Thursday, April 29, 2010

Parker On Sawyer

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. Today, I'm monitoring 14 on a school day while I'm off from school today. I will be here until 4pm. Anyway, it's going to be rather cloudy with a high in the low 70s. It'll be windy, too. We'll see how that drives the school kids (LOL). Special note: If any fights break out at Clemente HS (even though it's not in the neighborhood), I'll cover those. Here's crime for this morning and afternoon.

8:09am - Parker. 1856 N Sawyer.

8:16am - Disturbance. 1950 N Milwaukee. Problem with the manager at the liquor store.

8:17am - Criminal damage report. 2915 N Richmond.

8:25am - Commerical alarm. 2800 N Milwaukee. At Payless Shoes.

8:31am - Suspicious person. Armitage and Milwaukee. Heading towards Western is a male Black, 17 yrs old, 200 lbs, short brown hair, light complected, blue hoodie is talking to himself while he has a bat in his hand. He's swinging it as he goes by.

8:34am - An RD number has been pulled from the 8:16am job. Non-criminal, however. It's HS281661 with the event number of 03263. Also, school kids heading to Logandale school at Wellington and Kedzie need help crossing the street because the traffic lights are out. That is due to an earlier power outage in the area.

8:36am - Two male Blacks with baseball bats. It is thought that the one from the 8:31am job joined up with another guy. Location is Armitage and Oakely. There was a shooting in the area last night, so I think it may be related.

8:47am - Beat car 1434 advises that he's going in with the report from the 8:16am job, but there will probably be future problems there.

8:50am - 1) Beat 1472 is doing an "L" check at the California Blue Line station. Event number is 03858. 2) Reckless driver. Fullerton and Albany. Heading east is a 4-door Honda Accord speeding. It's got a plate of 4176328.

8:55am - Reckless driver. Logan and California. Burgundy GMC heading towards Diversey nearly cut off the caller. This was after that car was chasing the caller's car after a traffic dispute.

9:04am - Two parkers on 1412's PDT.

9:08am - Person w/ a gun. 1715 N Humboldt. Male Hispanic, white leather jacket, got out of a white vehicle and went into a trunk and got a gun. He put it in his waistband. He went into the hallway of the building. The plate of the car is HA476478.

9:12am - A slow down is being given on the 9:08am job.

9:15am - The officers would like to know who called in the 9:08am job. Anonymous did. One officer would like to know if it was a male or female voice who called it in because this all may be a boyfriend/girlfriend dispute.

9:30am - Traffic accident. North Ave. and Magnolia. By the Home Depot. Multiple calls coming in. A car flipped over. Also stated was that a truck went OVER a car. A female is pinned in a car. Multiple ambulances on the way for multiple injuries. Oh my god ... this sounds horrible.

9:31am - Someone's got a street stop at Wabansia and Mozart.

9:32am - Disturbance. 2300 N Maplewood. Citizen is giving C-DOT a hard time. WTH?

9:35am - Traffic control is to be done at North and Elston. Eastbound traffic on North needs to be diverted to Elston. Officer is instructed to send traffic to Division.

9:41am - A scrap iron truck is wanted for hit and run from the 9:30am job. It fled east on North Ave. into the 18th District, towards Kingsbury. An officer from 18 looked for a truck like the one described in a truck company parking lot on Clybourn near North. This truck was making a right turn when the car somehow got under it and it was flipped over.

9:45am - Traffic accident. Fullerton and Elston. Two cars, no injuries.

9:58am - Beats 1444 and 1446 are to do a TRP mission at 2325 W. Armitage, the site of last night's shooting.

10:09am - Beat 1454 has a possible truck from the accident on North Ave. at 1900 N Kingsbury.

10:15am - Wires down. 3534 W Wabansia. The wires for the POD camera are down.

10:28am - The 10:15am wires are on the SW corner of Wabansia and Drake. They are to the POD camera.

10:35am - The lights are flashing red. Humboldt and Palmer.

10:40am - Battery. 2750 W North. At the medical center. Pregnant woman hit another woman and kicked her daughter.

10:42am - Beat car 1412 asks for an event number for something. It's 03883.

10:43am - Beat 1410 is doing an outdoor roll call at Armitage and Oakely, near the scene of last night's shooting.

10:46am - Assault in progress. Milwaukee and Fullerton. CTA bus driver of #1463 is allegedly threatening a disabled man.

10:47am - A second call came in for the 10:46am job. Now the driver and the man are arguing over the fare.

11:00am - The 10:46am job is coded.

11:28am - ComEd was kicked out and they'd like to get their materials. They were trying to shut off the power. Location is 1860 N Hoyne.

11:29am - Alarm. 3512 W McLean.

11:43am - Beat car 1412 is doing a premise check at 3036 N Elbridge.

11:47am - Check the well being. 3309 W Palmer. Someone's being either strangled or attacked by a dog.

12:04pm - Person wanted. 2701 N Western. At Burger King. Female employee is wanted for leaving the scene of an auto accident.

12:08pm - The first school call has came out for our area today. There's a disturbance at 1711 N California, at the Moos school. Problem with a student over property.

12:11pm - Beat 1472 has a traffic stop at Dickens and California. Running a plate.

12:15pm - Beat car 1412 is doing a Sex Offender check at 2951 N Gresham. Event number is 06998.

12:20pm - Suspicious vehicle. 1658 N Leavitt. A sliver SUV with a plate of 719490 has a female laying in the vehicle.

12:33pm - Alarm. 1847 N Humboldt. At the church.

12:39pm - Alarm. 2335 N Lister.

