Monday, July 11, 2011

Beat 1411 CAPS Meeting Wednesday (7-6-11)

Good evening, everyone. I attended 1411's CAPS meeting on Wednesday, July 6th (sorry for the delayed post). This was my second visit to the meeting, and I do plan on coming back to another meeting later in the year or early next year. The first thing we did at the meeting was introduce ourselves, than we went to the old problems that came up at May's meeting, which were:

* 2916 N. Washtenaw - Problems at Sal Gamboa's residence.
* Campbell and George - Gang presence, drug activity.
* 28XX N. Campbell - Loud disturbances involving a female.
* Algonquin Playlot - Problems with Maniac Latin Disciple gang members congregating and conducting gang and drug activity.

Now, I'll move on to the one new problem:
* Sacramento and George - There's a big problem with squatters trespassing into a vacant building on the southeast corner. Numerous complaints have been made on this building and a bunch of residents living right by the building represented their respective blocks at this meeting. In fact, a group of us met in front of the building, and walked over to the Beat meeting. CPD is definitely working on this building, having put signs on it when the group was at the corner. Phone calls have been made to the owner, and the whole nine yards.

Other observations:
* This meeting was standing room only. There were about 40 to 50 people in attendance, so there was a very large turn-out this time. A lot of the residents were heated/emotional about the Sacramento and George problem, as a majority of them represented the block this building is on. But there was a show of other concerned residents, too.
* I

For this Beat meeting post, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, go!

Next meeting: September 7, 2011 at Resurrection Church, 3045 N. Francisco, at 6:30pm.

Thank you,


  1. If live by Koz Park, you'll notice they to the Rims of the basketball hoops outside ! And Poof ... They was barely and gang activity or appearances at the park! How ironic huh? Thats also kind of sucks for the people who are not gangbangers and they want to play basketball but can't , why because these idiot gangbangers ruin it for the good people . But it made the park a little safer for the past week can't complain on that one! If it helps the park be safer I agree to the decision by removing the rims! When a child's safety is involved you have to put forth effort to try and make it safe! I wondered if they would hold a neighborhood meeting at Koz Parks field house, how many people would show up? I bet you plenty ! I think or my opinion that they should hold a community meeting there, With police involvement! If people want to see the community get together it should be held in their community too! The Koz Park field house has a auditorium inside. Perfect for a meeting spot! And if there was I'm going! I hope in the future there will be one there.

  2. Thank you all for coming out to the 1411 CAPS mtg. We are trying to better our neighborhood. Please keep watch out for gangbangers. And please keep watch on the Gamboa activity. Make the 2900 N Washtenaw Block gang free. 2 gang member children in one house means trouble for the whole community. Thank you Timmy for everything and great turn out at the 1411 CAPS meeting.
