This website, or blog, is about the crime in the Avondale/Logan Square neighborhoods on Chicago's Northwest side.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial's Day 2010!
10:21am - Parker. 3811 W Altgeld. Dump truck in the alley.
10:25am - Domestic battery. 1628 N Central Park. Husband came home drunk and beat up the caller.
10:37am - Burglar alarm. 4249 W Diversey. At the carpet place.
11:18am - Domestic disturbance. 1739 N Harding.
11:49am - Domestic disturbance. 2313 N Lawndale. Problem with the 19 yr old son.
12:00pm - Traffic accident. 3110 N Milwaukee. Hit and run.
12:51pm - A female officer was saying something about a bike being stolen from the Taco Bell at 3143 Milwaukee, but I didn't catch everything she was saying.
12:54pm - Domestic disturbance. 2150 N Pulaski. Kids fighting in an apartment.
12:57pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 2710 N Ridgeway. Kids went into the vacant building.
1:32pm - Disturbance. 4420 W Diversey. Three males drinking in public.
1:42pm - Domestic disturbance. 3912 W Wrightwood. Boyfriend's moving out, but he's taking the caller's belongings.
3:39pm - Domestic disturbance. 2843 N Kilbourn.
3:58pm - Beat car 2521 is doing something at 2901 N Kenneth.
4:11pm - Disturbance. 29X3 N Avers. Male urinating in the alley.
4:44pm - Assault in progress. 2900 N Ridgeway. Gangbangers congregating and threatening.
5:13pm - They're calling back on the 1:42pm job.
6:07pm - Parker. 2600 block of N Hamlin. Purple 4X4 with no plates.
6:09pm - Beat car 2523 has a traffic stop at 3812 W Fullerton.
6:21pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 3128 N Monticello. From the backyard. 2) Parker. 3612 W Diversey. Car blocking the driveway.
6:33pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:00pm - I'm back :).
7:35pm - Parker. 2438 N Central Park. Green Toyota parked in the handicapped space.
7:45pm - Suspicious vehicle. 2800 block of N Ridgeway. Must be the red car that's running. It's been running since 4pm.
8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Good night, everyone :).
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Live Band On Central Park
12:00am - Loud music disturbance. 2608 N Central Park. Live band.
12:01am - Reckless driver. Belmont and Pulaski. White Chevy swerving into traffic. With that, I'm off to bed. Night, everyone :).
7:31am - Here I am. Good morning :). At about 12:20am, there were a few calls in the 2900 block of N Springfield for two rival gangs throwing bottles at each other. I'll be watching this block today.
8:02am - Criminal trespass in progress. Lawndale and Palmer. Two males going into a building that's being rehabbed.
8:28am - Disturbance. 2856 N Avers. Problem with the neighbors.
8:55am - Parker. 2753 N Lawndale. Black SUV.
8:58am - Domestic disturbance. 1904 N Lawndale. Loud argument.
9:52am - Parker. On 2523's Beat.
10:29am - 10-1. 2920 N Monitor. There's a big fight and it's out of control. 2515 is by himself over there. All available units are advised to go. This orginally came in as a "battery in progress" with three people trying to jump someone. As 2515 pulled up ... well, let's just say more people came and it got out of hand.
10:31am - A slow down is being given on Monitor. There's still a lot of yelling in the background.
11:14am - I just saw the scariest thing while coming home from running some errands. A dude in a purple tanktop came out of the store, SW corner, of Diversey and Lawndale when this white Jeep Cherokee pulls up with a guy in no shirt. These two started shouting at each other. The guy with no shirt is like "I got you, motherfucker!". Then the yelling became unintelligible. I believe the guy in the Jeep is a Cobra, because the guy in the purple was shouting "IG!". I didn't stick around for the rest of it. I ran home so I didn't get caught in any gunfire. Other people on the street started running too. I did call 911, for the record.
11:34am - Disturbance. 2618 N Hamlin. Neighbor is pouring some liqud on his property. Oh, this can be dispatched before a serious gang disturbance?? The officals at OEMC are screwed up in the head. I can't blame the dispatchers. They're just doing their job.
11:58am - Battery in progres. 2455 N Ridgeway. Group fighting on the street.
11:59am - It's a gang fight on Ridgeway. By the church. Let's see what this blows up into. Hopefully not a 10-1 like they had on Monitor.
12:01pm - There's a funeral going on at Our Lady of Grace. It may be a gang funeral. In the meantime, 2522's giving a slow down.
12:23pm - Recover the stolen vehicle. Concord and Lawndale.
12:31pm - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Davlin. Group of guys drinking and throwing garbage around.
12:36pm - Disturbance. 3843 W Fullerton. Teens throwing rocks, climbing the building, etc.
1:24pm - Municipal ordinance violation. Kildare and Diversey. Female selling food.
2:14pm - 1) Burglar report. 3033 N Davlin. 2) Narcotics. 3820 W North. Three guys doing drugs out there.
2:26pm - Beat 2584 is running some names from 3820 North.
3:04pm - Person down. 3076 N Milwaukee. Man passed out on the sidewalk. He's actually on the Hamlin side of the building. EMS is not going.
3:11pm - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Springfield.
3:27pm - Battery in progress. Springfield and Wabansia. Male beating a female in the park.
3:42pm - Battery in progress. 3052 N Monticello. People fighitng in the backyard.
3:53pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 3:11pm job. It's HS334473 with the event number of 11288.
5:03pm - Beat car 2522 is running a name from a street stop at 3051 N Milwaukee.
6:09pm - 1) Gang disturbance. George and Avers. Three flashing. 2) Battery. 3181 N Milwaukee. In front of the Shell gas station, a drunk got aboard CTA bus #6757 and punched the driver.
6:15pm - The battery is coded out. There's no bus, and the caller called from a payphone. Caller sounded drunk.
6:23pm - Check the well being. Pulaski and Nelson. Male on a bike with a child on it fell off the bike, but then got back up and kept going.
6:24pm - Person w/ a gun. Belmont and Milwaukee. Caller came into the Shell gas station, claiming he was chased by someone with a gun.
7:03pm - I have to go eat. With that, I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow. Night, everoyone :).
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Homeless Guy Causes Disturbance On Wolfram
6:59pm - Disturbance. 3600 W Wolfram. Problem with a homeless guy.
7:14pm - Battery. Ken-Well Park.
7:15pm - Assault. 3607 W Fullerton. At Tony's. Caller was threatened.
7:40 to 7:51pm - I wasn't paying too much attention. I was nodding off.
8:13pm - Anybody know what happened last night at about 11 at the Popeyes at California and Diversey? I'm told there was a car with a windshield either shot out or it was involved in an accident. There was lots of police and EMS on scene.
8:25pm - A black vehicle that was possibly involved in a shooting (which someone ended up shot from) from Milwaukee and Drake fled on Milwaukee towards Central Park. It may be coming into 25.
8:27pm - 1) Disturbance. Kildare and Wrightwood. Group loitering on the street. 2) Parker. 2523 N Tripp. Two vehicles blocking the alley.
9:20pm - Battery in progress. 3700 W Wrightwood.
9:21pm - Vice complaint. On 2523's Beat.
9:25pm - A disregard is being given on the 9:20pm job.
9:34pm - Loud music disturbance. On 2523's Beat.
9:39pm - Loud music disturbance. 3631 W Palmer. From the backyard.
9:56pm - Domestic disturbance. 1832 N Springfield.
10:12pm - Loud music disturbance. 2338 N Ridgeway.
10:13pm - Suspicious person. 28X6 N Hamlin. Two males lurking and crotching down in the area.
10:59pm - Violation order of protection. 4107 W Dickens.
11:11pm - Ooooohhhh ... VERY heated on the Zone. Dispatch and a cop get into it REAL bad. They were arguing about an "information for the police" job that some how got mistaken for a child abduction. Dispatch defender her position by the telling the officer she just dispatched it the way it came in. At one point, the cop says "finally, you get it". Dispatch replied "call our supervisor if you have a problem with it". He told her to shut up and dispatch. Dispatch got pissed and told a supervisor over the radio to except a call from OEMC.
11:31pm - Suspicious vehicle. Milwaukee and Hamlin. Vehicle parked behind the auto shop apparently is doing something in order to be suspicious.
11:41pm - Gang disturbance. On the 20 sector of 25.
11:52pm - Disturbance. 1821 N Pulaski.