12:45pm - Person w/ a knife. 1935 N Albany. Male Hispanic, 20s, black t-shirt, is out in front, yelling that he's got a knife and that he'll cut himself.

12:49pm - Theft. 1627 N Bell.

1:00pm - Threatening suicide. 3212 W George. At Logandale school. Female student has a knife. EMS is en route and police are being requested.

1:01pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Artesian. Five of them running around with bats.

1:03pm - Someone's doing an "L" check at the Belmont and Kimball Blue Line station. Event number is 07837.

1:05pm - A slow down is being given at Logandale school.

1:07pm - Disturbance. 2235 N Lister. Tenant who's getting evicted and he refuses to leave.

1:13pm - Battery. Webster and Ashland. The CTA bus driver on #1128 had food thrown on them.

1:19pm - The 1pm girl will be transported to Norwegian for an evaluation. Job will be duped out to the ambulance. The girl claims that she's hearing voices but the school think she's just mad because she's in trouble for skipping school a couple of times.

1:26pm - EMS run. 2061 N Campbell. Grandfather's been drinking and took some pills.

1:30pm - Parker. 1952 N Damen. In the loading zone.

1:36pm - Disturbance. 2813 W McLean. Bums hanging out in the alley.

1:45pm - 1) Traffic accident. 1758 W Armitage. Citizen hit by a car. 2) Person wanted. 1815 N Whipple. A female named Jessie is wanted for battery. 3) Gang disturbance. Wrightwood and Kimball. Seven "punks" just tagged the sidewalk with gang lettering. 4) Wires down. 2921 W Diversey. Wire less than 20 feet from the ground. A strong gust of wind will probably knock it down. 5) Burglar report. 3011 N Kedzie.

2:04pm - Burglar alarm. 1800 N Washtenaw.

2:18pm - Disturbance. 1600 block of N Fairfeld. A group of male teens have been drinking on the sidewalk all day.

2:27pm - Beat 1489 is doing a school crossing at Humboldt and Armitage.

2:31pm - The wires at 2921 Diversey may be live. ComEd will be notified.

2:33pm - The street lights at Kedzie and Wellington are out. They've been out all day. The city is needed asap because of the Logandale school kids going home, from both the regular day and from after school.

2:34pm - Beat 1446 asks for a gang/drugs mission and a DOC mission. DOC event number is 09506 and gangs/drugs is 09505.

2:36pm - 1) Beat 1488 is doing a school crossing at Damen and Cortland. 2) Check the well being. 1740 N Spaulding. 86 yr old woman locked herself out of the house.

2:38pm - Violation order of protection. 2132 N Kedzie. Ex-husband's in front of the caller's job.

2:41pm - Burglar alarm. 2717 N Elston. At David's Bridal.

2:44pm - Burglar alarm. 1900 N Honye.

2:53pm - Domestic battery. 1719 N Talman. Boyfriend and girlfriend fighting.

2:57pm - Burglar report. 1848 N Western.

2:58pm - Beat car 1432 needs some jumper cables at Shakespeare and Oakely.

3:04pm - Beat 1462Eddie had a street stop at 1824 N Talman but is now going in with one.

3:05pm - Parker. 2120 N Hoyne.

3:24pm - Burglar alarm. 1735 N Honore.

3:26pm - Traffic accident. North and St. Louis. Couple of calls for a bike, a car and a motorcycle all involved in an accident.

3:39pm - A unit has a stop at 3006 W North Ave.

3;44pm - Disturbance w/ a mental. 2449 N Maplewood. 17 yr old brother, who's a high risk, may not be in his right mind and is arguing with mom. He may hurt someone. He's got a Noble school uniform, which is a burgundy shirt and biege khaki pants. He fled towards Rockwell on Fullerton.

3:46pm - Burglar alarm. 2051 W Willow.

3:51pm - 1) Battery in progress. 1655 W Wabansia. Male and female fighting in front. 2) Battery in progress. 1641 N Mozart.

3:53pm - A slow down is given for 1655 Wabansia.

3:54pm - A slow down is given for 1641 Mozart.

4:00pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back at 4:09pm tomorrow afternoon with 25. Good night, everyone :).


  1. I was one of the burglary reports. hopefully if this guy hit multiple houses, there will be several descriptions. sad to see even worse things going on...hopefully people will keep filing incidents and calling 911.
    Glad that you keep this blogrun & read about the last meeting...when is the next community meeting??

  2. did they ever put the police cameras by diveersey and lawdale the one they said they were gonna put by the church and by koz

  3. Anonymous 3:16, I'm sorry to hear that you were burglarized. I hope people keep filing reports and calling 911. As for the community meetings, is there a particular Beat you're talking about?

    Anonymous 3:44, there's a camera at Diversey and Avers, NW corner, for Koz Park. As for the camera at Diversey and Lawndale, there's no camera up there, at least yet.

  4. Around 5:00 PM today, there was a squad car around 2615 N. Kimball and later another squad car and a TAC unit at the same place. This is approx. three houses up from where the taggers were earlier. The house in question was robbed a few weeks ago and I'm hoping they weren't hit again. Does anyone have information about what's going on here?

    Lately there seem to be a lot of people loitering on the street, not waiting for busses or anything, more like just watching. Every time I see something that's off, I bring my dogs outside, just to let the suspicious people know I'm watching them watch us.

  5. Anonymous 10:30, that sure sounds odd. I hope everything was ok at that house. I wish I had some information as into what's going on there, but I don't. As for the people loitering, if you haven't already, call police. Something needs to be done about people just loitering on a busy street like Kimball. And, keep bringing the dogs outside, that'll probably scare them off (hopefully).
