Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shooting On Monticello Friday Night

Hey, everyone. I am going to share this information with all of you in regards to a shooting that occurred at 10:39pm on Friday night. This incident transpired in the 3200 block of N. Monticello Avenue, according to this Chicago Breaking News article. The 17th District Police Officers responded to calls for "Shots Fired" to hear that a 29 yr old man had been shot in the chest. I guess the police didn't find him at first, as the victim's friends took him to Our Lady of Resurrection Hospital, but they did find him once he was transferred to Illinois Masonic.

All I can really say is, wow. Another shooting. It's sad. And it's even more sadder than Alderman Colon has yet to address the gang violence along Belmont from Central Park to Ridgeway. Yes, I think this is gang related. It has to be. Look where it happened at. Well, in the long run, all I can do is suggest that those of you living there make your voice heard. Go to CAPS meetings, call 911 as often as you have to, form a block club. Get involved in the community. Doing just that can make things a whole lot better. I'm a living witness to that.

Four People Shot On Nelson
Shooting Near Koz Park On Diversey Overnight
Homicide On Springfield Overnight
Shooting On St. Louis
Possible Homicide On Ridgeway Last Night
Shooting On Hamlin Overnight
Hit And Run Kills Woman In Avondale
Shooting On Hamlin This Morning
Stabbing At Milwaukee and Central Park Wednesday Night
Man Shot In Neck Yesterday On Cortland
Child Possibly Shot @ Harding and Wabansia Last Night
Two People Shot In Traffic On Schubert
Two Men Shot Near Foodsmart On Armitage
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Heilcopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell


  1. "Go to CAPS meetings, call 911 as often as you have to, form a block club. Get involved in the community. Doing just that can make things a whole lot better. I'm a living witness to that."

    none of the things you've listed are worth a damn.

    1. Go to CAPS meetings

    complete waste of time, both for the citizens and the officers assigned to feed baby food to the babies that waste their time.

    2. call 911 as often as you have to

    to accomplish what, increasing the size of the backlog?

    your definition of 'as often as you have to' may work well in a town of a few thousand residents, with the vast majority of those residents being honest, hard working people, (and having a well staffed police department), but in a city of several million, many residents being far from honest and most of those many only working hard at being dishonest, (with a woefully understaffed police department, courtesy of the corrupted politicians, elected, reelected and appointed by these very same dishonest residents), the definition of 'as often as you have to' must be very narrowly focused, if your goal is to 'make things a whole lot better'.

    3. form a block club. Get involved in the community.

    are the gang bangers, drunks, section 8 link card breeders, homeless, illegal immigrants, etc., welcome to join your 'block club'?

    after all , they are also members of the 'community', despite their individual priorities and agendas being, presumably, quite different than yours.

    4. I'm a living witness to that

    by your own profile, timmy, you've yet to live long enough to be much of a witness to anything more substantial than your own, individual experiences.

    and, just by perusing your blogs limited content, how, pray tell, can you assert that any of your suggestions are making things better?

    those following your suggestions may think/feel that their efforts are 'making things better', but, really, if you're paying any attention at all, that illusion quickly wears thin.

    you're a smart guy, by your own assessment.

    surely you can come up with things to do that can actually make things better, things besides the few circle-jerk, feel good waste's of time and effort you've so far suggested.

  2. You're not worth a damn. Plain and simple. I know for a fact these things can work. At first, I didn't think they could either when I started getting involved a year ago, but I've seen the results of what going to CAPS, having block clubs, etc. can do for the neighborhood since my one year of attending these meetings. I don't know if you're living under a rock or what, but you really need to look around you. Oh, but then again, you don't want a safe neighborhood. You like crime. Which makes me even why you're a reader of mine? You need to find another blog, my friend. This isn't the one. If you want to do something that can positively affect the community, talk to me, but if not, then you really need to leave. You're doing nothing but calling me names and not constructively criticizing me.

    What I meant by calling 911 as often as you have to is, the more calls the CPD gets for the situation, they'll see it's a serious situation and will respond faster.

    About the block clubs, I personally allow illegal immigrants to come. You know something? I think half my block isn't legal, but yet, I went to them, asking them if they'd like to join. Of course they turned the offer down. I don't care if there's illegals living here, as long as they don't commit crimes and cause problems. And, yes, the "good" (not gangbangers, law-abiding citizens) Section 8 people are allowed to come also. I'm not Section 8, but I'm on the Link myself. For me, I don't give a damn what your social status is. I don't care if you're rich or poor, as long as you are a good citizen and want to make changes, then you are more than welcome! If you're a gangbanger, cause problems, then no, you're not allowed. The last thing I need is to get jumped on or shot at.

    To be honest, let's see ... I've made a suggestion that we get more patrols in the area. We've somewhat gotten that. I also made a suggestion for positive loitering in different areas of the community. While those have yet to happen (planning issues, mind you), the folks on my Beat are planning on doing that. As a matter of fact, there's a positive loitering event on Saturday that I'm attending.

    Now, what I want to know from you: how do YOU make things better?? Hmmm?? You seem to have all the answers, smart ass, so you tell me what you do. Probably nothing but bitch and complain.

