a male Black, 27-34 yrs old, 5'7-5'9, medium complected, wearing a tan or light colored hooded sweatshirt struck them from behind and hit them in the back of the head with a baseball bat. He took off with their purses, and they fell unconscious. Both vitcims were then rushed to Illinois Masonic Hospital, one being in critical condition and the other being in serious condition. It's unknown if this point if they are still in the hospital.
Fact reporting is over on this end. Now, let's talk about this. Why does a man with a bat prey on two college women, in an area with a popular dog park (Churchill comes to mind) and half million dollar homes (and probably condos), no less? Of course, we could ask, why is there a man on the street with a bat at 3:30 in the morning, period. You mean to tell me that not ONE person saw the guy and didn't call 911 to report it? I'm sure someone HAD to see this guy. I'm not convinced that nobody saw him.
What can we as a community do to stop these kind of vicious attacks? More police presence? That wouldn't really work, the police have real manpower shortages and most of those cops in the 14th District refuse to protect and serve the citizens. Go to CAPS Beat meetings and complain? That really doesn't work, either, if you're just complaining about it. So, I'd like to know, what can we do? Before this guy does it again (I'm pretty sure this is the first of attacks he has planned).
If you know the guy, turn him in. Or, if you see him (provided description), call 911. Don't hesistate to. This guy is dangerous and he could prey on someone else next if we don't stop him.
I sure hope the vitcims are ok, and that this psycho that committed this disgusting crime pays the ultimate price for his act.
Update, 4/27/10: We have two arrests. Heriberto Viramontes, 30, of the 3100 block of N Springfield Avenue and Marcy Cruz, 25, were charged with aggravated battery and armed robbery. I'm glad these two are of the street. Here's the article.
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Shooting On Palmer Wednesday Night
Male Beating Female @ Wrightwood and Avers
12:48am - Battery in progress. Wrightwood and Avers. Male beating a female. Multiple, multiple calls on it.
12:58am - Robbery. 4200 W Wrightwood. Male, who got into a red '90 Sedan with a partial plate of 7818, beat up and robbed a female in front. He fled towards Pulaski.
1:23am - Loud music disturbance. 2735 N Hamlin.
1:45am - I'm heading to bed. Good night, everyone :).
10:57am - I'm back. Good morning :).
11:26am - Suspicious person. 2745 N Lawndale. A red Ford has been sitting there for a while.
11:41am - Sounds like there was an EMS run on Monticello.
11:44am - Domestic disturbance. 2856 N Ridgeway. Problem with the husband.
11:46am - Beat 2546 is on scene of the 11:44am job. The husband actually hit the caller, but he's gone. Officer will cut caller a report.
11:57am - Wanted for domestic battery from the 11:44am job is a Roy East, 35, driving a grey Dodge minivan.
11:58am - Parker. 3115 N Lowell.
12:14pm - Open door. 2955 N Lowell. At USA, possibly? A door to a construction site is gone and someone's possibly inside.
12:48pm - There's a call of drinkers somewhere on Monticello. It was given to Beat 2563Adam.
1:13pm - Theft. 1900 N Monticello. People took some tools then ran off.
1:45pm - Domestic disturbance. 2455 N Lowell.
2:45pm - Information for the police. Belmont and Lawndale.
2:48pm - Beat 2552 is doing a Sex Offender check at 2810 N Lowell.
4:15pm - Parker. 3622 W McLean. Car's been parked in front of the garage for 20 minutes now.
4:20pm - Domestic disturbance. 1654 N Harding. 15 yr old daughter refuses to take the meds and is acting violent.
4:25pm - It sounds like Beat car 2525 is taking one in from 3639 W Shakespeare on a stop.
4:26pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Traffic Stop At Lawndale and Diversey
7:12pm - Beat car 2524 has a traffic stop at Diversey and Lawndale.
7:17pm - Commerical alarm. 4301 W Diversey. At the church.
7:43pm - Domestic disturbance. Fullerton and Springfield. Ex-girlfriend broke out the car windows.
7:44pm - Check the well being. 1800 N Monticello. Caller hung up while on the phone with the call taker.
7:48pm - Shots Fired. 2819 N Hamlin. Shots heard from a white van, heading south towards Diversey.
7:51pm - A slow down is being given on Shots Fired.
7:52pm - Beat 2561 is coding out the Shots Fired. He came from the south. He'll drive around a little bit.
10:10pm to 12:00am - I fell asleep. I'm really sorry. I didn't get to cover this time period at all ... again.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Busy Beat For 2524 This Afternoon
4:37pm - Beat car 2524 gets three jobs on the PDT.
4:38pm - Theft. 3850 W Cortland. Something about a car.
4:50pm - Gang disturbance. Monticello and Barry.
5:15pm - I'm going to take my nap. Oh, by the way, anyone hear about this?
5:52pm - I'm back.
5:55pm - 1) Either they're calling again, or it's still pending, but there's [still] a gang disturbance at Monticello and Barry. 2) Gang disturbance. Harding and Wabansia. Possible gang meeting on the corner. 3) Traffic accident. 3652 W Wrightwood.
