Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shots Fired @ St. Louis and Wrightwood This Morning

I received two comments on this one, which makes it worthy of a post. Allegedly, there were gunshots around 3 this morning near St. Louis and Wrightwood. Here's what the two anonymous commentors said.

Comment 1: "I live at N. St. Louis and Wrightwood. I heard 3 shots total last night around 2:45am. Any info on this? It was pretty terrifying.

Comment 2: "Did anyone hear shots fired around 3:00 AM this morning somewhere within listening distance of Kimball and Wrightwood? Two loud bangs woke me up, but they didn't sound like they were in my immediate vicinity. (If the police came, I'd already fallen back asleep before them. Neighborhood watch FAIL.)"

If you saw or heard anything, or have any information, please, feel free to comment.

UPDATE, 2/1/10: I received yet another comment about shots fired in the area. Two loud pops heard at about 2:45 at about Wrightwood and Sawyer. Two more loud pops heard twenty minutes later.

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  1. i also heard two loud pops around 2:45 that sounded very very close to wrightwood and sawyer, then another two pops about 20 minutes later that sounded further away. roommate thought it might be firecrackers, neither of us saw anything more.

  2. Thank you for your information. This situation sounds very serious. With all the reports I've been getting, I'm surprised nobody got shot.

  3. This morning walking to the train by Wrightwood and Sawyer it was taped up with police in the area.. Tribune reported A 23-year-old man was shot to death about 4:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Logan Square neighborhood, one of two gunshot victims discovered overnight in the city.
    The 23-year-old was found bleeding from a chest wound near the intersection of Wrightwood and Sawyer avenues on the Northwest Side. Paramedics took him to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center and he was pronounced dead there just after 5 a.m., police said.

  4. Here is some information about the shooting last night:,0,3731674.story
