Sunday, May 15, 2011

Burglar Alarm On Diversey

Good morning, everyone, it's 12am. Again, it's cold out for mid May. It'll warm up though. So anyway, I'm monitoring 25 from now until the first call comes out after midnight, then I'll go to bed and get up at some point in the morning to monitor again. I'll monitor until my dinner time. Also, I've got a somewhat busy week ahead of me, and this time, community related. Tomorrow there is the Avondale Neighborhood Association meeting at St. Hyacinth's at 7pm, then I may go to CAPS Beat 2525's meeting on Tuesday (at Mozart Park, beginning at 6:30pm), and then I may go to 1431's CAPS Beat meeting being held at the 14th District on Thursday. To top it off, I have to stay after school on Friday for our Talent Show. Oh, and then one last thing. I'm doing the autism walk on Saturday at Soldier Field. So on that note, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

12:02am - Burglar alarm. 3654 W Diversey.

12:03am - I'm going to go. I'll be back in the morning. Good night, everyone.

9:00am - I'm back. Good morning, everyone.

11:13am - Disturbance/suspicious person. 4011 W Fullerton. Male was loitering in the building, and is now loitering on the SW corner of Fullerton and Pulaski. This guy also dropped a bag with unknown items inside.

11:35am - Disturbance. 3107 N Haussen. Male ringing the caller's doorbell. When Beat car 2524 hears this call, he states that this man was arrested yesterday for battery and speaks only Polish.

2:26pm - 1) Parker. 1802 N Harding. 2) Burglar report. 2814 N Ridgeway.

2:27pm - Burglar report. 2202 N Karlov.

2:31pm - EMS run. Milwaukee and Ridgeway. Drunk male needs to go to the hospital.

3:58pm - Wanted from the 2:27pm job is a dark colored van that had three male Hispanics in it, that had masks on. This crime occurred at 11am. The perps were seen on surveillance video, and may be in an alley nearby, looking to commit more burglaries.

5:20pm - Beat car 2522 is going in with one from 4300 W Diversey on a TVB.

6:19pm - A unit says that there were gangbangers in the "abandoned" garage behind 2929 N Ridgeway. Great...

6:45pm - I'm going to go eat, and that note, I'm gone for the night. See you all tomorrow at 4:15 with 14. Have a good night.


  1. Hi Timmy , just letting you know I signed up for the walk in January . I'll be walking for the Autism walk too on May 21st . I remember mentioning it to you a couple months ago. I'm happy and think it's awesome you'll be walking. It's such a great cause. I donated and walking because it's a goal and more awareness for adult with AS (HFA) . And happy to see the blog is up and running again :)

  2. Stop giving the homeless bums money. They use it to buy booze, nothing more. If you don't give them handouts they will go away...