11:58pm - There in fact was a shooting at Milwaukee and Drake. A man was shot in the arm in a possible drive-by at about 8:10pm. Chicago Breaking News' article falsely refers this as a Logan Square shooting, when in fact it happened in Avondale.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Disturbances In The 'Hood
5:24pm - Disturbance. 2904 N Avers.
5:29pm - Disturbance. 2550 N Pulaski. At the Marathon gas station. Dispute.
5:41pm - Beat car 2523 has a handwaver at 3181 N Milwaukee, at the Shell gas station.
5:45pm - Domestic disturbance. 4174 W Wellington. Problem with the husband.
5:55pm - EMS run. 3143 N Milwaukee. On the side of Taco Bell, a male is down.
5:56pm - Gang disturbance. Wrightwood and Kostner. They're acting up. They're in the park.
6:06pm - Check the well being. 2447 N Springfield. Caller is on scene to check up on an elderly woman. The door is wide open and nobody's responding to the caller's voice.
6:08pm - Domestic disturbance. 3911 W Schubert. Problem with the drugged up roommate.
6:11pm - Person shot. 3759 W Fullerton. Female shot after three gunshots went off.
6:12pm - Shots Fired. 2437 N Ridgeway. White Lexus speeding towards Fullerton, possibly involved.
6:13pm - Multiple calls for "Shots Fired" coming in. 2400 block of Lawndale, Ridgeway and Fullerton, 2400 block of N Ridgeway. Also, windows were shot out of a car in front of Our Lady of Grace.
6:15pm - A slow down is being given on this choas.
6:16pm - No victim shot found so far. There is a victim from the windows from the car being shot out, however.
6:17pm - A black car with a plate of H496551 was involved in the shooting.
6:20pm - A 4-door white Honda may also be involved in the shooting. It's either a 1992 or a 1996 model. It fled south on Ridgeway, then west towards Hamlin in the north alley of Fullerton.
6:22pm - 1) Burglar alarm. 3128 N Monticello. 2) Gang disturbance. 3100 block of N Monticello. There's six on a porch in the block, hanging out. Then, down the street, there's another group throwing bottles.
6:23pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Kostner. Six flashing by McDonalds? There ain't a McDonalds there. There's a restaurant called Cozy something, a currency, a gas station and some businesses over there, but no McDonalds.
6:42pm - Check the well being. Milwaukee and Central Park.
6:43pm - 10-1. 4928 W Concord. Male calling. Details to follow...
6:45pm - A disregard is being given on the 6:43pm job per 2533. Nothing's going on.
7:02pm - They're calling back on the 5:56pm job. They're drinking, using marijuana and threatening people now.
7:05pm - There was some call at Belmont and Central Park.
7:07pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:37pm - I'm back :).
8:02pm - Gang disturbance. Mozart Park. Three of them yelling "Mexican Mafia!".
8:08pm - Loud music disturbance. 2200 block of N Karlov.
8:44pm - Transport unit needed at Springfield and Diversey. 2573, the wagon, and another unit are riding over.
8:48pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 3100 N Monticello. 2) Criminal trespass in progress. 2933 N Avers. 3) Traffic accident. 4128 W Nelson. 4) Loud music disturbance. 2819 N Kostner. 5) Gang disturbance. 18X7 N Harding. They're playing football in the middle of the street.
9:01pm - Battery. 3842 W Diversey. EMS is en route for a man in his 40s punched in the eye.
9:11pm - The 9:01pm job is coded. Victim is highly intoxicated and wants no police.
9:41pm - Information for the police. 21X9 N Keystone. Neighbor's son may have stolen the caller's car.
9:43pm - Parker. 2530 N Hamlin. Car blocking the alley between Hamlin and Avers.
9:45pm - Battery in progress. 1813 N Lawndale. Grandson in-law and the husband are fighting.
9:54pm - Disturbance. 2148 N Keystone. Kids riding scooters up and down the alley.
10:04pm - Shots Fired. Barry and Pulaski. Several heard.
10:05pm - A slow down is being given on the 10:04pm job. It may be fireworks, according to 2523. They sound like it. I'm hearing them over here too.
10:06pm - Vice complaint. 19X8 N Monticello. Group of youths drinking and smoking marijuana.
10:15pm - Person w/ a gun. Armitage and Avers. Male with a gun in the park.
10:34pm - Gang disturbance. 3100 N Tripp. Group throwing bottles on the corner.
10:45pm - Backlog in 25 at 22:45 hours.
10:51pm - 1) Assault. Fullerton and Pulaski. 2) Parker. 4100 W Wellington.
10:53pm - Shots Fired. 2312 N Kedvale. Three heard and a male in black clothing was seen running.
10:56pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Monticello. Group of guys fighting.
11:03pm - Burglar alarm. 3030 N Milwaukee. At the restrauant.
11:18pm - Person w/ a gun. 3110 N Milwaukee. Three guys in the hallway threatening someone. One says he has a gun.
11:21pm - A slow down is being given on the 11:18pm job.
11:35pm - Battery in progress. 3720 W Armitage. Male beating a woman, who has a baby in her hand.
11:36pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Lawndale. Five people fighting.
11:53pm - Domestic disturbance. 2958 N Pulaski. Son's friends refuse to leave. They need to go.
12:00am - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back after dinner tomorrow. Good night, everyone :).
Man Shot In Neck Yesterday On Cortland
Like I've been saying, we're gun happy in this neighborhood, and we're in for a real long summer.
Child Possibly Shot @ Harding and Wabansia Last Night
Two People Shot In Traffic On Schubert
Two Men Shot Near Foodsmart On Armitage
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Loiters On Pulaski
3:18pm - Disturbance. 2550 N Pulaski. Loiters.
3:53pm - Battery. 1900 block of N Hamlin.
3:54pm - 1) Disturbance. 3058 N Lawndale. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2652 N Harding.
4:12pm - A cop responding to a call (not in this area) says "10-4. The Cubs won," and Dispatch asks if that's a team. Ughhhh ... I feel insulted, LOL. I'm a Cubs fan :).
4:37pm - Disturbance. 1920 N Hamlin. In front of Ames, there's people loitering.
About 4:55 to 6:11pm - Fell asleep. Sorry :(.
6:12pm - Some call. Now I can't remember it.
6:13 to 6:20pm - Fell asleep again.
6:21pm - Check the wel being. 3050 N Monticello. 8 year old child is with an unknown male.
6:54pm - Wanted for robbery from Monticello Park, 1814 Monticello, is a male White, 5'8, 150 lbs, green eyes, brown hair, white tanktop and blue jeans. He took school IDs and a wallet from the vitcims. This occurred at about 6:30.
6:58pm - Gang disturbance. 2700 N Monticello. They're loitering and throwing bricks. This call has been pending since before 5:30.
6:59pm - Open door. 2427 N Avers.
7:01pm - Person w/ a knife. 3923 W Altgeld. Female on her cell phone, walking back and forth in front with a knife.
7:06pm - 1) Disturbance. 29X9 N Avers. Squatters in a vacant building. 2) Disturbance. Belmont and Ridgeway. Two guys running up to cars. I'm thinking they're gangbangers because one has on a yellow, and given that location, that's Latin King area. 3) Sex offense. 2715 N Lawndale. Male peeing on the sidewalk. Came in as a municipal ordinance violation, for some odd reason.
7:09pm - Gang disturbance. Kostner and Schubert. They're on the corner, flashing.
7:16pm - Domestic disturbance. 2020 N Hamlin. Argument over drugs.
7:19pm - Backlog in 25 at 19:19 hours. No units availabale whatsoever.
7:38pm - Disturbance. 18X1 N Lawndale. Guys swearing in front.
8:01pm - Narcotics. 21X4 N Springfield. People smoking marijuana.
8:02pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).
Beat 2523 Meeting Last Night (5-26-10)
The old issues that were talked about from last month's meeting was the one on Davlin, then there was one I brought up and there was one on Kenneth. The one on Kenneth had issues with dog fighting. Officer Flores said that the police have checked out all three of the issues.
New problems:
- At the corner of George and Avers, as some of you know, there's been a lot of problems with gangs. There were four shootings within the last month there. They also sell drugs and loiter on the corners. We had a pretty long discussion about it, but it was well worth it, I think. This corner's been a thug corner for far too long. I don't remember too well of what all was said about it, but it was a really good discussion.
