Saturday, March 30, 2013

Large Brawl On Hamlin Last Night

Hello, everyone. I know some of you were wondering why there were so many CPD sirens and squad cars in the western part of Avondale last night around 8:15pm, and I know why. About that time, a large brawl broke out on the 2900 block of N Hamlin with a large group involved. I have all the details below, so please read and let me know if you have any insight or information on this. If you just want to make a comment on it, a relevant one of course, that is fine, too.....

8:03pm - Burglar alarm. 29XX N Hamlin.

8:13pm - Beat car 2521 needs more cars at the 8:03pm job. There's a large crowd in front. They're all in front of 2947 on Hamlin, not the initial address that was called in, that's a few doors down.

8:14pm - Beat car 2533 and Beat 2520 are on the way to Hamlin.

8:16pm - A slow down is being given at the 8:03pm job per 2533. Everything's okay.

8:18pm - Someone's headed towards Avers from Wellington. They're running from 2533.

8:19pm - The guy went east from the yards at 3023 on Hamlin.

8:20pm - Southbound through the alley. Wanted is a male Black, 5'8, baseball hat, gray hoodie and black sweatpants is the offender.

8:21pm - Apparently this guy fled as soon as CPD arrived on scene.

8:23pm - Beat 2573 is taking a few in from this whole thing.

8:24pm - Beat 2500, 25th District Commander, is on scene on Hamlin.

8:25pm - 2533 had an O.C. discharge from this. Taser was also fired twice.

8:27pm - Dispatch wants to know if this whole incident is related to the burglar alarm. 2520 says yes and no, he'll let her know later.

8:31pm - Beat 2599, the Watch Commander, wants a supervisor to call him. 2520 will.

8:35pm - Okay, they're taking in some people, but it sounds like everything's clearing up. The only cars on the incident now are the ones taking in arrests. With that, I'm done covering this incident.

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