6:13pm - Battery in progress. Belmont and Lawndale. Gang fight with bats being used.
6:19pm - A slow down is being given on the gang fight.
6:22pm - Assault. 4163 W Fletcher. Cousin's boyfriend who smells like beer threatened the caller.
6:38pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 6:22pm job. It's HS272501 with the event number of 13644.
7:10 through 9:05pm - I haven't been paying lots of attention. There's been a lot of things, which I won't discuss, going on here.
7:16pm - Check the well being. 3804 W North. Elderly male laying in the hallway and it appears that gangbangers are there, trying to steal money from him.
8:10pm - Sounds like there was a job on Haussen.
8:13pm - Gang disturbance. 3850 W North. They're hanging out by the grocery store.
9:12pm - Robbery. Belmont and Lawndale. Caller was robbed by three males. They also beat her up.
9:43pm - Disturbance. 3144 N Monticello.
10:05pm - Domestic battery. Central Park and Belmont.
10:28pm - Loud music disturbance. 2845 N Pulaski.
10:35pm - Traffic accident. Diversey and Pulaski.
10:40 to 11:05pm - Again, I didn't pay too much attention. Sorry.
11:49pm - Beat car 2525Robert has a curfew at Armitage and Pulaski. Event number is 19603.
11:51pm - Loud music disturbance. 2907 N Springfield.
11:52pm - Battery in progress. 3043 N Hamlin. Man and woman fighting. A knife is possibly involved.
12:00am - I'm heading to bed. Good night. I'll be back tomorrow night, and hopefully it'll be a better night.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
10 Person Fight In Progress @ George and Pulaski
12:19am - Battery in progress. George and Pulaski. 10 people fighting on the corner.
12:21am - A slow down is being given at George and Pulaski.
1:29am - I have to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back in the morning :).
8:58am - I'm back. Good morning :).
10:05am - Gang disturbance. 21X5 N Lawndale. They're in front, loitering.
10:20am - Disturbance. 3640 W Oakdale. Group of drunks have been there all morning, and it sounds like they're laying in the alley.
10:27am - Beat 2543 needs EMS at the 10:20am job. The drunks are down, in the alley.
10:57am - I have to go get my report card. I'll be back later.
4:26pm - I'm back :).
5:03pm - Narcotics. 2311 N Keystone. Two males doing drugs in the parking lot.
5:12pm - Gang disturbance. Cortland and Ridgeway.
6:07pm - Fireworks. Mozart Park.
6:18pm - Probably unrelated to the 6:07pm job, but a ticket for an "Assault in progress" is popping up on Zone 12's board for Mozart Park. Five male gangbangers surrounding one on the basketball court.
6:22pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a park check at Ken-Well.
6:57pm - Assist the PO. Koz Park. An off duty needs help dispersing four to five gangbangers by the basketball court who are chasing cars.
6:58pm - A slow down is being given on the 6:57pm job.
6:59pm - Theft in progress. Milwaukee and Central Park. Two males breaking into a car near Elbridge and Central Park.
7:21pm - Traffic accident. 4122 W Dickens.
7:30pm - Per Beat 2562Adam is a hot car, a sliver Nissan Altima. It's heading towards Springfield on Palmer, from Pulaski. No sirens or lights activated.
7:31pm - The car's pulling over. Palmer and Springfield.
7:51pm - Narcotics. 2929 N Kenneth.
7:52pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Monticello and Belmont. 30 of them throwing things. 2) Domestic battery. 3607 W Fullerton. Caller was hit in the face by the ex-girlfriend.
7:57pm - 1) Missing person report. 4024 W Nelson. Daughter didn't go to school and hasn't came home. 2) Criminal damage. 2988 N Milwaukee.
8:16pm - Beat 45Sam16Adam just located five of the gangbangers who were involved in throwing things at Belmont and Monticello at 3139 N Lawndale. The call was originally coded out but they were found. Transport car needed. Event number is 14644.
8:21pm - Battery in progress. 2113 N Keystone. Male and female fighting.
8:23pm - Backlog in 25 at 20:23 hours.
8:24pm - An RD number has been pulled from 4024 Nelson. It's HS270914 with the event number of 14464. A 12 yr old girl is missing, first time out. Was called in sick from school by someone else.
8:26pm - The 8:21pm job now has a child involved and a male throwing a brick through a window.
8:35pm - Domestic disturbance. 3935 W Diversey.
8:36pm - Burglar report. On 2523's Beat.
8:55pm - Battery in progress. 3020 N Pulaski.
8:56pm - Couple of calls on the 8:55pm job coming in. No details.
9:04pm - I have to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow :).
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Skateboards Disturb Stairs Of Our Lady Of Grace
3:33pm - Disturbance. 2446 N Ridgeway. Four male teens skatebording on the stairs of Our Lady of Grace, and on the street.