- On Belmont, there's been problems with burglaries and lots of noises from cars.
- At Diversey and Ridgeway, there's been two guys by the, now, closed bar (from what I'm told), flashing gang signs and stuff. This is common in the afternoons.
- On Hamlin, there's a problem with drunks doing what they do (peeing on the ground, drinking, etc.) at an abandoned property.
> I am told by Officer Flores that the Mobile Strike Force unit WILL be patroling this area this summer, particulary the corner of George and Avers.
> Residents were asking the police about hot-spot corners. They were asking if possibly George and Avers could be one. The Sergeant on 2520 (Sgt. Weiglein had another Beat meeting tonight) said that our area will never get that lucky, to have one of those, because basically, we're better off then some of the other areas in our District. I'd just like to say, that's very true.
> Our area IS a gang conflict area. The boundaries are Belmont-Diversey-Pulaski-Ridgeway. That means that the patrols will increase in the area, but only a little bit.
> Alderman Reboyras (30th) was there, and he listened carefully (and I know he did, I sat next to him the entire time. Just saying for those who think otherwise) to the issues. He also participated a lot in the meeting, which impresses me. Thanks for coming out, Alderman!
> The most incidents took place in the 3000 block of North Milwaukee. The most crimes were, again, battery (19 reported incidents), theft (18 reported incidents) and motor vehicle theft (12 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Thursdays and Fridays. Most incidents took place on the street (39 reported incidents) and in residences (11 reported incidents). The most incidents took place in the 11am, 7pm and 9pm hours.
As I do in every Beat meeting post, I extend my thanks to all for being involved in this meeting. We are making progress for sure, I think, but a lot of work still needs to be done. It's good to see all of the familiar faces and new faces. Once again, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! We need all of the help we can get.
Thank you,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Child Possibly Shot @ Harding and Wabansia Last Night
"Someone was shot on Harding and Wabansia a half hour ago. I think it was a young boy. I don't think he was hurt too bad. Police response time was about 2 minutes."
I surely hope it's not true that a child was shot. That would just be plain sick to hear. Whoever the shooter was must be a real coward to shoot a child. This post will probably be updated later. I'll be seeking more information and looking into this.
Two People Shot In Traffic On Schubert
Two Men Shot Near Foodsmart On Armitage
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Two People Shot In Traffic On Schubert
Personally, I think this is the most tragic shooting out of all of the shootings that happened in Chicago last night because it was two vitcims in this incident. We've got to do something to prevent this kind of stuff from happening, or we're in for a real long summer around here. But it may be too late at this point. If it is, I will do everything in my power to update this blog as much as possible this summer to keep you posted. And it will all be done here on Blogger.
Two Men Shot Near Foodsmart On Armitage
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Two Males Beating On One @ Diversey and Lawndale
3:47pm - Battery in progress. Diversey and Lawndale. Two males, one in a black tanktop, jumping on one. A white car is somehow involved.
4:03pm - Theft. 2338 N Lawndale. A man stole a blue bike from the scene.
4:13pm - Traffic accident. 2900 block of N Hamlin. Kid hit by a car.
4:22pm - Person w/ a gun. Diversey and Avers. Over a dozen males on the corner and the one in a white t-shirt, blue jeans with a white doo-rag has a gun on him.
4:25pm - A slow down is being given on the 4:22pm job.
4:46pm - There's more to the story on the 4:22pm job. There's a pissed off 911 caller now because supposedly, the group was also fighting, and the police just drove past. The guys hid.
4:51pm - I'm going to listen to some music while I do the article on last night's shooting.
5:20pm - Unfortunaley, my computer decided to get sick and shut down on me. I finished the actual shooting article, but the shut down pervented me from adding my finishing touches to it. I'll have to do that a little later.
5:28pm - Burglar report. 2827 N Springfield.
5:51pm - Beat 2541 is doing special attention per 2599, the Watch Commander, on the 2600 block of N Lawndale.
6:04pm - I'm going to add those finishing touches now. I'll be back in about 10 minutes.
6:14pm - I'm back.
6:54pm - 2541 is doing a premise check at Monroe school, and is dispersing ten teens from the school grounds. I'm guess they have 2541 over there because of last night's shooting.
7:39pm - Battery in progress. Ken-Well Park. 10 people fighting.
7:42pm - A slow down is given on the 7:39pm job.
7:45pm - They're calling back on the 4:03pm job. It's a "person wanted" now.
8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Good night, everyone :).
Monday, May 24, 2010
Mental Disturbance On Avers
3:33pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2856 N Avers. The husband's a mental and he's going off.
4:11pm - Domestic disturbance. 3713 W Palmer. Sister's ex-boyfriend pounding on the door.
4:34pm - Burglar alarm. 2550 N Avers.
5:02pm - Burglar alarm. 2238 N Avers.
5:09pm - Gang disturbance. 3625 W Belmont. Six to seven of them throwing up signs.
5:16pm - Backlog in 25 at 17:16 hours.
5:34pm - Burglar report. 2126 N Hamlin.
5:38pm - Beat car 2524 has a street stop at Fullerton and Ridgeway.
5:55 to 6:14pm - I took a nap. Sorry :(.
6:38pm - Burglar report. 3627 W Shakespeare. Boyfriend broke into the apartment.
7:33pm - Domestic battery. Diversey and Monticello. Male Hispanic in a white tanktop and blue jean shorts beating a pregnant female. Probably his girlfriend or wife.
8:02pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Night, everyone :).
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Disturbances Galore In The Neighborhood
12:04am - Beat 2546 is getting some disturbances on the 20 sector. With that, I'm gone. Good night, everyone :).
9:13am - I'm back. Good morning :).
10:29am - Parker. 2511 N Hamlin.
11:09am - Violation order of protection. 3604 W Shakespeare. The ex-husband is walking around the building, and there's an order on him.
11:23am - Child left alone. 41X0 W Fletcher. A 3 yr old was left on the porch by herself at the known drug house. Her mother went inside.
11:27am - Foot chase. Kilbourn and Fullerton. Male running towards Kostner. This is from a big gang fight at this location.
11:28am - Two males actually fled. They were last seen around Wrightwood on Kostner. One has no shirt and the other has on a black tanktop.
11:32am - The chase is over. The vitcim wants nothing done. He's not even cooperating. Coded 19P.
11:42am - Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Haussen. Child hit by a car. EMS is on the way.
12:00pm - Burglary. 2529 N Ridgeway. Male White, 20s, work uniform broke into the caller's apartment. He fled towards Wrightwood in the east alley.
12:01pm - Battery. 3054 N Milwaukee. Caller was hit in the mouth with a broom by a woman in the laundromat. She's an apparent employee there and she accussed him of breaking into a drier.
12:04pm - Parker. Diversey and Kildare. Cars parked on the sidewalk.
12:16pm - Spainish speaker needed at the 12pm job.
12:32pm - Burglar report. 3632 W Fullerton.
12:33pm - Parker. 1800 block of N Harding.
12:46pm - EMS run. 1832 N Springfield. Female roommate took too many pills.
1:01pm - Another unit is needed on the 12:46pm job, perferably a female on it. The female who took the pills is starting to act crazy.
1:12pm - EMS run. 2326 N Ridgeway. 58 yr old male fell and is bleeding.
1:42pm - Loud music disturbance. 1821 N Pulaski.
1:55pm - Backlog in 25 at 13:55 hours. For those of you who don't know what "backlog" means, it means no units are available and that jobs are pending.
2:06pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 2911 N Kostner. 2) Parker. 4400 block of W Parker. Premits. 3) They're calling back on the 1:42pm job. 4) Parker. 3943 W Cortland.
2:18pm - There's a call at McLean and Lawndale, but I missed it.
2:19pm - Burglar alarm. 2201 N Springfield.
2:36pm - Parker. 4426 W Deming.
3:17pm - Parker. 3925 W Wellington.
3:18pm - Information for the police. George and Avers.

3:23pm - Reckless driver. 4100 W Fletcher. Man with no shirt riding a motorcycle down the sidewalk.
3:45pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.
3:56pm - Disturbance. 3143 N Milwaukee. Guys bothering customers at Taco Bell. Probably some of the Milwaukee drunks.
4:07pm - Domestic disturbance. 3734 W Shakespeare. Ex-girlfriend needs to go.
4:10pm - Parker. 1833 N Pulaski.