  3. a few bits of reality:

    1. "I don't know if you're living under a rock or what, but you really need to look around you. Oh, but then again, you don't want a safe neighborhood. You like crime."

    ever hear the phrase, 'youth is wasted on the young'?

    i expect, based on your stated age, and a reasonable estimate of your mother's age, that i've lived in this city long before either you or your mom were born.

    do you have any idea what a truly safe neighborhood, in a city this size, is?

    i'll tell you, it's a fantasy.

    it cannot, does not, and will never exist.

    not in a big city.

    the closest to a safe neighborhood we'll ever get is a neighborhood substantially free of knuckleheads, substantially occupied by decent, responsible, rationally tolerant, hard working, income earning, tax paying, thoughtful human beings.

    pay close attention to the stated minimum required qualities.

    they all matter. they all are the foundation required for a neighborhood to be truly as safe as possible.

    2. "You're doing nothing but calling me names and not constructively criticizing me."

    youngster, if you think a little, mild ball busting is offensive enough to bail out of a given conversation, i can truly believe you're a teenager.

    and if you don't, or can't, recognize the value of criticisms devoid of 'constructive' suggestions, being useful as an incentive, provided by me, to you, to see if you can learn on your own, and not merely wait to be spoon fed wisdom, like a baby, then you truly do have much to learn about life.

    3. "What I meant by calling 911 as often as you have to is, the more calls the CPD gets for the situation, they'll see it's a serious situation and will respond faster."

    not true.

    the only situations that are 'seen' by the CPD/911 as serious are those that are serious, by their very nature.

    and the only thing, these days, that will help in reducing response time to authentically serious calls is the reduction of less serious calls to 911, and the impossible to eliminate mickey mouse bullshit calls that cops must respond to, per policy and general orders.

    4. "I'm not Section 8, but I'm on the Link myself. For me, I don't give a damn what your social status is."

    you are confusing social status with economic status.

    you are also confusing my, and all other working, tax paying citizens', earned income with those receiving, and not earning, portions of my taxes, monies that i have earned, said monies being taken from my pocket and placed into the hands of those not working and receiving benefits, currently misnamed 'entitlements', from the city, county, state and federal governments.

    i work, earn and pay taxes that feed you.

    i work, earn and pay taxes that feed everyone not working, not earning and not paying their own way.

    that includes link carders, section 8 users, etc, anyone and everyone who receives city, county, state and/or federal handouts.

    i, and every other working, earning, tax paying citizen, pay.

    and what do we get for our money?

    look around, timmy.

    you tell me.

    5. "You seem to have all the answers, smart ass, so you tell me what you do. Probably nothing but bitch and complain."

    guess what, timmy, i pay, so i get to complain.

    first suggestion, get a job, pay for your own food, your own clothes, your own everything, with what you've earned, just like me.

    i was working, for 90 cents an hour, when i was 13 years old.

    shining fucking shoes.

    nobody gave me a penny.

    i never let anyone give me something for nothing.

    i pull my own weight.

    you can start learning by doing the same.

  4. Ohhh, I get it. You're a old ass who's bitter as hell. I figured that, but thanks for confirming.

    I'm not asking for a Utopia here. I don't want a perfect safe neighborhood where no crime ever happens. I just want it safe enough to where gangs aren't hanging out all over the place at any given time, or where people are randomly jumped. I just want to be able to have other people and myself be free to walk the streets without living in fear of them. We all deserve that, don't you think?

    From what I've seen and learned, saying things like that is NOT constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is someone not throwing obscene names around and downgrading someone. Constructive criticism is someone saying that you're wrong on something, but also making suggestions for someone to fix the wrong. It's not someone yelling and screaming, and calling me names, like you have.

    I think I've learned quite a bit of life, and no thanks to anyone around me. There's been a lot that I've learned all on my only. I don't need to explain to you what those things are, but still, I can say I've learned.

    And, yes, about the 911 calls, it IS true. I've had the police to explain that to me, in addition to hearing it happen on my scanner.

    You're right about me "confusing" it. I didn't confuse it, though. I simply typed social instead of economic. I was tired, ok? I get up at 5 every morning, go to school (which takes me more than an hour to and from), come home and go to meetings quite often.

    I don't need to get a job right now. Why? First off, I'm disabled. I'm autistic. Someone like me at 17 shouldn't be working. And second, I have enough going on with school and other things I'm involved in to not be held down at a job. Let me graduate from high school next year first, then we'll talk about me getting a job. And why are you telling me to get one? And, are you willing to teach me some basic life skills, like cooking and doing laundry? Due to me being autistic, I have yet to learn those things. But I'm starting to learn.

    I don't give a flying fuck about your job at 13. That was then, this is now. Times were tougher then. And you were independent, I guess.

  5. Long winded d-bag, who gave you the right to create the stated minimum required qualities list? Based on what you made when you were 13 you are old and live off my taxes now so shut up.

  6. part 2

    "That was then, this is now. Times were tougher then. And you were independent, I guess."

    they weren't any tougher then, then they are now. it's just that i had, and have, enough pride and respect for myself to not take a handout, no matter what kind of honest work i had to do to earn my own way

    think about this concept:

    people are both producers of goods, (and providers of services), AND consumers of same.

    those who produce and provide also consume what they produce and provide.

    those who only consume DEPEND UPON those who both produce and provide and consume.

    which do you want to be?

  7. "Long winded d-bag, who gave you the right to create the stated minimum required qualities list? Based on what you made when you were 13 you are old and live off my taxes now so shut up.

    Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:32:00 PM CDT"

    since i don't take handouts, and since you don't pay taxes, your comment, and the ignorance exhibited by you, is merely amusing.

    did my taxes pay for your pc/cell phone and web access?

  8. Right, anonymous 12:32. We don't need a damn state list here. Thanks for saying that.
