Monday, September 20, 2010

Crime Blotter For September 20, 2010

Good morning, everyone, it's 5:40am. Yes, I'm here this morning. I'm here just to give you all a feel of what it's like in the 'hood at this hour. Anyway, today's going to be in the upper 70s, with sun coming out later. Also, on Wednesday, at the CAPS meeting, I'm being presented an award by the police for "all of the work" I do in the community. I feel honored, I have to say. But, this is for all of you. I'm here to make the community better for everyone. Here's crime for this morning before I go, and for this afternoon.

6:32am - There were no crimes to report in the neighborhood. So, I'm gone for the day. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back later!

3:34pm - 1) Domestic disturbance. 3028 N Kostner. Problem with the cousin. 2) Narcotics. 31XX N Hamlin.

3:53pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 2933 N Avers. Two bums just went into the front of the building.

4:31pm - I'm going to get prepared for a meeting I have to attend tonight. I'll be back tomorrow. With that, good night, everyone, and be safe.


  1. Congratulations on your award. I do follow your blog and find it quite insightful and very well written! Kudos my friend!

  2. I heard the manpower in 025 is so low. Saw a good laugh though, a homeless guy threw rotten food at the wagon guys. Then the wagon guys got scared and fled. Clown cops as usual...

  3. Thanks, anonymous 8:08!

    Anonymous 8:46, yes, very low. And, LOL! They ran off?? I met those two cops on the wagon and they didn't seem like that type to me. Wow. If I were them, I would've at least yelled at the guy.

  4. " Anonymous said...

    I heard the manpower in 025 is so low. Saw a good laugh though, a homeless guy threw rotten food at the wagon guys. Then the wagon guys got scared and fled. Clown cops as usual...

    Monday, September 20, 2010 8:46:00 AM CDT
    Blogger AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

    Thanks, anonymous 8:08!

    Anonymous 8:46, yes, very low. And, LOL! They ran off?? I met those two cops on the wagon and they didn't seem like that type to me. Wow. If I were them, I would've at least yelled at the guy.

    Monday, September 20, 2010"

    let's parse you two knucklehead's comments and see just how clueless you both are:

    "Saw a good laugh though, a homeless guy threw rotten food at the wagon guys. Then the wagon guys got scared and fled. Clown cops as usual..."

    point a gun at them to test your hypothesis.

    "If I were them, I would've at least yelled at the guy."

    I'm sure you would have, tough boy.

    you bad, you bad to da bone.

  5. Love the names you come up for me. Now it's knucklehead? Why, I thought the kids who fight at school were that! But I guess I fit into the category too. Cool! Now my teachers will have me suspended, so I don't have to go to school! Seriously, though, I'm no knucklehead, nor am I clueless. I'm convinced I'm a lot more smarter than you. And at least I'm not bitter and hateful like you.

    I love how you think I'm tough, too. I don't act tough, though. I just act how I act. I don't have to act tough just to prove anything, or to even fight anyone. Bad to "da" bone? Well, I used to be that. And even though I don't act like that anymore because I'm trying to be a really good person, I still am capable of acting like that. Just ask the teachers I had in grammar school.

  6. Hey Timmy Im wondering whats your opinion on this. Do you support low income housing on Logan Square or condos. Im against condos theres a couple in Logan and barlely any active there vacant why waste money on condos that are vacant when we can built low income housing which Logan Square needs whats your take on this.

  7. Anonymous 8:37, to be honest, I support all kinds of housing in Logan Square. I don't care if it's condos, low income, etc. Just as long as the people who live in these buildings don't cause any problems, positively contribute to the neighborhood and commit crime, or if they're not gangbangers and drug dealers, I don't care who lives in the area.But, if all low income does is cause problems (which it has done for a little while now for this area, I must admit), I'm not supportive of it. I'm pretty low income myself, but just because you're poor doesn't mean you have a right to be a criminal or be in gangs and what not. I believe even the poorest of people can find something positive they can be involved with, and it doesn't have to be the work I do. It can be something as simple as someone cleaning up their block or making a little community garden.

  8. You're an amazing young man, Timmy, and congratulations on the award. You've set a fine example for your community, and I want tothank you for that.

  9. "...why waste money on condos that are vacant when we can built low income housing which Logan Square needs whats your take on this.

    Monday, September 20, 2010 8:37:00 PM CDT"

    yeah, why engage in tax producing activity when 'we' can bleed the taxpayers dry with section 8, tax subsidized useless link card leeches.

    that will really make things better in the neighborhood.

    on this one, timmy, you are spot on.

