Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Man Down On Diversey

Good morning, everyone, it's 8am. So far, it's a sunny day out there in the upper 70s, but it is supposed to storm later, and we're supposed to get strong ones too at that. Temps will be in the upper 80s, approaching 90. Anyway, I don't have anything planned for today. I'll just be here. I'm monitoring 14 until 5:12pm, then I'm monitoring 25 for the rest of the day until 11, when I have to go to bed. I'm going back to school starting tomorrow for summer school, so I need to be up at 6am. I'm not required to go to summer school, but I'm choosing to because I don't have much to do around here in the mornings. It's only for three and a half hours anyway. Also, tomorrow, depending on the weather, I may or may not go to Beat 1434's CAPS meeting. I'm going to post a reminder about that meeting and give a brief description of the area it serves. So, here's crime for today.

8:48am - EMS run. 3415 W Diversey. Man down.

8:59am - Disturbance. 2300 block of N Milwaukee. A biker reports they're being harassed by two people, a male and a female, in a black Cadi with a plate of GENNGEN.

9:00am - Beat 1480 is reporting that the street lights are out at Rockwell/Elston/Wellington. Dispatch will notify the city.

9:07am - Traffic accident. Damen and Elston.

9:19am - Some call in the area. I forgot what it was.

9:25am - Burglar alarm. 2370 N Elston.

10:53am - Animal abuse. 17XX N Damen. Dog left in a red minivan with the windows rolled up.

11:09am - Check the well being. 19XX N Fairfield.

11:33am - Disturbance. Logan Square Blue Line Station. Aggressive female in the train station, on the platform.

11:51am - Information for the CPD. Diversey and Kedzie. Aggressive female panhandler.

11:56am - Residential alarm. 2332 W Charleston.

12:47pm - Criminal trespass in progress. 3267 W Armitage. A tenant who was evicted is in the building right now. They've been drinking and are not behaving properly.

12:50pm - Assault. 20XX W Fullerton. Male Black, 5'7, 20s, baggy pants just kicked the caller's car and threatened him.

12:56pm - Burglary in progress. 31XX N Richmond. Two females, aged 16 and 17, one with reddish hair and shorts, and the other with a colorful top and shorts, threw a brick through the rear window and went inside.

12:58pm - Disturbance. Honore and Milwaukee. Someone's soliciting.

1:06pm - Animal abuse? 3065 N Rockwell. Deer trapped in the fenced area.

1:15pm - Beat car 1431 is the scene of the 1:06pm job, and let Dispatch know that the deer is indeed there. She called Animal Control, and per the Department Of Natural Resources, the deer has to be released from there, and free to roam, unless it is injured or has hurt someone.

1:24pm - 1) Beat 1444 codes out the 12:58pm job, and is now headed to a Community Concern on the 2900 block of N Fairfield. 2) Suspicious person. 1700 block of N Hermitage. Male Black, no shirt and white jeans is going door-to-door on the block. He's in front of the Ripty lounge.

1:39pm - Beat car 1434 is on the Hermitage job, and the description is good. This guy is going door-to-door to see if people are home or not. He might be up to no good. The caller offered the guy water and he didn't want any. 1434 plans to find the guy and do a contact card on him.

1:41pm - 1434 just got word that the guy is at the Ripty lounge. He's going over there now to talk to him. 1446 is close and will back him up.

1:48pm - Beat 1407Adam is going to do a well-being check at 27XX N Artesian. Event number is 10590.

2:32pm - Assault. 2845 N Kedzie. A woman named Carmen called Senator Iris Martinez's office and wanted a refund for something. When she didn't get the answer she wanted, she had her daughter call back, and the daughter threatened Martinez's Administration Assistant.

2:37pm - Disturbance. Wabansia and Albany. Two males trying to open the hydrant.

2:39pm - A unit has an ANOV being issued from 1701 N. Milwaukee, in front of the Bucktown-Wicker Park Library.

2:47pm - Traffic accident. 2330 W Logan. In the parking lot of X-Port, two cars.

2:56pm - Some call at Elston and Cortland.

3:14pm - Burglary. 2881 N Milwaukee. Male Black with a white and black baseball cap just broke into the caller's apartment.

3:15pm - Backlog in 14 at 15:15 hours.

3:16pm - Reckless driver. Carroll and Damen. Green Buick driving recklessly swerved towards the caller. It has a plate of 2853544. It's heading towards Grand Ave. Thought I'd put that out there in case it heads our way.

3:22pm - 1) Stove fire. 2009 N Kedzie. 2) Disturbance. 30XX N Elbridge.

3:32pm - Parker. 24XX N Spaulding.

3:43pm - Suspicious vehicle. 35XX W Palmer. Male Hispanic in a white van is parked in a private area. Caller thinks he's high.

3:52pm - Criminal damage. Fullerton and Elston. Four male Hispanics hit the caller's car with a shopping cart in the parking lot of the Home Depot. The first guy has on a red shirt and black jean shorts, the second male has on a brown shirt and blue jeans, the third one has on a red Puma backpack with gray shorts and the fourth one has on a red and white checkered shirt.

3:58pm - The 3:52pm offenders just left per the caller.

4:01pm - Backlog is taken out of 14 at 16:01 hours.

4:08pm - Disturbance. 1600 block of N Sawyer. Children playing in an open hydrant.

4:21pm - Check the well being. Logan and Albany. There's a man with a large beer bottle in his hand sitting in the alley near the trash cans on the south side of the Boulevard, near the coffee shop.