4:54pm - 1) Traffic accident. Lawndale and Wolfram. 2) Parker. 2400 N Avers. 3) Domestic disturbance. Wrightwood and Lawndale. Child's father won't return the kid. 4) They're calling back on the 3:23 and 4:10pm jobs.
5:34pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.
5:56pm - Assault. Kelvyn Park. Four men threatened the caller.
6:05pm - Beat car 2524 has a street stop at 2746 N Harding.
6:32pm - Commerical alarm. 3813 W Fullerton. At Dollar Day.
6:58pm - I have to go eat, and with that, I'm gone for the night. See you all tomorrow afternoon :).
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Teen Loiters On Monticello
7:10pm - Suspicious person. 2707 N Monticello. Male White, shaved head, khaki pants in his late teens is loitering on the block, like he's waiting for something to happen. He was asked to leave once already but won't.
7:14pm - Traffic accident. Springfield and Diversey.
7:23pm - Beat car 2524 has a street stop at George and Lawndale.
7:25pm - Suspicious person. 3053 N Haussen. Two males walking around the property, I guess.
7:37pm - 1) Disturbance. 2933 N Avers. People drinking in the rear of the vacant building. 2) Loud music disturbance. 2600 block of N Harding.
7:40pm - Beat 6757Charlie has a traffic stop at Belmont and Ridgeway.
7:43pm - And there's an arrest from 6757C's stop.
8:13pm - A unit has a traffic stop at Central Park and Schubert.
8:57pm - Beat car 2523 is doing something at 3102 N Milwaukee. Also, there's drag racing at 1842 N Ridgeway.
9:37pm - EMS run. 1620 N Harding. Male down.
9:48pm - For the folks around the area of Milwaukee and Sawyer, is that gunshots going off, or is it fireworks? A commentor who lives near there says it's gunfire.
9:49pm - Person calling for help. 3104 N Monticello. Neighbor is yelling "help, help!" through the window.
9:50pm - Officer Ferraro on 2523 is celebrating his birthday today. Happy b-day, sir, and thanks for all of your hard work on this Beat and at the CAPS meetings! :)
9:56pm - EMS run. 2949 N Avers. Intoxicated guy shaking in the grass.
9:57pm - Battery in progress. Shakespeare and Springfield. Three people fist fighting on the street.
10:08pm - Another car needed at the 9:56pm job per 2525Robert. It's actually at 2933, which is an abandoned building.
10:12pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 19X6 N Monticello. About 10 of them gathering. 2) Loud music disturbances galore. 3700 blocks of W Wrightwood and Fullerton, and 2607 N Hamlin.
10:15pm - Beat 2546 has an on-view disturbance at 2120 N Springfield. Probably related to that fist fight about 20 minutes ago up the street at Shakespeare and Springfield.
10:26pm - Theft in progress. 2428 N Hamlin. People around a maroon-colored vehicle, trying to steal it. It's alarm is sounding.
10:29pm - The 10:26pm job is coded 19Adam.
10:35pm - Robbery in progress. Fullerton and Karlov. Vitcim has his eyes closed. The offender's forcing him down Karlov, towards Belden. Offender has on a white t-shirt.
10:46pm - Check the well being. 3601 W Cortland. DeShaun Washington, male Black, 20, black jacket, green shirt, blue jeans, white shoes just walked out of the center and walked across Central Park into 14. He's heading towards Drake on Cortland. He is a danger to himself and others.
10:47pm - The 10:35pm job is coded because it was just two intoxicated guys helping each other up.
10:54pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Monticello. They were loitering and stuff over there, then they went to go hang out at Central Park and Diversey. They're causing problems as well.
11:25pm - Loud music disturbances at 2427 N Kostner and 2422 N Avers.
11:35pm - Two birds in one stone. There's a fire at 4444 W Deming and there's a party at 4450.
11:59pm - Beat car 2524 gets some stuff.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Group Flashing Signs @ Wrightwood and Monticello
3:24pm - Gang disturbance. Wrightwood and Monticello. SE corner. Group of males flashing signs.
3:34pm - Backlog in 25 at 15:34 hours.
3:36pm - Gang disturbance. 2559 N Hamlin.
4:17pm - Laying down for a nap. I'll be back in about an hour.
5:23pm - Finally awake again :).
5:28pm - Gang disturbances at Armitage and Lawndale, and George and Avers.
5:35pm - Battery in progress. Diversey and Kostner. Male fighting a female.
5:52pm - 1) Gang disturbance. 19X6 N Monticello. 2) Parker. 4327 W Drummond.
6:02pm - Municipal ordinance violation. On 2525's Beat.
6:19pm - Loud music disturbance. 4100 block of W Wellington.
6:21pm - Domestic disturbance. 1836 N Central Park. Son came home drunk. When asked why, he left again.
6:29pm - Disturbance. 2814 N Lawndale. Problem with the landlord who had the caller arrested previously.
6:32pm - Battery in progress. Diversey and Springfield. Female hitting a male.
7:03pm - A large group of gangbangers at a funeral or a wake in the 4400 block of W Diversey. 2599 lets the units in this area know to use caution, because of the presence of gang members.
8:32pm - Domestic disturbance. 2146 N Avers.
8:36pm - Traffic accident. 2411 N Kostner. Two cars. Couple of calls.
8:37pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Pulaski. Gangbangers fighting.
8:38pm - A slow down is being given on the 8:37pm job. But, multiple calls are coming in for a fight in the 1800 block of N Pulaski. Group fighting with bats and sticks.
8:40pm - A disregard is being given on the 8:37/8:38pm jobs.
8:41pm - Parker. 3700 block of W Palmer.
9:38pm - Domestic disturbance. 3800 W Fullerton. Problem with mom.
11:01pm - Robbery. Central Park and Oakdale. From the bar.
11:04pm - Not sure if it's fireworks or gunfire, but there's a lot of pops and/or booms going off in the area around my apartment.
11:06pm - A unit advises that if there's calls for "Shots Fired" near Wrightwood and Monticello, it's fireworks.
11:31pm - Informatin for the police. Belmont and Pulaski.
11:47pm - Battery in progress. 3106 N Haussen. Two drunks fighting in the alley by the Copericus Center.
11:51pm - Beat car 2522Robert gives 2523R a disregard. It's "nothing more" than two drunks being loud.
11:54pm - Gang disturbance. Springfield and Wabansia. Five to six of them throwing bottles.
12:00am - I'm going to go. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back tomorrow after my dinner. Be safe :).
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Large Amount Of Money Stolen From Export
5:18am - Theft. Diversey and Logan. At Export. A large amount of money was stolen from a bag.
6:27am - Burglar alarm. 3408 W Armitage. At Autozone.
6:28am - Municipal ordinance violation. 2336 N Lister. Construction started early.
6:42am - I have to go. Have a great day, and I'll be back this afternoon :).
3:13pm - I'm back. Good afternoon :).
3:26pm - Battery. 1920 N Hamlin. At Ames.
4:10pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a park check at Ken-Well. Event number is 12234.
4:13pm - A reader sent me this photo this morning. Here, we have no less than seven drunks hanging out at Milwaukee and Ridgeway (right around 3101 N Milwaukee). They're also drinking a large bottle of whiskey. This was taken at about 8am.

4:42pm - Disturbance. 3633 W Dickens. Loiters in the rear and they may be involved in drug dealing.
4:46pm - I'm going to my homework. I should be back soon.
5:48pm - I'm back :). Sorry that took so long.
5:58pm - Traffic accident. 2400 N Hamlin. EMS en route for an injury.
6:03pm - Beat 2592, the foot patrol guy on Fullerton, needs a drunk taken for a de-tox run at Fullerton and Kostner. 2573, the wagon, will go over.
6:08pm - Assault in progress. 3627 W Armitage. At the hair salon. Former employee threatening the manager.
6:36pm - Information for the police. 3800 and 3900 blocks of W Fullerton.
6:39pm - Traffic control needed at 3754 W Fullerton for a traffic accident. A unit is on scene but another is needed. 2525 is going over.
7:01pm - Burglar alarm. 4020 W Armitage.
7:35pm - 1) Landlord/tenant dispute. 2220 N Keystone. 2) Disturbance. Wrightwood and Lowell. Argument on the street. Possibly from a traffic accident.
7:39pm - There was, apparently, a call at 2537 N Lowell.
8:00pm - Domestic disturbance. 3710 W Altgeld.
8:01pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone :).