3:45pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a Community Concern at 40X0 W George. Event number is 11116. This will probably a new problem discussed at the next CAPS Beat meeting next Wednesday.
4:04pm - I'm heading out to Monroe. I'll be back in about two hours.
6:21pm - I'm back :).
7:37pm - I'm going to take a nap until 8pm. I'll be back.
9:32pm - I'm finally back. Sorry that was so long.
9:43pm - Domestic disturbance. 2304 N Lawndale.
9:45pm - Burglary in progrress. 2831 N Springfield. A few males went in.
10:02pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Central Park. Car VS pole.
10:19pm - Beat car 2523Robert has a traffic stop at 2735 N Pulaski.
10:25pm - Suspicious vehicle. 28X0 N Hamlin. '88 Chevy Caprice driving around with gangbangers in it.
10:54pm - Beat car 2525R has a traffic stop at 4152 W Palmer.
11:28pm - EMS run. 2137 N Lawndale. 52 yr old female took too many pills.
11:53pm - Assault. 3646 W Cortland. Someone in front threatened the complainant.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
EMS Run @ Milwaukee and Monticello
3:19pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Monticello. Male on the ground since yesterday(?).
3:24pm - Disturbance. 2101 N Pulaski. Some female named Savon (or something like that) is trying to throw rocks at people.
3:26pm - 1) Municipal ordinance violation. 1901 N Pulaski. 2) Parker. 1944 N Harding.
3:36pm - Assault in progress. 1841 N Springfield. At McAuliffe school. Principal is getting threatened by a parent.
4:07pm - Beat 2577Sam has a street stop at Altgeld and Kildare. Event number is 11283.
4:32pm - Battery in progress. Avers and Palmer. Fight on the street.
4:47pm - A slow down is being given on the 4:32pm job. There's no fight. Now, 2525 has a traffic stop at 2146 N Hamlin.
5:12pm - Gang disturbance. 3940 W Fullerton. More than 20 gangbangers in front of CVS, harassing passerby.
5:17pm - Burglar alarm. 3800 W Fullerton.
6:09pm - Disturbance. Ken-Well Park. Drinkers.
6:26pm - Gang disturbance. 2400 N Kildare. Three of them, youths, flashing and throwing things at cars.
6:32pm - Disturbance. 2311 N Keystone. Kids running around in the construction site, throwing debris.
6:42pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.
7:10pm - I'm back :).
7:21pm - Gang disturbance. Schubert and Avers. Four walking towards Springfield, representing.
7:32pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 2958 N Milwaukee. At Park National Bank. 2) Municipal ordinance violation. 3051 N Hamlin. 3) Parker. 2300 N Karlov.
7:37pm - Gang disturbance. Belmont and Monticello.
7:50pm - Fire. 4131 W Belmont. There's a smell of smoke.
7:56pm - Beat car 2522 had a traffic stop at 2249 N Monticello but will be taking in one for a TBD.
8:04pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone :).
Monday, April 19, 2010
Male Selling Drugs @ Fullerton and Central Park
3:33pm - Narcotics. Fullerton and Central Park. Male selling drugs to the kids.
3:42pm - Criminal damage. 3963 W Belmont. Three male Blacks walking towards Pulaski just tagged the building.
3:45pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Monticello. Two homeless guys blocking the sidewalk in front of where the new MB Financial bank is going to be.
4:14pm - Traffic accident. Wrightwood and Pulaski.
4:30pm? - They're calling for a second time at Milwaukee and Monticello. Those guys are now blocking the enterance to the bank.
4:47pm - Beat car 2522 has a drunk who needs to go to de-tox at 3160 N Milwaukee. 2573 is more than happy to go over.
4:54pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Avers. People loitering on the corner. Probably the drunks.
4:59pm - Battery? 3851 W Schubert. Brother's bleeding from the head. Sounds more like an EMS run to me.
5:10pm - Person w/ a gun. North and Pulaski. Heading towards Wabansia on Pulaski is a white tow truck who's driver is loaded with guns and drugs. An older white Chevy is being towed. The driver's named is allegedly "Jube".
5:11pm - Beat car 2515 has a handwaver at Armitage and Pulaski regarding a grey minivan, possibly a Honda, with a male Hispanic driver who has on a blue baseball cap that pointed a small black handgun at the citizen after yelling at them. The car went towards Karlov on Armitage, then went towards Cortland on Karlov.
5:23pm - They're calling for the third time at Milwaukee and Monticello. Now, two more guys have joined them, which makes a grand total of five, are congregating on the corner with their shopping carts. 2523 isn't going back over, though. Nothing's being blocked. But this is a different call now. I guess these officers aren't the regulars on the car because the regulars always assure us at the CAPS meeting that they're happy to respond to calls for service.
6:00pm - Check the well being. 4100 W Wrightwood. Male heading towards Keeler, stumbling and bleeding from the face.
6:47pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back :).
7:15pm - I'm back.
7:25pm - Gang disturbance. 3100 block of N Monticello.
