Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fight At Party On Ridgeway

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. It's a clear night out there with temps in the upper teens, although it's going to warm up to around 40 today, and it's supposed to rain this evening. Anyway, I have an important week coming up. One, I have my mid-term finals at school this week (Monday-Wednesday), and then I have two community meetings I need to attend. One is for the Avondale Neighborhood Association on Monday night at 7pm, at St. Hyacinth's Church, and then the other one is for Wednesday night at 6:30pm. It's the CAPS Beat meeting for Beat 2523, and it's held at the Copernicus Center on Milwaukee Ave. I won't be going to school on Thursday. I'm taking the day off since I have a feeling I'm going to be stressed out after three days of finals (and we're not being let out early either). Hopefully finals aren't too stressful. I'm going to monitor 14 a bit on Thursday. Speaking of monitoring, I'm going to monitor 25 today until either my dinner or 6:50pm. Here's crime for today.

12:03am - Battery in progress. 29XX N Ridgeway. Fight at a big party.

12:08am - I'm going to go for the night. I'll be back in the morning. Good night, everyone.

9:08am - I'm back. Good morning, everyone.

9:59am - Traffic accident. 20XX N Karlov.

10:53am - Disturbance. Milwaukee and Central Park. Group drinking openly.

10:55am - Suspicious vehicle. 2036 N Avers. At Mozart Park. On the lot.

11:53am - Municipal ordinance violation. 4100 W Wellington. Cones and chairs in the street.

12:19pm - A vice complaint and a selling on 2523's Beat.

12:52pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

12:59pm - Landlord/tenant dispute. 31XX N Hamlin. Landlord turned off the electricy.

1:06pm - Beat car 2524 is asking for a call back on the 12:59pm job.

1:07pm - Dispatch says 2524's call back went to voicemail. Just then, 2524 says that someone came down after all.

3:13pm - Burglar report. 28XX N Hamlin.

3:38pm - 1) Criminal damage. 28XX N Kenneth. 2) Person wanted. 31XX N Springfield.

6:36pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

6:50pm - I'm going to go for the night. I'll be back either tomorrow or sometime in the week by Thursday. See you all then. Have a good night, everyone.


  1. That 2900 block of Ridgeway is a problem area. The homeless have regular backyard fires there. Along with that crazy lady that lives next door to the vacant lot which once housed the mummified bodies.

  2. Last week I had to call the police because my freshman son wouldn't go to school. Needless to say, I was very disappointed my their response. I pay their salaries with my taxes & they just talked to my son for a minute & left.

  3. Somebody called the police at McDonalds because the drive thru lady didn't put ketchup on their quarter pounder. The police showed up and ignored the caller and ended up eating 6 double quarter pounders with cheese and 3 large fries. Completely unprofessional. Not only was the caller ignored but the food consumed was out of reason.

  4. @8:49 Typical cops from 025. I've seen their poice cars drive thru puddles to splash residents walking down the street. I heard they're gonna have the 13th district take over 25. Ican't wait.

  5. I hear a lot of police calls to get vagrants out of Dunkin Dounuts/Starbucks downtown. Maybe they should start hiring security???

  6. LOl @ Anon 1156AM. It's YOUR responsibility as a parent to make sure your kid goes to school, not the police.

  7. I can understand though, I call the cops when my dog won't go outside and use the bathroom in the cold, or when i'm out of paper towels.

  8. @Anonymous 10:26pm - You shouldn't do this. First of all, the cops can arrest you for this and second of all you need to train your dog to obey. If you cannot do this, you should get a cat.
