Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Info For CPD @ Fullerton And Springfield

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 12:42pm. Just got home from my first day of summer school, which was very relaxing. There wasn't much to do but it was fun. I'm going back tomorrow and will be continuing with it until the end of July, then I get a whole month off from school. Anyway, I'm going to CAPS Beat 1434's meeting this evening at the Bucktown-Wicker Park Library. I wonder how that will go. Hopefully not too many crime issues come up. So on that note, here's crime for today.

1:04pm - Information for the CPD. Fullerton and Springfield.

2:07pm - Suspicious person. 27XX N Ridgeway.

2:24pm - 1) Disturbance. 4020 W Armitage. Large group of subjects in front of Sammy's Hair Studio causing a disturbance, caller asks for them to be removed. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me. 2) Disturbance. 3713 W Belmont. Two male Hispanics outside this address creating disturbance, caller asked to have them removed. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

3:09pm - Municipal ordinance violation. Avers and Schubert.

4:01pm - Information for the CPD. 19XX N Pulaski. Intoxicated male in alley just north of this address. trying to lay down but legs sticking out into alley, caller afraid he will be run over. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

4:10pm - Disturbance. 3935 W Diversey. Drunken female urinating on sidewalk in front of this address. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

4:23pm - Burglar alarm. 25XX N Avers.

4:39pm - I'm going to go for the remainder of the day. I'll see you all tomorrow. Be safe.


  1. The females can be just as bad drunks as the males.

  2. At that address 3935 Diversey that's the Harding Building , there's always drunks there. Inside and outside that building. Those same drunks are the ones that sit at the benches at Koz. That lady you're talking pisses on herself too! I walk by there all the time. The drunks piss inside the building too. There's also a laundry room inside the first level floor , instead of people doing their laundry, they use that room to smoke crack and drink. I been in the building to know what goes on. It's a disgusting building! The Hallways always reek of piss and sewer smells. They are some descent people who live their that are good tenants but there is a large number of tenants who are not! That landlord let's anyone live there even sex offenders!

  3. There's a couple of narly polish female drunks on Milwaukee...
