Monday, June 20, 2011

Drunks Occupy Abandoned Building On Ridgeway

Good morning, everyone, it's 9:15am. It's a cloudy and rainy day with temps in the mid 60s. It's supposed to approach 80 today, with showers and thunderstorms. Hopefully that will keep crime down a bit. Anyway, I am attending the Avondale Neighborhood Association meeting tonight. It starts at St. Hyacinth's at 7pm. I'll quit blogging around 6 or 6:30, and return by 10 or 10:30 for a little while. Oh, and tomorrow, I'll be monitoring 14 until 5:12, then I'll blog 25 until 11pm, at which time I'll have to go to bed so I can be up at 6am on Wednesday for summer school. With that, here's crime for today.

10:31am - Criminal trespass. 2979 N Ridgeway. Drunks in the abandoned building again.

12:39pm - Battery in progress. Belmont and Kostner.

12:42pm - A slow down is being given at Kostner and Belmont.

2:08pm - Suspicious person. 26XX N Springfield.

4:12pm - Theft. 21XX N Kedvale. Two teenagers broke into the caller's car.

4:50pm - Suspicious vehicles at 23XX N Avers and 38XX W Fullerton.

5:41pm - Beat car 2525 just got flagged down regarding a strong-arm robbery that just occurred at Avers and Fullerton. I'm not revealing the location where the victim flagged them down at.

6:42pm - Assault. Somewhere on Avers.

6:50pm - I'm going to this meeting. I'll be back later.

8:30pm - I'm back. Good evening, everyone.

8:52pm - Assault. 29XX N Harding. Caller was threatened by the neighbor.

9:44pm - A slow down is being given for a call at George and Karlov.

10:08pm - Assault. Karlov and Armitage.

10:25pm - Threatening suicide. 37XX W Armitage. Caller's son drunk some bleach and went across the street. He's trying to kill himself.

11:04pm - Parker. On Ridgeway, on 2523's Beat.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back, with 14, tomorrow. Have a good night, everyone, and be safe.


  1. The abandoned house is theirs. They've been there for quite some time. Without an owner to sign complaints the police can do little. Just be happy they all stay there in one spot.

  2. Cut off the supply of liquor for the homeless. That liquor store at Milwaukee and Ridgeway supplies them all. As long as they have money, that store will sell to them. They even stay open and wait for the bum with the walker to pick up his bottle before closing.

    Perhaps the liquor Commission could close that store? Can the CAPS office do anything about it?

  3. Cops chasing someone through the alley near Dickens & Sawyer at about 2:25pm. Then sirens. Any word on what this is?
