Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Possible Homicide On Ridgeway Last Night

Shocking. Just shocking. Why am I saying this? Because, there were two people found dead in their basement. According to Chicago Breaking News, the "decomposed" bodies of a man and a woman were found at 11:09pm last night in the basement of a building on the 2900 block of N Ridgeway (in AVONDALE, not in Logan Square, like they incorrectly reported). Police don't know how the victims died but are conducting a death investigation.

I'm betting this was a homicide. This is truly the beginning of a long and bloody summer.

Shooting On Hamlin Overnight
Hit And Run Kills Woman In Avondale
Shooting On Hamlin This Morning
Stabbing At Milwaukee and Central Park Wednesday Night
Man Shot In Neck Yesterday On Cortland
Child Possibly Shot @ Harding and Wabansia Last Night
Two People Shot In Traffic On Schubert
Two Men Shot Near Foodsmart On Armitage
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell


  1. This is terrible Timmy. Don't you live about a block away (sorry, I'm not stalking you or anything but I remember you did say once that you stay near Diversey)?

  2. Yeah, this is terrible. I'm still shaking my head at it. And, yes, I'm a block away. Which makes me feel somewhat scared about it. We've never had a murder so close to my house in all of my years living here. By the way, I'm not worried about you stalking me. That's only with criminals and punks, LOL.

  3. it wasnt a murder.. they were 2 decomposed bodies so theyve probably been there a while...

  4. I live on that block and that building has been broken into by squatters for months. Does anyone know about the empty building at george and hamlin? Why is there a "Club Gibbons" sign in the window? I heard that the same sign appeared at another abandoned building on Avers. Is this gang realated?

  5. It could of been a homicide and it couldnt, they could of been there for months now if there bones or if it was gang related they just dropped there bodies there. Or it could be just junkies that OD or something a lot of heroin flows thru logan square but who knows.

  6. Cathy, even though they've been there a while, it could've still been a murder.

    Anonymous 2:57, I just have to ask, how come nobody has reported it at the CAPS meetings yet? Somebody needs to report that building to the police. As for the empty building at George and Hamlin, a county sheriff owned it but it's going into foreclosure. It's supposed to be vacant, but the Milwaukee Ave. drunks have been going in there, trespassing. They do the same at 2933 N Avers. "Club Gibbons" is their little hang out spot, I'm assuming. It's not gang related.

    Anonymous 4:21, I agree with your post.

  7. From what Ive seen in the neighborhood the majority of drunks are either Polish or Latino immigrants who cant speak english, not to stereotype anyone but I doubt that drunks would make a computer printed sign to hang, nor would they pick an american name. The lights have been on at "CG" hamlin for a while assuming that squatters turned them on. Has anybody called anyone about that? Who exactly are these people? BTW the building on ridgeway and the occupied but dilapidated building next door has been a hangout for drunks since at least two years but only recently have people been squatting.

  8. Anonymous 6:43, what makes you think that a couple of the Polish drunks can't speak or understand English? As far as the sign goes, maybe they got it from a few years ago or something. Who knows.

  9. That house on Ridgeway has had squatters and drunks under the stairway for the past three years. I walk by there nearly every night and see drunk homeless people there.

    They used to sit under the porch and drink. I would imagine that once it became empty and boarded up (sometime this past winter), they moved inside.

  10. Ain't nothing a moltov cocktail won't take care of...

    I'm just sayin.

  11. Anonymous 7:57, three years? Wow. I'm actually shocked. This needs to reported. Someone from the block needs to come to the next CAPS meeting for Beat 2523 on July 28th and tell the police about it.

    Thanks for your comment.

  12. Anonymous 10:07, Dude, dont even say it. I live on that block and several years ago there was a fire that wiped out 2 buildings and severely damaged a third. Almost every house on that blockis wood frame and WE DO NOT WANT TO DIE.

    Just saying