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Two Year Old Wanders Alone On Fullerton
4:53pm - Child left alone. Hamlin and Fullerton. A 2 yr old was wandering in the middle of the street by himself.
5:10pm - Fireworks. 3714 W Wabansia. Neighbors shooting off fireworks in the backyard.
5:15pm - Suspicious vehicle. 4435 W Wrightwood. Vehicle sitting in front. Not sure what's suspicious about it.
5:25pm - Narcotics. Koz Park. Teens smoking weed on the basketball court.
5:32pm - EMS run. 1926 N Ridgeway.
6:00pm - EMS run. 3129 N Milwaukee.
6:06pm - Traffic accident. Pulaski and Wellington. Two cars, no injuries.
6:13pm - Shots Fired. 1716 N Ridgeway. Four gunshots heard.
6:31pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
6:57pm - I'm back :).
7:08pm - Burglar report. 2627 N Springfield.
8:12pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Good night, everyone :).
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Burglar Report On Avers
3:29pm - Burglar report. 2526 N Avers.
3:34pm - Beats 2576Sam, 2577Sam and 2579 are all at KP High School for dismissal. It takes three units for a dismissal there?
4:23pm - Robbery. 3816 W Armitage. Teen male robbed of a necklace.
4:40pm - Two reckless driver complaints. Number #1 is at Keeler and North Ave. It was a red car speeding towards Pulaski. Number #2 is some sort of truck speeding towards Belden on Pulaski from Fullerton.
4:58pm - Beat 6255 is doing a gang dispersal from 2977 N Lawndale. Dispersing two. Console time is 16:58 hours and the event number is 12813.
5:23pm - Criminal trespass? 3638 W Wrightwood. Teens climbing the roof of the store. Dispatch read it out as a trespass, but it sounds more like a disturbance.
5:40 to 6:17pm - There were a couple of calls in the area.
6:17pm - There's a big event going on at Palmer and Hamlin with hundreds of people there.
6:22pm - Gang disturbance. Kedvale and Palmer. They appear to be up to no good.
6:29pm - Vandalism in progress. 2230 N Springfield. Teens tagging the garage.
6:41pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:01pm - I'm back from dinner :).
7:02pm - Parker. 2000 block of N Avers. Premits.
7:04pm - Inspirational quote of the day goes to .... Beat 1510. Dispatch said he'd be upset about something, and 1510 said "life's too short to be upset". I'm glad to hear she's got such a positive attitude on life.
7:12pm - Beat 45Sam17 is going in with one from a stop at 3196 N Springfield. An RD number for an "1811" (less than 30 ounces of weed). It's HS314372 with the event number of 15439.
7:48pm - Gang disturbance. Karlov and Palmer. They're loitering.
7:50 to 9:01pm - I fell asleep. Sorry :(.
9:01pm - And I'm off to the bed. Good night and I'll be here tomorrow.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Possible Traffic Stop On Bloomingdale
6:49pm - Sounds like Beat car 2531 has a traffic stop at St. Louis and Bloomingdale.
7:00pm - Burglary in progress. 3607 W Diversey. Someone's breaking in.
7:02pm - Battery. 2816 N Lawndale. Group of kids had a fight.
7:23pm - Domestic disturbance. 3741 W Shakespeare. Brother in-law causing problems.
7:33pm - I'm gone for the night. See you all tomorrow afternoon. Good night :).
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Children Left In Drug House On Monticello
12:09am - Child left alone. 3144 N Monticello. Several children left along in a drug house. With that, I'm gone for the night. See you all in the morning :).
7:19am - I'm back. Good morning, everyone :).
8:20am - Beat car 2524 is doing a burglary mission on the Beat. Event number is 04977.
10:15am - EMS run. 4254 W Nelson. 58 yr old man on the floor, appears not to be breathing.
11:19am - The 10:15am guy is a DOA at OLR Hospital.
12:15pm - Suspicious person. 2624 N Hamlin. Four males checking out the area like they're up to something.
12:53pm - Burglar alarm. 2706 N Ridgeway.
12:54pm - DUI driver. Fullerton and Cicero. A black car with a plate of H946441 has four males in it drinking. The car's going all over the road. One guy threw a beer out of the car. Heading towards Killpatrick. Just putting this out there because the car's most likely coming into Logan Square.
1:22pm - Gang disturbance. Lawndale and Cortland. Three of them flashing signs on the corner.
1:46pm - Person wanted. Pulaski and Diversey. A green vehicle involved in a hit and run in the 3300 block of N Albany is parked here now and the owner is inside Golden Nugget. The car has a plate of 251380. The car struck a pedestrian and it was gang related.
1:52pm - I need some help here. Can someone tell me what gang(s) the following two taggings belong to? I found the first one in the 2800 block of N Avers and the other one in the 3800 block of W Diversey. The Diversey one says "Koz Park" on it, so maybe it's the gang called "Koz Park Boyz", or maybe it's the Cobras. But, nevertheless, someone help me out with this.

2:26pm - Disturbance. 4100 block of W Fletcher. Kids riding scooters and stuff.
2:36pm - EMS run. 3160 N Milwaukee. Man fell in the parking lot of the Copericus Center. EMS en route.
3:27pm - Person w/ a gun. Monticello and Wrightwood. Male Hispanic, 16-20 yrs old, black shirt and jeans flashed a gun at passing cars. He's now with a guy who's on a bike and they're heading towards Schubert.
3:50pm - Beat 2505 is doing a park check at Koz.
3:52pm - EMS run. 3719 W Belden. Female took too much medicine.
4:03pm - Battery. 4058 W Armitage. Drug dealer just beat the caller.
4:07pm - Beat 2505 is doing a park check at Mozart.
4:13pm - Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Davlin. Three cars in front of Burglar King.
4:14pm - Disturbance. Armitage and Central Park. Man selling bootlegs.
4:20pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 4:03pm job. It's HS310718 with the event number of 11051.
4:49pm - Beat 2505 is en route to Ken-Well Park.
5:03pm - Gang disturbance. Dickens and Pulaski. Six of them picked up rocks, chased a guy towards Keystone, threw the rocks at him, and are flashing.
5:06pm - Beat car 2525 can't find a vitcim from the 5:03pm job. They'll go west on Dickens to look for the offenders, though.
5:10pm - Assault in progress. 3716 W Palmer. Two females about to fight with 20 people looking on.
5:14pm - A disregard is given on the 5:10pm job. There's no crowd or females.
5:15pm - Robbery. 1722 N Central Park. A man came into the caller's house while they are outside and robbed the kids.
5:16pm - A total disregard is given on the 5:15pm job. It's an incident between a 3rd graders.
5:25pm - EMS run. 1738 N Harding. Teen bleeding.
5:26pm - Another call just came in for the 5:25pm job. Hysterical female keeps yelling for "911".
5:29pm - Beat car 2532 reports that there's a garbage can on fire at 3951 W Armitage.
5:33pm - I have just one more gang tag photo to share. I'm not sure what this tagging is either. I know that the pitchfork thrown down disrespects the Folk nation and that "D/K" stands for Disciples Killer, but I just don't know which gang did this. Again, I'm trying to find out so I'm aware of what gangs are fighting in this neighborhood this summer. Location of this photo is on George, south side of the street, between Avers and Springfield.
5:42pm - More cars are needed at 741 N Mayfield. Beat 1541's on scene with a big fight. It's out of control. Officers are hollering for units. 1541 is on scene for a domestic.
5:43pm - Officers are still yelling for assistance. Multiple units en route.
5:44pm - A slow down is being given. Multiple teaser deployments have occurred. Paramedics are being called to the scene.
5:54pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Hamlin. Man down by the vacant lot.
5:55pm - Commerical alarm. 2900 N Kearsarge.
6:10pm - Beat 2505 has a traffic stop at Cortland and Harding.
6:15pm - Gang disturbance. 3820 W North Ave. They're representing.
6:16pm - Supposedly, there's a call on the 1800 block of N Harding.
6:19pm - Domestic disturbance. 2450 N Kildare. Boyfriend needs to go.
6:27pm - Beat car 2524 asks for a call back on the 6:19pm job. There's only a 2448 and a 2454 Kildare.
6:28pm - Backlog taken out of 25 at 18:28 hours.
6:29pm - Information for the police. 1930 N Lawndale.
6:30pm - The 6:19pm job is coded. No answer on call back.
