Friday, June 4, 2010

Stabbing At Milwaukee and Central Park Wednesday Night

Hey, everyone. I received an email yesterday afternoon regarding a stabbing which occurred at Milwaukee and Central Park. The person who emailed me at first didn't provide me information, but they emailed me back tonight to tell me what happened. Here's what the reader wrote:

"Essentially, I was at this bar called Relax where I know all the regulars. Two of them left to go to the 5/3 bank across the street with three people I've never seen before. I stepped outside for a cigarette and saw them on the ground and I thought they were just play fighting. As it turns out, my bar friend was stabbed by three different people with three different knives. They proceeded to kick him after stabbing him. They finally left and he staggered across the street trailing blood behind him. After the paramedics came they cut off his shirt and found a cut on his left arm, one in his right hand, and one in his back. The other bar friend only had one cut to his arm."

This sounds just horrific. Absolutely disgusting. I wonder why the media didn't cover this? Oh, that's right. They're too focused on the lakefront neighborhoods. As usual. Well, forget them. I'm here. I guess all of you can rely on me to be the main source of crime coverage in our neighborhood. If any of you have anything to say about this, please, send your comments here or to my email address.

Man Shot In Neck Yesterday On Cortland
Child Possibly Shot @ Harding and Wabansia Last Night
Two People Shot In Traffic On Schubert
Two Men Shot Near Foodsmart On Armitage
Noon Time Gunfire @ George and Hamlin
Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square
Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell


  1. Yeah they only care about those scallywags up north last year they had four robberies in one day and they had the neighborhood under alert like if the world was coming to a end there's robberies here to and shootings murders why don't they write about us that's rigth they don't care but atleast you care Timmy good job and keep it up

  2. Corrections: Bar employee was not going to the bank, but the parking lot to his car, where four regulars continued an argument they had earlier with him when they were all in the bar drinking together, turned into punches, one of the regulars pulled a knife, bar employee got a tire iron out of his car. They took turns on each other with their weapons. Bar employee fell to the ground and the two other regulars decided to stand over him and stab him. Second bar employee came up tried to stop things got slashed as well. Both first regular with knife who had his head bashed in with a tire iron and bar employee are in the hospital. Reason this isn't being reported... drunk idiots at dive bar take fight too far. You shouldn't be afraid to go into Relax, go to 5th 3rd, or walk down Milwaukee, you should be afraid of getting in drunk fights with morons.

  3. Anonymous 3:13, my reader didn't mention anything about bar employees. This sounds really messed up and crazy. A lot happened over there that night.

    This needs to be reported anyway, I think. This is one of the craziest stabbings I've heard of in a few years. Hopefully, nobody dies from this.

  4. Yeah I saw the guy when they put him in the ambulance. I was told he got stab 15 times. However he is going to recover. These were older men who were fighting.

    Thats right. A punch of drunk idiots fighting.

  5. Stabbed 15 times? Oh my god. He's really lucky he survived. He should've been dead. WOW. I'm amazed. I'm glad he will recover.

    With the way Milwaukee is, I'm not surprised that it was drunk, old guys.

  6. Update:Bar employee is doing fine, most of the stab wounds were in his arm, a few on his back and he suffered a collapsed lung.

    Different and former bar employee later that night smashed a pint glass in a guys face inside the bar. For saying stabbing victim had it coming.

    The others that were involved still live in our neighborhood some right down on Gresham, in a drug dealing house, where the trees are tagged for the peoples, and service is brought to you by parking in front of the fire hydrant.

    The bar has been closed for almost a month. Which in this heat under these circumstances is probably for the best.
