Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Shooting/Beating @ Diversey and Lawndale

Good morning, everyone. We've had some gunfire to erupt in W. Logan Square late last night, around 11pm. Location of the incident is Diversey and Lawndale. I can personally confirm this. A good source of mine reports they heard arguing, then one gunshot went off. There was a quick pause before more than a dozen gunshots went off. People were heard running and screaming. My source didn't have to call 911, as calls instantly poured into the 911 center for Shots Fired. The information was relayed over Zone 12's radio within seconds.

I was awoken as sirens came screaming around the corner. I asked my mom what was going on and she said there were Shots Fired. So I stayed up to hear what was going on. Within seconds of police arriving, they reported that a male was shot in the back. I don't know how many times. But that's not all that happened.

A male was beaten, severely, with a bat. According to officers over the radio, he was hit in the face. He was bleeding (obviously).

The shooting vitcim is 17 years of age, and the bat vitcim is 27 years old. Scanner reports had the shooting vitcim taken to the hospital at about 19th and Califorina (not sure how to spell it's name), but a news report says they were taken to Illinois Masonic.

From what I've been gathering, this is all related to the Mexican parade thing that came down Diversey last night at the time. Apparently, an argument may have ensued which resulted in a group of males attacking the vitcims. It's reported that the group fled towards Central Park. Though the scanner claims a little different.

Scanner reports had three males, one with braids in his hair, all in their 20s, standing in front of 2727 North Monticello. The 911 caller claimed that these males were involved. Then someone on the 3600 block of West Diversey spoke to police to give more information.

The crime scene was rather large. Beat 2599 was saying it was in the middle of the street, which screwed up traffic big time. #76 Diversey CTA buses had to be rerouted.

I'm impressed with all of the good people who took the time to call 911 last night. More than a dozen calls came in, which is impressive. I'm also proud of the person who spoke to police last night. I would've went over to the scene, but police were saying there was a rowdy group present (no fights broke out afterwards, however).

I can't say this is gang related, or not, so I won't make offical opinions. Due to all of the people on the street last night, you never know what happened. All I, and probably some of you, can hope for is that no retailation shootings occurr. Or no big brawls. But that might happen, since there will probably be yet another celebration tonight.

Chicago Breaking News link.

Shots Fired Last Night On Harding
Shooting On Gresham Last Night
Shooting at Armitage and Humboldt
Stabbing On Springfield
Early Morning Gunfire In Avondale
Shots fired near Diversey/Kedzie late last night
Avondale erupts in gunfire ... AGAIN
More shots fired in Avondale last night
Shooting on Diversey late last night
Two shootings in Avondale ... IN ONE DAY!!
Shooting at Diversey and Albany last night
Another day, another shooting
Shooting on Diversey and Lawndale
16 yr old shot down in Logan Square


  1. I never read about a Mexican Parade on Diversey. Were there floats and Marching Bands, too?

  2. It's a yearly event, Craig. We don't have floats or marching bands, though. Just people in cars, honking those horns and praising their heritage by stupid screaming/yelling.

  3. Didn't see this one on your blog, but there was a shooting on Palmer St last night, too.

    Around 11pm, we heard 5 or 6 shots including one that sounded like it hit a street sign or a mailbox. Then shouting. We called 911 at that time, but by the time police arrived on scene (like a minute later) the shooting victim had been taken from the scene in a friend's car. As far as I could see, no arrests were made.

  4. Anonymous, where on Palmer did this happen? And if you can, please, give me some more information if you can. Thanks.

  5. Was this a gang pride parade? Sure sounds like it.

  6. 3700 block of West Palmer, north-west end. I haven't seen anything about it in the news.

  7. Anonymous 2:16, I believe that as well. It's supposed to be a Hispanic prade thing but it turns into a gang "thang" all the time.

    Anonymous 2:40, thanks for telling me where on Palmer it was. But, I don't think you should be surprised about it not being on the news. The city's media usually always covers those lakefront neighborhoods over us anyday.