  10. Thanks for the comment, Pro. I try the hardest I can to improve this community, and that's all I can do.

  11. Hey Timmy! Love the sight!
    Haven't checked it out in several days though. Let me clear something up.

    Those two wagon guys, if it's the ones that work afternoons, are a couple of mean hombres. No way would they have run from some homeless clown like the one poster described. The one with the gray mustache is known as Big Daddy Boots Johnson. He was a former boxer in Texas before immigrating up to Chicago that actually killed a guy in the ring! His partner is known as Howard the Duck. He's a young, cocky kid that likes booze and broads when he's not busy cracking skulls.

    What's the story with that idiot that called you a knucklehead and was crying about some homeless guy that got his photo taken?

    A real loser has to pick on some 15 year old kid on his computer at 4 am. I don't know why you like the homeless so much pal, but I think it must involve you and some prison love with a group of them at one of the Club Gibbons establishments.

    I hope Timmy does trace your IP address and then puts all your info. on the blog. I'll show up at your mommas house with a camera for a before and after shoot. One photo of you pissing your pants in fear, an after photo of you with two black eyes and no teeth. Just because your Uncle Josh visited you late night too many times when you were a kid, wearing a Tarzan outfit, don't feel the need to share your retarded ramblings on this blog you pussy.

    Keep up the good work Timmy!!!! I enjoy your posts.

  12. Hey Zaccardo, thanks for coming by and leaving this comment! About those afternoon guys on the wagon, I agree. They're nothing to mess with. But I had no idea about the guy with the gray mustache being a former boxer. Wow. You learn something new everyday.

    The story with whoever this idiot is that he's some old, hateful sorry ass who probably hates young adults/teens like myself. He also really despises the work I do in the neighborhood, even though he does nothing himself. And he must love the homeless.

    I had to laugh at your last paragraph. Funny. But, thank you for dropping by.

  13. I disagree with wanting section 8 housing in LS. I can't think of any neighborhood that has section 8 housing that also has good people living in it.

  14. The police in 025 have been told to leave the homeless alone or face Human and Civil rights violation charges. The court system punishes those who aggravate them.

  15. Best Blog Ever, I have friends who live in Section 8, who are good people and hate crime and disorder as much as any of us do.

    Anonymous 10:50, I absolutely agree with you. This is why they don't bother them much, unless they're actually committing a crime.

  16. "I disagree with wanting section 8 housing in LS. I can't think of any neighborhood that has section 8 housing that also has good people living in it.

    Tuesday, September 21, 2010 8:22:00 AM CDT"

    this is true.

    the public theory was that, by relocating those classified as 'disadvantaged' from the tightly packed CHA complexes into working class neighborhoods, the 'disadvantaged' would, by some magical process, adopt a working class perspective on living.

    this public theory was used to sell the process, which actually had private goals.

    these private goals were:

    1. to establish, via Section 8 policies, a network of lucrative rentals, nationwide, which guarantees the incorporated owners of said rental properties an at market value income, regardless of the negative effects experienced by the working class residents already living in these neighborhoods.

    2. to increase, via the above guaranteed incomes, the values of said incorporated rental properties, many of which are currently owned by investment entities that are financed by foreign investments.

    3. to clear, and thus, free up the lands upon which the CHA structures stood, for further/future profits to be made in the sales of land, construction of far more valuable buildings, sales of said buildings, etc., also with the participation of investors of foreign origin.

    4. to reduce the perceived, and real, standards of living to which the working class had become accustomed to, thus increasing the tendency of said working class to look to depending upon governments, city, county, state and federal, to 'do something' to solve the problems said governments clandestinely created. (ie., it's the old 'vote for me and i'll set you free' trick.)

    5. and the expected government's collective response to 'do something' is?

    you guessed it, raise taxes.

    yep, all problems will be solved by raising taxes.

    taxing a combined total of 50%+ of the working class's earned income isn't enough, folks.

    and 50%+ of your earned income translates into you, the working taxpayer, have attached to your pocketbook, for life, another human being, who doesn't work, doesn't earn, is free to do whatever he/she pleases, whilst you, the working taxpayer must put in your 40+ hours a week, just to support yourself, let alone your family, all thanks to the many, greedy, control freaks who've been elected, and, thus, empowered, by some of you, plus most all of those attached to your pocketbook.

    and now you may understand a good part of the reasons why our nation's manufacturing industries have been disappearing over the past few decades.

    all in the name of being for 'the public good'.