7:28pm - Battery. 1623 N Monticello. 9 yr old nephew was beaten up at the park.
7:38pm - Person wanted. 3850 W North. At the North-Pulaski Fresh Market. Female who's been cashing bad checks is on scene now.
7:59pm - Disturbance. 1627 N Pulaski. At Walgreens.
8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Missing 67 Yr Old From Logan Square
Maldonado is described as a Hispanic, five feet tall, 110 lbs, brown eyes and red hair. She last had on a flower colored skirt with maroon slackings. She was carrying a neon-green zippered bag with her.
If you know her whereabouts, don't tell me first. Call (312)-746-8365. This number is for the Area 5 Special Vitcims Unit.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Disturbance On Ridgeway
12:26am - Disturbance. 1719 N Ridgeway.
12:27am - Good night, everyone. Be back in the morning :).
8:30am - I'm back. Good morning :).
8:37am - Beat car 2523 has a traffic stop at 3100 N Milwaukee.
9:20am - Beat car 2523 is doing a Sex Offender check at 2932 N Hamlin. Event number is 04846.
9:35am - Beat car 2523 is doing a Sex Offender check at 2910 N Lawndale.
9:46am - Beat car 2523 is doing a Sex Offender check at 2966 N Lawndale.
10:00am - Domestic disturbance. 3840 W Palmer. Husband needs to be escorted out of the apartment.
10:08am - 1) Beat car 2523 is doing two Sex Offender Checks at 2911 N Springfield. 2) Criminal damage report. On 2523's Beat.
10:14am - Criminal damage. 2550 N Pulaski. At the car wash. Car was damaged.
11:15am - Missing person report. 3651 W George. 17 yr old partially blind son is missing.
11:42am - Loud music disturbance. 3910 W Altgeld.
11:43am - Gang or Tac unit requested for a gang disturbance on 2523's Beat. 2563Charlie takes it.
11:58am - Assist the citizen. 4103 W Belmont. Help needed picking up belongings.
12:19pm - They're calling back on the 11:15am job. But that building is a part of St. Hyacinth's.
12:22pm - Municipal ordinance violation. 1600 N Central Park. Man working on his car.
12:25pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a Sex Offender check at 3908 W Wellington.
12:26pm - One of the nuns from the 11:15am/12:19pm jobs says that the caller is mentally unstable.
12:28pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a Sex Offender check at 3941 W Wellington.
12:32pm - Domestic disturbance. 4400 W Parker. Husband took the keys.
12:33pm - Narcotics. On 2525's Beat.
12:43pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a Sex Offender check at 2905 N Harding.
1:07pm - Missing person report? 4027 W Nelson. The 15 yr old daughter ran into the house and the caller says someone needs to go to jail. This sounds kind of confusing...
1:09pm - High speed chase. Van Buren and Pulaski. Heading east towards Springfield. 1506's chasing a car from a carjacking that occurred at 5400 W North Avenue. He is saying it's definately the car. It's a blue Cadillac.
1:10pm - Westbound on Wilcox from Springfield.
1:11pm - The offender bailed into a house on the 4100 block of W Wlicox.
1:12pm - Offender's in custody. 4115 W Wilcox.
1:27pm - Beat 2594 has a traffic stop at 2330 N Pulaski. Event number is 08018.
1:28pm - The dog found something wrapped up in a cloth or some kind of tissue, and it's got a strong, foul odor to it. Location is 2827 North Ridgeway.
1:31pm - Battery in progress. Dickens and Karlov. Males fighting on the corner.
2:05pm - Backlog in 25 at 14:05 hours.
2:08pm - Domestic disturbance. 3943 W Wellington. Problem with the husband.
2:11pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3010 N Davlin. Two to three teens went into the back of the rear of the vacant building.
2:24pm - Beat 6759Eddie is checking out 3008 N Davlin from the 2:11pm job. There's no such address as 3010.
2:45pm - Beat 2580Eddie pulls an RD number from 1629 N Pulaski. It's HS263919 with the event number of 09215.
3:28pm - Loud music disturbance. 3847 W Wrightwood.
3:52pm - A unit has an on view accident coming back into 25 from Area 3 at Belmont and Kedzie. Property damage only.
3:55pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. 3635 W Shakespeare. Red vehicle missing a tire and it's possibly stripped. 2) Domestic disturbance. 2218 N Central Park. Problem with the 15 yr old daughter.
4:11pm - Parker. 2730 N Lawndale. Cars blocking the alley.
4:15pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Lawndale. 50 yr old female on the ground.
4:22pm - Polish speaker needed at the 4:15pm job.
4:40pm - Parker. On 2524's Beat.
4:44pm - The 4:15pm job is actually a robbery vitcim that got injuried.
5:39pm - Disturbance. Wrightwood and Monticello. Four to five males standing on the corner.
6:15pm - Battery in progress. 3939 W Wabansia. Male Black, white t-shirt and blue jeans is jumping on two female Blacks. This call has 20 minutes on it.
