Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fatal Accident @ Armitage And Hoyne Involving OEMC Employee This Morning

Good afternoon, everyone. There was a fatal traffic accident this morning in the Logan Square/Bucktown neighborhood, at Armitage and Hoyne. It involved a 42 yr old woman, who was employed at the OEMC (911 Center) as a dispatcher for the CPD, according to the Chicago Tribune. The accident occurred a little after 6am. The victim's car was turned sideways and was slammed against a fire hydrant, while a Range Rover, the offender's car, slammed into a building just north of Armitage on Hoyne. This accident woke up many in the area this morning, and those people, or witnesses, described the scene as "chilling", seeing the woman's body slumped over the wheel of her car, with firefighters doing their best to save her. Some witnesses said that they saw or heard the offender trying to run from the scene, only to be brought back in handcuffs. Witnesses also say that several CPD vehicles were on scene within seconds of the crash, making them think the Range Rover was being chased (jeez, maybe the mere fact that this was a dispatcher made them rush to the scene) by CPD. Chicago Police is investigating this fatal accident.

My condolences to the victim's family, friends and co-workers. It especially makes me sad to hear of a dispatcher getting killed, knowing that they are the difference between life and death. If you have comments or questions, send them here, the FB page, or to my inbox. Please, keep this civilized.


  1. According to CNR, the police were there pretty fast because they were chasing a stolen range rover.

  2. Oh my! What a tragic event. My deepest condolences to the woman's family. May her soul rest in peace.

  3. My thoughts and prayers go out to the woman's family. I believe it would help make it a little less difficult for the family if they take a look at Knowing someone else is going through the same thing helped me cope when I went through the same ordeal.
