Monday, January 23, 2012

Known Tagger Kills Man @ Western And Armitage On Saturday Night

Ah. It's not even a month into 2012, and Logan Square has had it's first murder of the year. Already. Such a shame.

The murder occurred this past Saturday at the corner of Armitage and Western, at appromixately 5:40pm. It started out as a verbal altercation. The 21 year old man who was killed, identified by the Cook County Medical Examier's office as L. Caballero, was involved in an altercation with the offender, "Wicked", a known tagger in the Logan Square community, who's real name is Kristopher Klimala, is suspected of the crime. Caballero was the passenger in his girlfriend's car, which was facing east on Armitage, when an argument turned physical. Caballero was stabbed multiple times, and then died a short time later. According to the Chicago Police Department, the offender fled the scene but a person of interest is in custody. "The offender and the victim may have had prior interaction," a news affair officer was quoted as saying.

Klimala is a known tagger in the neighborhood, who is infamous for his graffiti name of "Wicked". He, along with a group (that he is a member of) called VTC, are known in neighborhoods on Chicago's Northwest side neighborhoods such as Bucktown, Wicker Park, Humboldt Park and Ukrainian Village, in addition to Logan Square.

Caballero's girlfriend drove him to St. Mary's Hospital, and then he was transfered to Stroger by the Chicago Fire Department. He died at 7:01pm as a result of his injures. He lived in the 2600 block of W Armitage. Anyone with information about the homicide should call Area 5 decs at (312)-746-8282.

Wow, this is pretty sad. It just ain't safe on the streets anymore, at all. You're always hearing about people being killed here in Chicago, and it strikes a nerve with me that one of the first murders of the year happens in our community. Logan Square residents, you've taken enough time off from being involved in the community. Time to jump right back into the game, my friends. I say it's also time to start really reporting these taggers in our neighborhood, because now they're apparently murderers, too.

I will be highly monitoring comments on this post, just so everyone knows.



  1. Taggers are just like gangbangers nothing more. Why praise kids that go mark up other people's property?

  2. I agree with Bobbo. Tagger's are uneducated and defile law abiding, property tax paying, hard working folks property. I met a tagger once and he had a very feeble grasp on proper English and extremely low reading and comprehension skills. He was 20 years old. Also - Isn't the intersection of Western Ave & Armitage actually in Bucktown and not Logan Square?

  3. This was a double victory as the perp to the murder was caught. Two scumbags off the street. I only hope the tagger known as "Wicked" suffered dearly as he bled out. I laughed hard today when I saw one of his last tags on Armitage. In a few days it will be covered up and forgotten. Just like his shitty existence. Good Riddance

  4. Why don't the cops do like in the good ole days? You know, spray paint their heads like in the movie "Colors"

  5. Tim, Wicked was charged with 1st degree murder. He appeared in bond court yesterday and his bond was set at $750,000.00. His next court appearance will be 2/1/2012 at Branch 66 which is at 1340 S Michigan. There are many comments posted at this link to Our Urban Times a local online paper.

  6. Tim, I typed the wrong date for the next court. It's 2/10/2012 not 2/1. Sorry

  7. I liked to address "anonymous" its a tradgic that 2 mothers lost out on their sons it was not a win win situation i did know the one who got killed i known him since he was bout 5-6yr and he was changing his life around he had just started working and was no-longer tagging or whatever they call it he fell in lolve with his girlfriend and decided to change his life around and the only scumbag was wicked why take a knife to a verbal argument why walk up to a car at a light and start stabbing that is a B***H move but you have your own opinion i just want it to be known he was well loved and liked if he was so bad as ppl try and make it to be the wake was so crowded in and out of there funeral home no standing room no walking/sitting room... he touched so many lives it wasnt even funny.....R.I.P LINEAR ALWAYS AND FOREVER

  8. anonymous you are sick. get yourself to church.