6:16pm - EMS run. 3082 N Haussen. Something about the 25 yr old.
6:23pm - EMS run. 3094 N Milwaukee. Male is bleeding from the hand.
6:26pm - Criminal damage. Mozart Park. Baseball players damaged the caller's car.
6:39pm - I have to go eat, so with that, I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).
Saturday, April 17, 2010
RD Number Pulled On Armitage
7:59pm - Beat 45Sam16Adam pulls an RD number for an "1811" at 4124 W Armitage. It's HS262914 with the event number of 15107.
8:46pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.
About 9:25 to 9:55pm - Fell asleep. Sorry :(.
10:11pm - Disturbance. 3711 W Belmont. Male causing a ruckus and refusing to leave.
10:25pm - Check the well being. 3750 W Armitage. Lots of arguing and possibly fighting heard.
10:44pm - Recover the stolen vehicle. 2928 N Kenneth.
10:52pm - Disturbance. 4045 W Fullerton. Six to eight males with black hoodies loitering in the alley.
10:58pm - Traffic pursuit starting. Huron and Long. 6752Frank's got a car taking off from them. Heading towards Chicago Ave. It's got a plate of K38258, and it's wanted for pulling off on a block where a shooting occurred.
10:59pm - South on Waller, passing Huron.
11:00pm - They've got a Taser Deployment over there now. 1512 is the one who did it. The vehicle's stopped at 657 N Waller.
11:08pm - Burglar report. 2211 N Keystone.
11:15pm - Loud music disturbance. 2400 block of N Central Park.
11:37pm - DUI driver. Pulaski and Palmer. Heading towards Springfield is a red Chevy swerving all over the road. The driver's drunk.
11:44pm - Assist the citizen. 4042 W Oakdale. 15 yr old missing daughter just went into this location. Caller needs help obtaining her.
Community Clean-Up On Milwaukee Today

So, all in all, today was a wonderful day. The weather wasn't too shabby in terms of temperature. It was gorgeous outside with the bright sun and blue skies. But the weather doesn't really matter to me. What matters is that we the community cleaned up some of Milwaukee. It looks so much better than before.
I am very happy to have been a part of this project today. Like I said earlier, it felt so great being involved. While we were cleaning, we had a few community members who weren't involved come up to us and asked us what we were doing. We told them "beautifying the community". The residents sounded happy by that news and said next time they were going to help. I think that's great.
I think that this story can apply to other areas of Avondale (east of Central Park, north of Belmont) and other neighborhoods like Logan Square, Hermosa, Irving Park, etc. Quite frankly, I consider this to be a success story on Beat 2523. It's great to see the community so involved in a neighborhood where at one time (more or less last year) it was in a downward spiral. It was on the verge of utter destruction, if you ask me. But us at the CAPS meetings/Neighborhood Association meetings put a bit of a stop to that. We started to call police for nearly everything, we talked to the businesses on Milwaukee Ave. about serving the drunks and today, we cleaned up the street.
But this battle to better this part Avondale ain't over yet. Not by a long shot. We still have lots of work to do. However, you know what? We're getting there. It's getting better slowly but surely. The drunks are getting less and less places to congregate at. And we are tackling the places where they're known to be at. More people are getting involved and the cops are helping us. Today, I am confident and I proudly say that things are going to get better in this neighborhood if we continue to care this much about our community.
In my 16 years and eight months of living in this part of Avondale, I have never seen such a dedicated group of people. Even when our neighborhood was really nice in the 90's, we didn't have this kind of dedication. So I want to send a BIG thank you out to our group, especially Colleen (our Beat Facilitator) for all of your great work in making our neighborhood safer for all. And, of course, a big thanks to our fine boys (and girls) in blue who work for CPD that have to put up with the criminals each and every day.
I want to say that, we should never give up on our neighborhood. We should continue to make it better for all, and I have the greatest faith that we will. Also, for other areas in Avondale and Logan Square, people, start doing the things our group does and your area will become better. Just look at our group for an example.
In conclusion, again, I send a big thank you out to everyone involved in today's work. Next time, I think that we'll only have more people and better results. And, thanks to the owner of Dunkin Donuts for the free coffee and sandwiches!
Here's photos of today's project:
This is Milwaukee Ave. and Haussen Court after we cleaned the intersection. Does it look better than before?
Residents painting the garbage can at the SE corner of Milwaukee and Haussen.
Supplies used to clean up the garbage cans.
Milwaukee Ave. just north of Avers after the clean-up. Notice how better cleaned the sidewalks are?
The intersection of Milwaukee and Hamlin after the clean-up. Those black garbage bags are the ones we used. I'm told by the alderman's staff that they'll be picked up either tomorrow or Monday.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Domestic On Kostner And Burglar Report On Monticello
5:12pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 3133 N Kostner. 2) Burglar report. 2700 N Monticello.
5:50pm - Domestic disturbance. 1929 N Monticello. Boyfriend needs to leave.
6:40pm - Disturbance. 2426 N Kildare. Teens hanging out on the porch. They don't live there.
