Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Teen Shot In Head On Armitage

Apparently, you can't even go to school now without being shot. Yes, a kid was shot going to school. This occurred at 9am yesterday morning within the 3400 block of W Armitage. A 14 yr old boy was on his way to school with his MOM and a thug comes up, flashes signs and shoots the kid in the head. The kid's last known condition was critical. Read more/Source.

I think this is absolutely insane. What has Logan Square came to? Now innocent 14 yr old kids walking with their parent to school is going to get shot in our neighborhood? This is unacceptable. Residents seriously have to do something, and make the 14th District police help them (since this occurred in 14). We also have to make our aldermen spring into action. I think it's about time we start storming 121 North LaSalle Street, Downtown, where they're at most of the time, and demand some action about these gangbangers taking over our streets. We can't just sit here like ducks and let them either.

I also have another idea. I think school teachers, who teach 6th through 11th grades, who read this blog (I'm sure there's some out there) need to start holding classroom discussions with their students regarding what is happening on our streets. I think alot of good would come out of it.

In the meantime, residents, keep calling 911 as much as you have to regarding anything related to gangs.

Thank you,

Update, 12/14/09: A source tells me that this shooting was gang-related after all. The 14 yr old is supposedly an IG (Imperial Gangster) who recently just got out of jail for armed robbery, according to rumors. He was also expelled from Ames Middle School, 1920 N. Hamlin, after beating up another pupil. On the day of this shooting, he was heading to the school to re-enroll. He also has a 16 yr old brother who was shot at a couple of months ago at Drake and Cortland. He's also an IG. Folks, if you want to know this kid's name, email me for it. I've got it, but I'm not putting it up here, because I don't want some IG coming to get me.

Update, 12/27/09: A former teacher of this kid tells me that they're not surprised at this. He acted really bad and treated others horribly. Also, I've got a question. Anybody know what his condition is now?

Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Gunshots Ring Out On Ridgeway Last Night
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Shooting On Palmer Wednesday Night
Shots Fired Last Night On Harding
Shooting On Gresham Last Night
Shooting at Armitage and Humboldt
Stabbing On Springfield
Early Morning Gunfire In Avondale
Avondale erupts in gunfire ... AGAIN
Shots fired near Diversey/Kedzie late last night
More shots fired in Avondale last night
Shooting on Diversey late last night
Two shootings in Avondale ... IN ONE DAY!!
Shooting at Diversey and Albany last night
Another day, another shooting
Shooting on Diversey and Lawndale
16 yr old shot down in Logan Square


  1. A kid gets shot in the head on the way to school with his mother and nobody has anything to say about it?

  2. This is horrible. I'm a born and raised north sider, grew up in albany park, been in logan sq for about 6 years now, and can never ever remember being actually scared, until now. I guess it started when I was helping a friend find her missing cats and we probably were a hundred yards from that shooting on dec 1st on ridgeway, 2 shots. Then I hear yesterday that 2 men robbed a man at gunpoint as he was walking out of his apartment at 5pm, by on the 2900 block of w Shakespeare, then I just find this out after trying to investigate the armed robbery.

    I've never ever considered moving out of Logan because of the violence and gangs, until today. I don't know if I can live like this anymore.

    Does anybody have any information on the armed robbery which occurred yesterday on 2900 W Shakespeare?

  3. did the victim make it out alive or did he pass away really sad this neighborhood always been crap

  4. Anonymous 4:54, he is still alive.

    Motamedy, I agree. I've been here nearly 17 years and I'm actually starting to fear this neighborhood. After all, now rumor has it that Logan Square and Avondale are the two worst neighborhoods on the entire northwest side of the city.

    Hi Alex. As I tell everybody when they tell me I'm wrong, I'm just getting my facts from news reports. Anyway, then this shooting is not insane as I thought it was. It's more of a regular shooting, but still, it's still kind of disturbing getting shot in front of your mom, even if you are a gangbanger. But I don't feel too sorry for the kid now after what you told me. He sounds like a piece of work, considering he just got out of jail from armed robbery. And then he beated up another kid at Ames? Wow. If I were the administration, unless I really had to, I wouldn't take him back in. By the sound of things on the radio, at least from what I can hear after 3pm, Ames does seem a bit safer. And I wouldn't be surprised to know if this was indeed a gang business-related shooting. I will put up in the post what you describe, unless you really don't want me to.

  5. I read this blog all the time because I am a teacher at a nearby school. I had this student in class a few years ago. Let's just say I was not at all surprised that it was that particular kid that was shot. I feel bad for his family, and no mother deserves that, but the way he acted and how he treated other people, this was not surprising. For all the good people in this neighborhood, I wish the gangs would stop killing people. Are there any updates on his condition?

  6. Anonymous 9:23, it's good to hear from a teacher who works with the neighborhood kids. I'm sorry to hear about this kid's behavior in your class. Unfortunely, there's many more like him. I dealt with kids like him for four years as a former student of Monroe school. I also feel bad for his mom and his family. I also wish that these gangs would stop with the killing. As for his condition, I'll ask around and let you know.

    Thank you for your comment.