6:36pm - Beat 2566 asks for a consentive search event number for 2445 N Harding. It's 13581.
6:43pm - Reckless driver. Fullerton and Pulaski. Red Chevy speeding towards Kostner.
6:47pm - I have to go eat, and with that, I'm gone for the night. See you all tomorrow afternoon. Nighty night :).
8:21pm - Hey, did anyone in the area of Diversey and Ridgeway hear gunshots at about 4am this morning? A source of mine said that they heard four gunshots in the west alley of Ridgeway.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Narcotics On 2524's Beat
7:35pm - Narcotics. On 2524's Beat.
7:54pm - Police Heilcopter 2 is in the area for a while tonight. Event number is 16131.
7:55pm - Person w/ a gun. 2816 N Kenneth. Drug and gun sales occurring at this location.
7:56pm - A slow down is being given on Kenneth.
8:07pm - Domestic disturbance. 2510 N Avers. 22 yr stepson needs to be removed.
8:28pm - Heilcopter 2 asks for an event number for the 4400 block of W Deming. It's 16768.
8:53pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 2414 N Kildare. 2) Missing person report. 3935 W Diversey.
9:02pm - Beat car 2523 is at Ken-Well Park for something.
9:21pm - Parker. On 2524's Beat.
9:32pm - Loud music disturbances galore. 2640 and 2218 N. Lawndale, and 2233 N Kedvale.
9:35pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Central Park. Male is unconcious and has blood coming out of his head.
9:36pm - 1) Liquor violation. 3629 W Palmer. Two teens drinking liquor in front. 2) Parker. On 2524's Beat.
9:39pm - Helicopter 2 is switching back to Citywide 1 and is leaving the area.
9:43pm - Battery in progress. 3159 N Springfield. Fight in the alley.
9:50pm - Suspicious person. 3940 W Dickens. Two males in a vehicle in the alley for a while now.
9:51pm - Narcotics. 3919 W Fullerton. At the hotel.
10:32pm - Criminal damage. Milwaukee and Belmont. Male and female tagging things.
11:08pm - Loud music disturbance. 2950 N Avers.
11:15pm - Loud music disturbance. Wrightwood and Central Park.
11:41pm - Domestic battery. 3747 W McLean. Daughter hit the caller.
11:53pm - Person w/ a knife. 2848 N Avers. Husband and wife fighting with a knife.
Friday, May 14, 2010
On-View @ Belmont and Ridgeway
3:33pm - Beat car 2523 has an on-view disturbance at Belmont and Ridgeway. They tell Dispatch there was an earlier on-view at the same location.
3:54pm - Domestic disturbance. Belden and Lawndale. 12 yr old sister that was missing was found but refuses to come home.
4:01pm - I'm going to take my nap. I shall return by 5.
5:00pm - I'm back :).
5:11pm - Animal abuse. 2425 N Harding. Someone's beating a dog in the backyard.
5:25pm - Beat car 2524 has a traffic stop at Karlov and Belden.
5:27pm - Gang disturbance. 19X6 N Monticello. Six of them drinking and doing drugs.
5:30pm - Narcotics. 36X9 W Shakespeare.
5:47pm - Backlog in 25 at 17:47 hours.
6:02pm - Narcotics. 3800 W North. Male selling in front of the liquor store.
6:06pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 4414 W Deming. Youth son is acting up.
6:33pm - Missing person report. 4106 W Dickens. Mom, who's got some kind of mental disorder (can't spell the word), went missing for 30 minutes after the caller left.
7:18pm - Suspicious person. 3045 N Hamlin. Two guys in a car counting cash. Caller suspects it's for drugs.
7:38pm - 1) Narcotics. 19X7 N Monticello. 2) Disturbance. 1728 N Ridgeway. Kids throwing rocks.
8:04pm - Gang disturbance. On 2525's Beat.
8:30pm - Battery. 2137 N Avers. Sister was beaten up by the neighbor.
9:26 to 9:36pm - Fell asleep. Sorry :(.
9:40pm - Person w/ a gun. Diversey and Lawndale. One guy in the back of a white vehicle heading towards Schubert has a gun.
9:41pm - There's possibly gonna be a shooting from this caper. This vehicle keeps circling the area.
9:52pm - Check the well being. 2423 N Hamlin. 9 yr old is wondering around and appears to be scared.
9:56pm - Disturbance. 3959 W Armitage. Group of teens yelling and making noise.
10:04pm - Parker. 4300 block of W Parker. Premits.
10:20pm - Battery in progress. 4300 block of W Parker. Big gang fight. Multiple calls coming in.
10:21pm - Multiple calls for Shots Fired coming in at the gang fight on Parker.
10:24pm - A slow down is being given on the Parker choas.
11:35pm - Missing from 3730 W Shakespeare is a female White, about 13 yrs old, 147 lbs, 5'8, blonde hair, blue jacket, black jeans, hoop earrings and a black wristband. She's a foster child.
11:36pm - Beat car 2525Robert has a traffic stop at 3931 W Fullerton.
11:39pm - Shots Fired. 3919 W Fullerton. At the hotel. Male Black, dark complected, black leather jacket fired some shots outside then went back inside. 2525R was right down the street and heard nothing, but will investigate.
11:51pm - Domestic battery. 3064 N Haussen. Boyfriend's fighting the caller.
11:55pm - Someone's got a street stop at 3505 W Fullerton.
12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow after dinner. Good night, everyone :).
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Disturbance On Kildare
4:19pm - Disturbance. 2448 N Kildare.
4:29pm - Information for the police. Armitage and Central Park. Caller saw their stolen car with new plates on it.
5:17pm - 1) EMS run. 3113 N Milwaukee. Male down in the middle of the street. 2) Vice complaint. On 2524's Beat.
5:23pm - Beat car 2523 has a handwaver at 2990 N Milwaukee regarding criminal damage.
5:43pm - An RD number has been pulled from the 5:23pm thing. It's HS306013 with the event number of 12607.
5:46pm - 2523 is taking one in from the 5:23pm thing.
5:57pm - Beat car 2533 is on a traffic stop at Armitage and Hamlin.
6:00pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 3920 W Barry. Neighbor is ranting and raving in Polish, and refuses to let the caller in.
6:10pm - Parker. On 2524's Beat.
6:25pm - A unit has a handwaver at 3659 W Diversey. There was a job on the board.
7:00pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.
7:30pm - I'm back :).
7:36pm - Beat 2563David has a stop at Kostner and Parker. It's no emergency, but another unit is needed on scene.
7:47pm - Theft. 3181 N Milwaukee. At the Shell gas station. Some ladies stole some things.
7:56pm - Disturbance. 3601 W Armitage. At the bike shop. Stepbrother wants money.
7:57pm - The 6:25pm handwaver is now a 911 call. It's an "assault".
8:00pm - Battery in progress. Pulaski and Palmer. Group of males beating up the caller's cousin.
8:01pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Banging On Altgeld
4:36pm - Check the well being. 3914 W Altgeld. Lots of banging heard, like someone's getting beaten.
4:52pm - Battery. Armitage and Pulaski. Two gangbangers busted a bottle over the caller's head.
4:55pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Have a good night, everyone :).
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
RV Parked In Front Of School All Day
7:52pm - Suspicious vehicle. McLean and Oakely. RV has been parked in front of the school all day.
7:54pm - Theft. 2720 W North. At Famliy Dollar. A man in a white Bronco stole some merchandise then fled towards Wabansia on California.
7:58pm - A male Black was seen talking to the 7:54pm offender outside, then he walked off, possibly to meet them somewhere else.
8:01pm - Disturbance. 2952 N Sawyer. Dispute involving dogs.
8:05pm - Parker. 21X1 N Humboldt. Car blocking a driveway.
8:25pm - Beat 1402 asks for two POD camera missions. One for camera #331 at Stave and Francis, and one for camera #904 at McLean and St. Louis. #904 is 15541 and #331 is 15537.
8:32pm - Beat 1465David is going in with one from 1641 N Central Park.
8:36pm - Burglar alarm. 1639 N Milwaukee. At T-Mobile.
8:38pm - Burglar alarm. 2768 N Milwaukee.
8:39pm - Traffic accident. Armitage and Ashland. Rollover. EMS en route.
8:42 to 8:51pm - Police/Dispatch chatter regarding the 8:39pm job. This seems to most likely an 18th District caper.
8:56pm - Beat car 1424 is on a traffic stop at Francis and Stave.
9:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).
Monday, May 10, 2010
Park Check At Ken-Well
4:13pm - Beat car 2523 is doing a park check at Ken-Well.
4:18 to 4:28pm - I feel asleep. Sorry :(.
4:29pm - Beat 2505 is also doing a park check at Ken-Well.
4:30 to 4:55pm - Again, I feel asleep.
5:25pm - Person down. 2986 N Ridgeway. Naked man under a trampoline, sleeping.
5:30pm - Vicious animal. 3947 W Wrightwood. Two dogs are running the area.
5:40pm - Information for the police. 4355 W Diversey. Mental patient who jumped out of an ambulance while en route to the hospital lives at this location. Putting this out there in case anyone knows the person.
5:49pm - Loud music disturbance. 2034 N Hamlin.
6:17pm - 1) Prostitution. Milwaukee and Central Park. 2) Narcotics. 2343 N Lawndale.
7:00pm - Burglar alarm. 2706 N Ridgeway.
7:18pm - Battery. 3040 N Milwaukee. Landlord hit the caller. The caller is calling from a payphone somewhere else on Milwaukee, though.
7:20pm - Shots Fired. Springfield and Diversey. One round was fired by a blue SUV. The driver jumped out and the vehicle fled towards George on Pulaski.
7:23pm - 1) Traffic accident. 3635 W Wrightwood. 2) Parker. 3927 W Belmont. Vehicle parked in the emergency spot.
7:55pm - Vice complaint. 4012 W Armitage.
8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day 2010!
8:28am - Burglar alarm. 4111 W Parker. At the candy factory.
8:42am - Beat car 2521 needs another unit on Parker to help him do a walk down.
9:12am - Beat car 2535 is doing a premise check at the pumping station, 1747 N Springfield.
9:31am - Traffic accident. 4455 W Deming.
10:28am - Municipal ordinance violation? 3921 W Fullerton. People selling flowers. Ok, and what wrong with that? It's Mother's Day, for heaven's sake!
10:30am - Parker. On 2523's Beat.
10:31am - Barking dog. 2827 N Ridgeway. I live on the block, and I don't hear any barking.
11:41am - Someone's running a name at Springfield and Diversey.
12:21pm - I'm taking my break. I'll be back at 1:09pm :).
1:09pm - I'm back :).
1:20pm - Traffic accident. 2200 N Avers.
1:36pm - Fire. 4028 W George. Someone's burning something. There is a lot of smoke.
1:45pm - There's no 4028 W. George, and there's no fire. Coded 19P.
2:38pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 2634 N Central Park. Spanish speaker will be needed.
2:39pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. Man down.
2:50pm - Narcotics. Altgeld and Lawndale. Four male Hispanic teens on the corner loitering and doing weed.
3:05pm - Parker. 1800 block of N Harding. Premits.
3:45pm - Burglary in progress. 2222 N Central Park. Someone is breaking in.
3:46pm - 1) Beat 2573 has some drunks fighting at Milwaukee and Avers. They're breaking it up. 2) Check the well being. Fullerton and Pulaski. Man walking in the middle of the street.
4:16pm - Loud music disturbance. 2856 N Ridgeway. Black GMC in front has it's music blasting.
4:17pm - Beat car 2535 has a traffic stop at 1731 N Ridgeway.
4:28pm - I forgot what happened :(.
4:36pm - Battery in progress. 2845 N Kildare. Men fighting in the alley.
4:41pm - Robbery. 2842 N Tripp. Three females took a laptop and hit the caller over the head with a baseball bat.
5:03pm - Beat 6758Frank has a traffic stop at 4036 W Armitage.
5:07pm - Battery in progress. 4312 W Fullerton. Gangbangers fighting in the restaurant. Multiple calls coming in.
5:11pm - A slow down is being given on the 5:07pm job.
5:13pm - The gangbangers from the 5:07pm job fled towards Kostner in a black vehicle. They beat up someone.
5:29pm - Beat car 2523 is doing an ANOB at 4244 W Diversey.
5:48pm - Disturbance. 3025 N Pulaski. At Subway. Customer didn't get the right change back.
6:14pm - Traffic accident. Milwaukee and Hamlin. The offending vehicle fled but the caller caught up to it.
7:14pm - Suspicious person. Ridgeway and Wabansia. Two male Hispanics in black, one skinny and one heavy build, are walking around, checking out cars. They went towards North Ave. on Hamlin.
8:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone :).
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Domestic On Fletcher
8:10am - Domestic disturbance. 2924 W Fletcher. Problem with the stepmother.
8:19am - Parker. 2328 W McLean.
8:22am - Beat 1410 says that the 8:10am job will just be a report. Complainant doesn't want to press charges.
8:44am - Burglar alarm. 1914 N Wolcott.
8:55am - Parker. 2130 W North Ave. A car with a plate of 419AVL is blocking something at the Midwest Bank.
8:56am - Disturbance. 1828 N California. Males loitering.
8:57am - The 8:56am job is about to be coded. It's the regular homeless guys and they're walking off.
9:03am - Parker. 2749 N Sawyer. Car parked in handicap space.
9:17am - Beat car 1432 asks for a DOC mission event number. It's 04962.
9:20am - Beat 1484 has an on-view disturbance at 2040 N Milwaukee. He's not answering the radio when Dispatch asks if he's ok. 1424 is en route to assist.
9:22am - A disregard is given at 2040 Milwaukee, per 1484. They've got enough cars on scene.
9:29am - Beat 1452 needs a unit with a car opening device at 1620 N Richmond for an elderly man who left his dog in his running car. 1412 will go by.
9:34am - Beat 1410 is holding an outdoor roll call at Kedzie and Wellington, in the Logandale school parking lot.
9:39am - 1452 gives 1412 a disregard on the 9:29am thing. A trucker was gracious enough to come by and help the citizen.
10:09am - Beat 1452 is at 3139 N Christina with a child who was bitten by a dog.
10:22am - EMS run. 2162 N Claremont. Two men down in the alley.
10:49am - Disturbance. 2921 N Elston. Caller brought a refrigerator from the store and they refuse to give it to the caller.
10:51am - Fire. 2741 N Sawyer. The fire alarm is sounding in a 1st floor vacant apartment and smoke can be smelled. The building is being cleared out and CFD is en route.
11:12am - Person w/ a gun. 2839 N Central Park. The roommate is threatening the caller with a gun.
11:13am - Units responding to the 11:12am call are advised not to get hurt going over because the parties are always drinking and calling on each other.
11:17am - A slow down is being given per Beat 6750 at 2839 Central Park. It's nonsense. A report will be done, however.
11:19am - Alarm. 2620 N Spaulding.
11:21am - Assist the citizen. 1900 W Webster (an approximate address). A truck is stuck under the METRA overpass.
11:23am - Disturbance. 1740 N St. Louis. Tenants refuse to let the landlord do repairs.
11:24am - 6750 codes out the 11:12am job. It's drunken stupidity.
11:27am - The 10:49am caller is calling for a supervisor. 1410 is going over.
11:30am - Battery in progress. 2931 N Milwaukee. Two males fighting over a bike.
11:45am - Another call for a supervisor just came in on the 10:49am job.
11:48am - They're calling back on the 11:12am job.
12:09pm - Criminal damage. Claremont and Wabansia. Car window was broken out.
12:11pm - Parker. 2123 N Damen. Car in the loading zone.
12:14pm - Parker. 2327 N Milwaukee. Blue Chevy Tahoe blocking the loading zone.
12:36pm - Traffic accident. 2400 N Elston. Possible injuries.
1:21pm - Suspicious vehicle. 1927 N St. Louis. A black car with a plate of 8819190 has been parked out there for two weeks now. The vehicle comes back clear to someone who lives near Clark and Cullom.
1:22pm - Traffic accident. Belmont and Kimball. Three cars, no injuries. A green Ford with a ladder on top was involved but it fled towards St. Louis on Belmont.
1:26pm - Parker. Somewhere on Kimball on 1412's Beat.
1:55pm - Disturbance. 2457 N Milwaukee.
2:00pm - Child left alone. 3038 N Spaulding. Two year old in a yellow sweater was found by himself.
2:06pm - Criminal damage in progress. Point and Armitage. Two male Hispanics tagging garages.