7:23pm - Disturbance. 1901 N Monticello. Teens running through the alley.
7:38pm - Beat car 1413 comes over Zone 12 to tell Dispatch wanted for "Shots Fired" at Belden and Drake is a male Hispanic in a light blue hoodie with a sliver chrome handgun who fled west into 25 on Belden, across Central Park.
8:25pm - Beat car 2524 gets some stuff on the 20 sector.
8:30pm - I'm going to listen to the 20th District (Zone 11) until 10:30. I'll be back :).
10:30pm - I'm back :). My sister's on the way home.
11:02pm - Domestic battery in progress. 1847 N Monticello. 25 yr old sister fighting everyone. She's drunk.
11:19pm - Domestic disturbance. 3110(?) N Milwaukee.
11:58pm - Gang disturbance. Avers and Belden.
12:00am - I'm going to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow evening after dinner. I'll most likely let you all know how the clean-up on Milwaukee was.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Milwaukee Ave.: Avenue Of Choas
3:47pm - 1) Domestic battery. Milwaukee and Avers. Some woman and her son were hit and maced by a male. EMS en route. 2) Disturbance. 3121 N Milwaukee. At Red Apple.
3:52pm - Battery in progress. Milwaukee and Davlin. Couple of calls for gangbangers fighting outside of Burger King. One of them is trying to suffocate someone.
3:56pm - A disregard is being given on the 3:52pm job. Three units went by and nothing. Though, a citizen says at least some of the parties fled east on Belmont towards Ridgeway in a black SUV.
4:03pm - The 3:47pm jobs are coded. At Milwaukee and Avers, the vitcims walked away. At 3121 N Milwaukee, 2573 dispersed a drunk guy from the Red Apple parking lot.
4:05pm - Domestic disturbance. 1710 N Lawndale. Child's father took the kid.
4:06pm - Child left alone. 2149 N Springfield. 5 yr old says mom's not home and they're scared. Call taker is staying on the line until police arrive.
4:38pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2321 N Ridgeway. 9 yr old with a mental history needs to go to the hospital.
4:45pm - Battery in progress. Fullerton and Kostner. Several males fighting. Male Hispanic, no shirt and blue jean shorts has a gun.
4:52pm - The crowd from the 4:45pm job is dispersing. Coded out. 2592 thanks 2523.
4:57pm - Gang disturbance. Altgeld and Ridgeway. They're chasing little kids.
5:00pm - Narcotics. On 2525's Beat.
5:03pm - Animal abuse. 3064 N Haussen. Male kicked a dog down the street.
5:21pm - Some job at 3159 N Harding.
5:24pm - 1) Suspicious vehicle. Hamlin and Armitage. 2) Traffic accident. 3819 W Fullerton. 3) Battery in progress. 1648 N Central Park. The son is getting jumped by two men. But the cell tower hits off to 16th Street, so it may be occurring in the 10th District.
5:29pm - Gang disturbance. Mozart Park. They're arguing. Someone who works for the park came out, asked them to turn it down and then they told that person to mind their business and started talking back.
5:46pm - Backlog in 25 at 17:46 hours.
5:49pm - Disturbance with drinkers on 2523's Beat.
6:05pm - Person down. 3613 W Armitage. On the front lawn.
6:26pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:45pm - I'm back :).
6:50pm - Disturbance. Fullerton and Pulaski.
6:51pm - Narcotics. On 2523's Beat.
6:55pm - Wanted from multiple calls of Shots Fired at Fullerton and Menard is four IGs, one in a red hat, in a green '98 Jeep Cherokee that has a plate of K124378 and registers to an address on Davlin (and, Davlin only goes from Wellington to Milwaukee in the entire city). They fired at least four shots.
6:57pm - A Tac unit has the Jeep at Fullerton and Kilbourn. They're following it.
6:58pm - A slow down is being given on the 6:55/6:57pm things.
7:04pm - The backlog is cleared out of 25 at 19:04 hours.
7:10pm - They're calling back on the 5:03pm job.
7:11pm - Beat 2552 is doing a contact card on the 6:55pm offenders.
7:50pm - Vice complaint. 1814 N Monticello. In the park.
7:52pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 3608 W Shakespeare. 14 yr old daughter is out of control. 2) Burglar report. 4108 W Nelson.
8:00pm - I have to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Ambulances Needed In The 'Hood
3:27pm - An officer on 2523 is not feeling well. Ambulance requested right away. Whatever's going on, I hope the officer is ok and I wish them a speedy recovery. They're by the AT&T on Belmont near Harding.
3:28pm - Ambulance also needed at Kostner and Altgeld. Reason? A kid was hit by a car.
3:38pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 3:28pm thing. It's HS257298 with the event number of 10454.
3:48pm - Person w/ a gun. 2945 N Kenosha. At Ken-Well Park. A teacher is with students in the park for some kind of practice and they were informed that 10 gang members are in the park with guns.
