Sunday, April 4, 2010

Police Helicopter Flying, Squad Cars Going Wrong Way

Good morning, everyone. I received a comment regarding a police helicopter flying over the east end of the 25th District, and squad cars flying down the streets in the wrong direction.

Anonymous said: "There's a helicopter circling over the eastern portion of 25 and police driving the wrong way down one ways @ around 12am. Any info?"

Anybody know what happened? Better yet, since there's a couple of you from the CPD who read the blog, could you shed some light on this?

Update, 4/5/10: This whole thing was gunshots. One commenter says it may have been about 15 shots while another says that it was three or four separate long bursts of shots. This occurred in the area of possibly Diversey-Hamlin-Palmer-Central Park. So, anyone in the named area hear anything?

Stabbing On Milwaukee This Morning
Shots Fired @ Milwaukee and Drake Last Night
Shooting On Cortland Friday Night
Teen Shot In Head On Armitage
Shooting On Dawson?
Homicide And Beating In North Avondale
Letter To Alderman Reboyras Re: Shooting at Belmont and Monticello
Shooting At Altgeld and Ridgeway This Morning
Shooting In 2100 Block of Lawndale
Shots Fired On Belmont Last Night
17 Year Old Murdered In Logan Square Club
Shooting At Lyndale and Campbell
Shooting On Palmer Wednesday Night


  1. Hi - maybe you can pass on this information to people in the neighborhood.

    Second Annual
    "I Love Logan Square" Party!
    April 9–10, 2010, 8 pm–1 am
    2830 N. Milwaukee Ave., 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60618

    More info here:

  2. Hello. I will certainly pass on the information. Thank you for letting me know about this.

  3. I live at Sawyer and Milwaukee and heard several gunshots - 10? 12? 15? - a few minutes before I heard the helicopter, so I'm sure that was it. I couldn't tell if it was just one gun or more than one. It was a lot more gunshots than I'm used to hearing, and it's sad that I should ever hear any.

    I love the blog - keep up the good work!

  4. Funny to see people mentioning this. . . I was out walking and heard 3 or 4 separate exchanges of gunfire right around this time.

    If I had to guess I'd say it was along Central Park or maybe a block or two west of there. They were traveling either north or south (forget which, but the bursts were clearly traveling in one direction).

    I saw units from 14 responding as well. . . as usual, nothing in the paper or otherwise.


  5. Anonymous 6:01, I'm thinking that the helicopter was either asked to come to the area because of maybe the shots, or the cops flying the heilcopter just felt like coming over (they do that on some occassions).

    It is sad that you have to hear gunshots. It's more sad that any of us should have to. This is why we all have to band together and at least try to do something about all of this.

    Thank you for the comment.

  6. Hi odc. I know you're saying on Central Park this happened, but can you tell me the cross street, please? I'd just like to get both intersections.


  7. I can't say for sure. . . I was walking south and it sounded like 3 or 4 separate bursts traveling south (i.e. first burst was well north or south of 4th).

    I would say maybe from Diversey to Palmer.

    It's not that strange to hear a few shots but it was unusual to hear such a long series. I'm pretty sure I heard some "cop shots" too.


  8. Thanks for indentifying an area, odc. That gives me a bit more information. This sounds like a real strange event that stretched for at least 6 or so blocks (north to south). This is also really interesting.

  9. i heard a couple gunshots that same day around two in the morning seen couple of teens running and throwing gang signs after a hour the police didnt show up there goes the neighborhood

  10. Anonymous 3:50, this sounds possibly related to everything everyone's saying. Where did this incident occurr at?

  11. its nothing new around here hearing gunshots it just pisses me off how the media ignores logan square the shooting happen on lawndale and mclean im guessing its gang related or drug related giving that this is a haven for that stuff

  12. Yeah, I hear there's lots of violence in that area (McLean and Lawndale). It's very much indeed a gang and drug haven. Something needs to be done about it.

    It also pisses me off how the media ingores our neighborhood so much. We have problems in this neighborhood. More than these little lakefront neighborhoods they spend SO much time on. I can't stand it. WTH? This is a neighborhood in Chicago, too. I'm not going to say anything about them covering southside issues because of course they have more problems than us (but if our problems can't be stopped, then we may become the next Englewood, or other real bad neighborhoods nearby), but really, we need to be covered too. I'm tired of reading stuff about in Rogers Park, Lakeview, Lincoln Park, etc.

  13. Yup like in lakeview they actually announce all the robberies they have but here they never say nothing but the southside isnt that bad i think people over react i think the westside and northwest of chicago is worst cause its smaller and theres more violent crime but englewood is bad

  14. Yeah. They never say a word about our neighborhood. Never. I only see those lakefront neighborhoods being mentioned for the most part.

    I agree some parts of the southside are overreacted. In fact, there's a few spots it's actually safer than it is here. The west side is really bad, and it's been getting bad over here too. But personally, I can't even begin to compare our neighborhood to Englewood. That's the worst area in the whole city (I've been through there and I've seen how bad it can be).

  15. so i gotta ask timmy did they say anything about the shootings im guessing no cause they dont want to scare away the yuppies moving in they find out that logan isnt a walk in the park they a see dirty logan

  16. Nope. No mention of it in any news reports. You're right, they don't want to scare away the yuppies. But those yuppies will find out the hard way (sorry to say).

  17. i heard the shots too. i called to say there were 3, separated shots. i'm located near central park and wrightwood. also, perhaps the police can't release all the crimes for sake of undercover work? not that i'm defending them...just trying to figure out why our area gets so little media coverage. (though i'm sad to say, but more inclined to believe it has more to do with the socioeconomic profile of our neighborhood than anything else.)

  18. I'm glad you called the shots in, anonymous 10:37. As for the police recovering work, that's why I'm here. One of my reasons for listening in is to put just about all of the crimes in our neighborhood out there. But I do defend them, since they're the ones keeping us safe and putting up with all of these criminals out there.

    I would definately have to say the social status of the neighborhood plays a role in not be covered in the media. I personally think it's also because people don't want their information out there. I think this because I had certain ones complain to the police about me blogging certain blocks/addresses.