4:22pm - Disturbance. Wolfram and Western, and 2757 on Western. We've got a deer causing a big traffic issue. It's standing in the middle of Western on the first call, and walking on the sidewalk, and now on the second ticket, the deer's running into traffic. An off duty PO is calling in on one of the calls, and they want a car to sit there for traffic control. Animal Control ain't coming out unless the deer gets hurt. The deer's running north, towards the bridge.

4:24pm - Deer sighted at George and Western.

4:25pm - The deer's at Diversey/Elston/Western now.

4:26pm - The deer's now running down Diversey, towards Oakley.

4:27pm - Beat 1410 has the deer at Western/Elston/Diversey, and wants 1471, the wagon, to come over.

4:28pm - Found animal. 35XX W Cortland. Caller found a Poodle in their backyard and wants CPD to pick it up.

4:48pm - Disturbance. 26XX N Emmet. Male Hispanic, 25, white tanktop, is laying in the grass in front.

4:49pm - The 4:21pm job is coded.

5:12pm - I'm back with 25.

5:27pm - 1) Disturbance. 42XX W George. 2) Disturbance. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. Drinkers behind the alley.

5:40pm - Suspicious person. Springfield and Wabansia.

5:47pm - 1) Some call in the area. 2) Disturbance. 28XX N Avers.
Male operating an illegal boarding house. 3) Some call in the area. 4) Suspicious vehicle. 36XX W Fullerton. Window busted out of a green/blue van.

7:04pm - They're calling back on the 2800 Avers job at 5:47.

7:14pm - Battery. Fullerton and Avers.
Caller hit in hand with a bat, refused EMS.

7:40 to 8:02pm - I was eating.

9:30pm - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow. Have a goodnight, everyone.


  1. Good job monitoring the PR festival. Remember your neighborhood could always be worse. Austin, Harrison and Ogden districts are out of control. I heard someone was shot IN the parking lot of the Ogden police station! Criminals are no longer afraid of the police. Bring in the National Guard or Delta Force I say.

  2. Summer school? Uh, oh did you fail some classes?

  3. http://www.facebook.com/twcdrforbes#!/photo.php?fbid=2147360760561&set=t.100001063503059&type=1&theater

    Check out Chicagos finest in the background.

  4. At Koz Park , I have seen everyday that I walk my dog through there , Theres always a group of at least up to ten Hispanic bum drunks drinking and smoking marijuana at the benches near Harding and Diversey. The police been there multiple times but everyday the drunks come back. Their other spot is the "big Harding building" on the side drinking. There's a liqour store across the street that provides them cheap booze. My point is yesterday I was walking my dog at Koz by Harding and Schubert and there was to young teenage females sitting on the grass studying near some bushes and I was watching a perverted Hispanic drunk lurking near the females, he started to get closer near the bushes, so I stopped to watch to see what his motive was, as I looked at him not that I was staring at him like that but he had a huge boner and grabbing hiself near where the two young females were sitting, he walked slowly getting closer until he got in front of them and tugged on his boner and looked up and seen me staring dead at him and he stopped and immediate left the girls alone and walked away drunk as hell down harding towards wrightwood. This was around 3 pm ! Just imagine how many children he was thinking about or looking at. There's a bunch of children at the park because of summer camps. Those drunks at Koz are not makin it safe. Something has to be done! Obviously the police isn't good enough. The drunks keep coming back. I'll tell ya what if I ever see a pervert do something like that again, I'm going to whoop his ass!! His penis will be damaged in the process too!! I hate perverts especially when it comes to a child's or woman's safety!

  5. Whoa. People you need to call the cops on this. It's a crime and the drunk will be prosecuted as a sex criminal. Doing this anywhere near children in a park or a school is a major felony. Why didn't you call the police? Do not be afraid to do the right thing.

  6. Fuck that. I will not call the police their a joke it takes them over a hour to get here. I seen this before and I deal with it with my fist and let them in the pavement floor like little bicthes like they deserve.

  7. @John Parker I didn't called the police because I did not have a cell phone in me but the least I could was stand near the girls just in case he was gonna do something more like be aggressive or attack the girls! He seen me and he left immediately . I would've called the police but no phone sorry nothin more was done. I know I wouldn't had let him do anything more to the 2 young ladies. I know if I see the that pervert again i'll be more gladly to say something to the sick bastard. Plus I know someone who works at the field house that will do something even more. The field house should know about the sick ass drunks that sit in front of their park. That Liquor store in front of the park should be shut down to prevent stuff life that. As for the police they been called numerous times to those drunks and those drunks are there everyday at the park. So what have the police down to prevent that perverted drunk from doing what he did. I bet you it wasn't his first time acting out like that at the park because the drunks are still there as well as playing children. If I had a phone I would've called and took a picture of the pervert. But unfortunately I didn't .at least I stood by the girls for their well being until he left ! I am going to report it to the field house so they can be more alert about what happened. That stupid building on the corner of Diversey and Harding holds have of those drunks their. There's even a sex offender that lives their check the sex offender list! That landlord Benny says he does background checks but he's full of crap! There's a bunch of drunks and crackheads that live in that disgusting building!

  8. @ Anonymous 2:34 - If you act like that you are no better than the uneducated animal that is committing the crime. You also will be required have a good income and a lawyer because you will be in arrested and required to attend a criminal court summons. Always call the police. It's ignorant to think that justice will not win out. Beating people (even criminals) into the ground has significant consequences that you may not be prepared to handle mentally or economically. All Americans have rights until convicted in a court of law. This is not Iran, Pakistan or North Korea. Criminals are judged in a court of law. We as citizens can only bring them to notice of the proper authorities.

    @ Anonymous 3:18 - Please report it to the field house if you can. It needs to go on record. Chicago Park District is required by memorandum to keep files on Sex Criiminal Reports and Infractions in a park. Thank you for your help.