3:52pm - 2525 is riding with the injuried officer to Swedish Covenant.
4:01pm - Multiple calls starting to come in on Ken-Well. A red SUV's involved. Gangbangers in the vehicle had guns and another group on foot is chasing the van.
4:07pm - 2599 says the officer is fine. Thank God. I was worried about them. I'm thinking they'll be back to work in a couple of days.
4:24pm - An update just came in on the 4:01pm job, but the dispatcher's not "supposed to read it out". Gee, I wonder why. Probably because of my blog. Heh, oh well. Probably something I didn't want to know anyway.
4:25pm - Gang disturbance. Kelvyn Park.
4:31pm - Domestic battery. North and Central Park. Boyfriend hit the caller and hurt the caller's leg.
4:47pm - Battery in progress. 18X1 N Monticello. Gangbangers fighting and throwing bricks.
4:48pm - The 4:47pm job is now a "person w/ a gun" call. But it's an off duty PO who has several people on the ground.
4:49pm - Shots Fired. Cortland and Monticello. Gangbangers are shooting. Related to the fight being called in nearby.
4:52pm - A slow down is being given with that gang fight. No shots fired.
5:05pm - Gang disturbance. Wabansia and Central Park. By the church. They're throwing (up) signs and bricks.
5:08pm - The 4:47/4:48/4:49/5:05pm jobs are coded. They're all related.
5:09pm - Disturbance. Cortland and Springfield. Kids throwing eggs at the school.
5:26pm - 1) Gang disturbance. Tripp and Fullerton. 2) Gang disturbance. 3700 W Fullerton. 3) Parker. 2400 block of N Pulaski.
5:33pm - 1) Battery. Wrightwood and Kostner. A female hit the caller and fled. 2) Disturbance. Schubert and Ridgeway.
5:48pm - Gang disturbance. Kelvyn Park. They're on the Parker side. They are causing a ruckus and appear ready to fight.
5:58pm - Domestic battery. 3944 W Cortland. Granddaughter's boyfriend is fighting everyone.
5:59pm - Battery in progress. Koz Park. On the Diversey side near the basketball court is 10 males beating on three males.
6:12pm - They're calling back on the 5:09pm job. Now there's a heated dispute on the playground of McAuliffe school between a group.
6:13pm - An RD number has been pulled from Wrightwood and Kostner. It's HS257562 with the event number of 12638.
6:39pm - Some job at 2615 N Monticello.
6:44pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon :).
7:10pm - I'm back.
7:13pm - Gang disturbance. George and Hamlin. They're heading towards Avers, flashing.
7:31pm - 1) Disturbance. 3160 N Milwaukee. 2) Burglar report. 2329 N Avers.
7:47pm - Person w/ a gun. Springfield and Belden. Male in a blue shirt talking about shooting someone.
7:53pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2830 N Lawndale.
8:07pm - Shots Fired. Wrightwood and Kostner. Three heard.
8:08pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Kostner. They're in a heated dispute.
8:09pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Burglar Alarm On Concord
3:26pm - Burglar alarm. 3708 W Concord.
3:40pm - Recover the stolen auto. Wellington and Lowell.
3:44 to 3:58pm - I was on the phone with a friend of mine :).
4:15pm - Sex offense. Koz Park. Male White, green jacket and grey pants exposing himself.
4:33pm - Theft. 1904 N Lawndale. Sister's ex-boyfriend came in and stole some stuff.
4:36pm - Person w/ a gun. 2000 N Kedvale. In the alley between Kedvale and Keeler, a man has a gun.
4:41pm - Battery in progress. 3043 N Hamlin. People fighting in the basement apartment and breaking out windows.
4:42pm - A slow down is being given on the 4:36pm job.
5:21pm - Some job at 2630 N Central Park.
5:23pm - Reckless driver. 4100 block of W Wellington. Kid riding his bike up and down in the alley between Wellington and Oakdale.
5:26pm - Person down. 3111 N Milwaukee.
5:27pm - Assault in progress. 4032 W Armitage. Three females are trying to beat up a patient in a clinic.
5:30pm - Those 5:27pm females are now fighting at Armitage and Keystone.
5:43pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 23XX N Keystone. 2) Traffic accident. 2835 N Avers.
6:14pm - Recover the stolen vehicle. 4143 W Dickens.
6:24pm - An RD number has been pulled from 2835 Avers. It's HS255948 with the event number of 12805.
6:35pm - 1) Disturbance. 2600 N Hamlin. Little kids playing. Ok, and what's wrong with that? 2) Parker. 2315 N Monticello. Premits.
6:38pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:54pm - I'm back :).
7:08pm - Battery in progress. 3919 W Fullerton. Intoxicated male fighting a female in the lobby. Also, 2524 gets a parker on the Beat.
8:05pm - I have to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Softball Game Detail @ Kelyvn Park High School
3:53pm - Beat car 2525 is detailed to Kelvyn Park High School per 2501 on a softball game.
