Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sixteen Year Old Shot In Logan Square

The violence never stops in Logan Square. Especially in the area of Armitage-Western-Bloomingdale-Damen. First we had those two women last week attacked with bats in the 1800 block of Damen (the offender was arrested, by the way. He resided just three blocks from me), now we have this.

A 16 yr old was shot at 8pm last night in the 2300 block of W Armitage. He was shot in the pelvis and was seriously injuried. The vitcim was taken to St. Mary's in serious condition intally, but was then transfered to Stroger. The shooting is believed to be gang related.

Boy, do we have some violent offenders in that area. This has got to STOP. Period. People, work with the cops, please. Call 911 as often as necessary to report activity. Folks, you need to pressure our elected officals to do something.

Two Women Attacked With Bat In Logan Square
Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way
Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell


  1. Both of those attacks were technically in Bucktown. Logan Square has enough crime without claiming Bucktown's. Either way it is tragic.

  2. Bucktown's not an offical community, at least from what I know. I have looked at community maps and Bucktown doesn't come up on those. I've always considered Bucktown a part of Logan Square. And, yeah, it's tragic.

  3. Anonymouns2 here to clear the air for Anonymous1(3:26pm) & CrimeBlotter....Folks, the city has 77 official communities. Bucktown is a neighborhood within the boundaries of the Logan Square community. Check it out on the city's website. Download the maps here:

  4. Yes, anonymous 2, Bucktown is a neighborhood within Logan Square. Which is why I don't mention Bucktown, because it's a part of Logan Square and it's all the same area.

    For the record, people, my crime blog follows the boundaries of the Community Areas map. Not the neighborhood map. And, I personally follow Community Areas map.

  5. No matter where you draw the lines, crime is tragic. On a positive note for Avondale...I am mobility disabled and walk with a cane. Every once and awhile I take a tumble, and the other day I fell right on Kimball across from the Blue Line. Three teenagers rushed across the street and helped me up and made sure that I was alright. I was very grateful that they would do that, and it comes as a reminder that although crime grabs the headlines, there is still a lot of decent people out there who help their neighbors. Salute to the kids who helped me.

  6. ProdigalOne, yes, crime is tragic no matter where you draw the lines. As for the teens helping you, that was very nice of them. I'm very surprised to hear something like that, because my generation usually doesn't help anyone or anything. But this is very good to hear. You're right that there's still a lot of decent people out there in the city.

  7. Hi Timmy-
    Thought you and your followers might like to know about a remembrance ceremony going on in Logan Square tonight. Found a flyer on my door the other day. No website listed.

    Remembering Lives Lost
    6:00 pm
    Palmer Square
    3200 W Palmer Blvd (intersection of Palmer & Kedzie)

    In 2009,458 people were killed and 1,872 were shot in the city of Chicago. 15 of those homicides and 41 shootings were in the 14th Police District.
    At 6:30 pm CeaseFire sites throughout the city will hold a moment of silence to remember the lives lost. We hope you will join us in Logan Square.
    We will create a memorial; have a moment of silence in memory of those lives lost; and come together as a community to commit to working together to end the shootings and killings.
