Monday, July 11, 2011

Assault On Fullerton, Wires Down On Karlov

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:15pm. Today's been a bad day. First, I was caught in the middle of that horrible storm this morning, then I got sick earlier, and learned that I'm going to have to give up many things in my life due to financial problems in the family again. If you were a reader of this blog two years ago, you will remember the situation I had to go through that summer. I'm not totally sure if we're losing the internet again, but I will definitely have to stop traveling to meetings outside of my immediate area, that require me taking the CTA. And I won't be able to go out really anymore for the rest of the summer. So with that said, this blog will be done more often, and I won't be taking a vacation this year until around Christmas. I'll instead take two-day breaks, one at the end of this month and one right before I start school again. All of this is really unfortunate. Anyway, I'm attending a block club meeting in the neighborhood as a special guest tomorrow evening, then I'm heading to a big event in the 25th District on Wednesday. With that, here's crime for today.

4:10pm - Assault. 37XX W Fullerton.

4:19pm - Wires down. 23XX N Karlov.

4:36pm - Sex offense. 4179 W Belmont. In front of the blanket store. Big guy rubbing on his private parts.

4:51pm - Check the well being. 27XX N Lawndale. A girl, or woman, named Destiny Pagan, is sending a text to all of her friends saying "HELP" and the caller .

5:23pm - Some call in the area.

6:00pm hour - Didn't pay much attention. Sorry.

7:30pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back tomorrow. I've got other stuff to do. Good night.


  1. Sucks. Keep your chin up Timmy

  2. Com-Ed's got to do a bettwer wiring job of the city. Look how they string their wires. Very sloppy.

  3. Your rates will go up if you want them to rewire the city. It's not free. With the latest hike though this year that got approved, ComEd will start on the engineering and design of their new Smart Grid. It won't necessarily rewire the city but it will help immensely with outage time. They will be able to reroute power via lock outs to different substations from their main control headquarters instead of having a crew come out and figure out what happened and how to go about rerouting power while they work to fix the downed line or transformer.

  4. hey tim, have you considered putting a donate button on this blog? you do have many loyal followers