3:54pm - 1) Reckless driver. Fullerton and Pulaski. Heading east towards Springfield. 2) Domestic battery. Wrightwood and Kilbourn or Kostner. Couple got into a fight.
3:58pm - Beat 2575Sam is doing some kind of dispersal from 4340 W Wrightwood. Event number is 11083.
4:17pm - Disturbance. 3067 N Milwaukee. At the Polish store. Boss refuses to pay the caller and is harassing her.
4:18pm - Battery in progress. 3143 N Hamlin. Two men fighting in the street.
4:34pm - Gang disturbance. 31X3 N Lawndale. Four to six of them harassing people and throwing up signs. They're possibly teens.
5:07pm - Disturbance. 2853 N Avers. Man refuses to identify himself.
5:44pm - I have an early dinner tonight. I'll be back soon.
6:10pm - I'm back.
6:20pm - Assault. 3143 N Milwaukee. At Burger King. Caller was threatened by one of the lovelys.
7:22pm - Gang disturbance. 24X7 N Ridgeway. They're flashing.
7:56pm - Domestic disturbance. 2053 N Keeler.
8:08pm - I have to go. Good night, everyone. Be safe. Also, to the media in particular, please look at the comments section of this post. Thank you.
Truth About The CPD: Manpower Shortage
Anyway, this cop, who's screenname is Big Daddy on Blogger, left a comment for me yesterday morning under a shooting post about getting more foot patrols. Behind this comment, folks, lays the truth about CPD. In this comment, he tells why there's a shortage (well, obviously, we all know who's the fault for it ... or we should) and how dire the CPD's shortage situation really is.
WARNING: For all of you cop haters out there. I know you're going to flip a can and say nasty things or call my source a liar. But no, this is the truth, and it's tough if you don't like it.
Without further a do, here's the comment:
"Timmy, the problem with posts about people wanting a foot post here or there, more patrols by the officers is this: THERE IS NOBODY LEFT TO DO THOSE THINGS ANYMORE! The mayor has let this department go so far down that it's not even funny anymore. He loses about 500 officers a year due to retirements and then hires about fifty or so to replace them. There is a class in the academy right now that consists of 85 recruits. To replace the hundreds that have retired last year. Now I'm hearing that there will be no more classes for 2010 and 2011!
025 is one of the busiest districts in the city. It is also one of the largest. When I was there it the guys usually went from job to job. There was no time to do aggressive, preventive patrol. Sometimes I didn't even get a lunch break. Compare 025 with lakefront district, say 019 or 020. You will notice that those districts are much smaller, way less busy but yet have the same number of officers as 025! So as much as I'd like to agree with some of the posts about foot patrol and more patroling by the officers assigned to 025, I doubt we will ever see that happen. At least not until we rid ourselves of Daley, Weis and his wannabe members of his command staff that are responsible for all of this."
There folks, now you know the truth. I've been telling you some of this, but it's so much better coming from a cop's mouth rather than mine. Well, folks, the bolded parts of this post is what sticks out the most, I think. I have heard this first hand over the scanner. I hear first hand of all the trouble CPD is going through these days. And all of it is the truth. However, I am shocked by the fact there will be no classes this year or next year. Mayor Daley is out of his mind. So is Jody Weis. They've done it now. I really sympathize with CPD at this point. They shouldn't have to go through all of this.
So, you citizens are saying "it's not our problem" or "what the hell are we going to do about it?" at this point. Well, what I think I should personally do is write a letter to Jody Weis and Daley, expressing anger at those two of the way they're treating our boys in blue. And maybe some of you should, too. I know, I know, there are A FEW bad cops out there (looking at you coppers in 14 and a couple of you in 25) who deserve whatever mistreatment comes their way. BUT, I know for a fact that most of the CPD consists of cops who want to protect and serve us. I've seen it personally. I have met cops who want to do exactly what they get paid for. But the problem is, Jody Weis and Mayor Daley think that's a bad thing and insist on firing cops every chance they get it seems like. You see all the time when a cops shoots someone, they're always right there to say something (especially you, Weis).
Then you got these little teeny boppers and gangbangers who scream racism everytime a cop gets tough. Or these little yuppies claim that cops beat them up for no reason (sorry, my yuppie readers. I'm not talking about all of you. Just the ones who are drama queens when it comes to cops). You know what? Screw that! Let CPD do their job and get off their ass. Seriously. Maybe they wouldn't have to get tough if you just obeyed them.
I personally think this manpower shortage concerns all of us. We citizens need to say something to the mayor and Mr. Weis. And, we need to vote the pig (Daley) out. He's doing nothing for our city anyhow. Stop looking for the cops to defend theirselves when it comes to this. We need to help them out here, I think.
Comments/questions? Send them here. But be warned. This post will be highly moderated. I'm not accepting any hate towards Big Daddy because he always tells me the truth and nothing but the truth. But, if you have any honest questions towards him, please, do ask them here. I may be able to answer some of the questions, but again, I don't work for CPD so I really don't know everything of what they're going through.
Thank you,