2:10pm - Wanted for battery from across the street from Chase school (2021 N. Point) are five male Hispanics who fled in a beige van with a red stripe on it. They jumped a 16 yr old male. This is per Beat car 1431, who was responding to the call at Point and Armitage.
2:18 to 2:24pm - I was in the kitchen, eating a quick lunch. I'm sure there was a call or two.
2:28pm - Wanted from a gun incident at Cortland and Mozart is two male Hispanics in their 20s. One has on a grey sweater. They're both 5'8. They took off towards Bloomingdale on Francisco.
2:30pm - Domestic disturbance. 2556 W Bloomingdale.
2:31pm - 1) Battery. Armitage and Kimball. Caller was attacked by a man in a blue checkered sweatshirt in the grocery store parking lot. 2) Disturbance. On 1421's Beat.
2:33pm - Assault. 2949 W Wabansia. Man in a wheelchair threatened the caller.
2:35pm - Burglar alarm. 2112 W Charleston.
2:39pm - Municipal ordinance violation. Armitage and Kimball. Food vendors.
2:44pm - Battery in progress. Armitage and Kimball. Two males fighting in the parking lot of the Armitage Produce.
2:49pm - Disturbance. 2200 W Wabansia. Two males with spray cans look like they're about to tag.
2:52pm - Beat 1452 has a handwaver regarding a male Hispanic in a brown hoodie that fired six shots in the air at Western and Armitage.
2:53pm - Multiple 911 calls for "Shots Fired" coming in for Western and Armitage. Shots are coming from a car. Someone may be shot.
2:54pm - Person shot. Armitage and Western.
2:55pm - Beat car 1432 has a man shot at McDonalds, 1951 N Western. He's shot in the left arm. EMS is en route.
2:56 to 2:59pm - Police/Dispatch chatter on the shooting. A purple van was involved, the offender may have on blue jeans, etc. There's LOTS of witnesses to the shooting. Allegedly, the shots were fired at the hot dog stand on the corner.
2:59pm - Beat 6750 is about to stop at purple Ford Windstar at Walton and Western. It's got a plate of 237938. Five occupants were in the offending vehicle from the shooting, and 6750 says this vehicle has five people in it.
3:00pm - More Police/Dispatch chatter on this shooting.
3:01pm - A witness is telling 1432 that a burgundy van was involved. It's got a camper top and a partial plate of A41.
3:02pm - Beat 6750David has a purple van at 2349 N Western. It's stopped.
3:03pm - Beat 6750 has the burgundy van at North Ave. and Western. Couple of more cars are needed.
3:04pm - There's three on the ground from 6750's stop, but one guy's still in the van and won't come out. Multiple units en route.
3:05pm - A disregard is being given at North Ave. and Western. All persons are out of the van. No more units needed.
3:07pm - A unit is needed to guard the crime scene. 1411 is chosen to go.
3:08 to 3:10pm - Units are talking to each other about the offenders. A witness is identifying them.
3:11pm - Vitcim from the shooting is going to St. Mary's Hospital.
3:16pm - 1) Criminal damage. 2303 W Charleston. Two male Hispanics in a black Chevy tagged the building. 2) Parkers pending throughout the District.
3:18pm - Parker. 1855 N Whipple. Black Nissan blocking the entrance.
3:21pm - An RD number has been pulled from the shooting. It's HS297641 with the event number of 10137.
3:57pm - 1) Disturbance w/ a mental. 1838 N Washtenaw. 13 yr old cutting himself. He's bi-polar. 2) Disturbance. Fullerton and Kimball. Male swinging an umbrella at passing cars. 2) Disturbance. 1710 N Maplewood and 4) Loud music disturbance. 3022 W Belden.
4:00pm - 1) Assault. 2061 N California. Employee at the cleaners was threatened. 2) Information for the police. 1900 N Damen. Male Black in all black is walking up the street. He may have been involved in earlier's shooting.
4:21pm - Disturbance. 2343 N Sacramento. Male causing a problem in the hallway.
4:40pm - Assault in progress. Logan and Talman. Man yelling at the mailman about where he parked.
5:03pm - A unit has a traffic stop at Cortland and Sawyer.
5:05pm - Loud music disturbance. 1637 N Richmond.
5:08pm - Beat 1471 has a traffic stop at Spaulding and Wellington.
5:15pm - Beat car 1413 has a traffic stop at 3518 W Palmer.
5:25pm - Beat 1452 has a traffic stop at 3052 N Kedzie.
5:26pm - There's a job at the Foot Locker, 3401 West Diversey.
6:02pm - They're calling back on the 5:05pm job.
6:03pm - Disturbance. Logan and Western. Kids on the NE corner throwing beer cans at passing cars.
6:11pm - Beat car 1413 has a traffic stop at 3433 W Diversey.
6:17pm - Beat car 1422 is running a name at 1718 N St. Louis. Event number is 13311.
6:32pm - Assist the PO. 2325 N Western.
6:38pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back :).
7:10pm - I'm back.
7:21pm - Assault. Kedzie and George. Intoxicated female Hispanic was kicking the caller's car and tried to pull them out of it.
7:32pm - Animal abuse. 1921 N Sawyer. A small dog may be getting beaten in the basement.
7:35pm - Parker. 2231 W Lyndale. Car in the handicap space.
7:42pm - Suspicious person. Sacramento and Linden. Three males in a white van for over 30 minutes now. It's under the "L" tracks.
7:45pm - Assault in progress. Sawyer and Milwaukee. Five males looking for trouble and fighting passing people.
7:51 to 8:14pm - Was falling asleep. I'm going to monitor 14 from this time until 9pm on Wednesday.
8:16pm - Loud music disturbance. 2619 W Homer.
8:25 to 8:46pm - I haven't really been paying attention for the last 20 minutes. Been monitoring a traffic pursuit on and off that the 25th District units were involved with, which took them all the way out to the town of Munster in Indiana. But, the air was dead when I kept switching back.
8:47pm - Loud music disturbance. 2707 W Medill.
8:48 to 9:00pm - Again, I was listening on and off to Zone 12 on that chase.
9:01pm - Domestic disturbance. 3462 W North. Problem with a female.
9:18pm - EMS run. 1640 N Damen. Intoxicated female puking, passing out, being drunk. LOL.
9:24pm - Beat car 1412 asks for a gang and narcotics mission on the Beat. Event number is 16520.
9:34pm - Parker. 1629 N Wolcott. Premits.
9:39pm - 1) Traffic accident. Diversey and Campbell. 2) EMS run. 3415 W Diversey. 3) Loud music disturbance. 3425 W Parker. 4) Gang disturbance. 34X7 W McLean. They're in the alley, yelling slogans. 5) Domestic disturbance. 2531 W Lyndale. Intoxicated girlfriend keeps harassing the caller.
9:52pm - Loud music disturbance. Somewhere.
10:06pm - Disturbances galore. 3318 W Palmer and 3039 N Troy.
10:07pm - Narcotics. On 1434's Beat.
10:16pm - Disturbance. 2001 N Milwaukee. At Walgreens. Someone's causing a ruckus.
10:18pm - An RD number has been pulled from Diversey and Campbell. It's HS298204 with the event number is 16813.
10:20pm - Traffic accident. 2950 N Spaulding. Intoxicated driver hit a parked car.
10:21pm - Beat 1410 is doing a park check at Palmer Square.
10:29pm - Beat car 1431Robert says that a carload of gangbangers are chasing people in the area of Campbell and Milwaukee.
10:31pm - EMS run. 2333 W Charleston. Male on the sidewalk, not moving.
10:45pm - Domestic battery. 3046 N California. Boyfriend hit the caller.
10:47pm - Disturbance. 2940 W Cortland. Ten people hanging out and causing problems.
10:56pm - Beat 1465Eddie has a street stop at 1943 N Richmond.
11:12pm - Criminal damage. 3130 W Palmer. A man damaged the caller's car with something.
11:16pm - Loud music disturbance. 3310 W Dickens. Loud party.
11:18pm - Parker. 2736 W Altgeld. Premits.
11:24pm - Domestic disturbance. 2741 N Sawyer. Girlfriend won't allow the caller to take the car.
11:34pm - Violation order of protection. 2517 W Cortland.
11:45pm - Loud music disturbance. 2438 N Kedzie.
11:50pm - Someone had a traffic stop at 2612 W North and will be taking one into 14.
12:00am - My coverage of 14 is over until Wednesday evening. Good night, everyone, and I'll be back with 25 tomorrow :).