Monday, May 16, 2011

Beat 1413 CAPS Meeting Thursday (5-12-11)

Good evening, everyone. I attended 1413's CAPS meeting on Thursday (sorry for the delayed post). This was my first and only visit to that meeting. The first thing we did at the meeting was introduce ourselves, than we went to old problems that came up at March's meeting. Those problems were...

* Gang activity @ Maple Playlot - It has calmed down.
* Arnie's Food and Liquor at Central Park and Fullerton - Owner did not come to meeting.

Moving onto the new problems:
* 3545 W. Fullerton - Gang members all up and down Drake from Fullerton to Armitage
* McLean and St. Louis - Rampant gang activity.
* Armitage and Sawyer - New disturbances with drunks at the corner store. A fight broke out on the day of the CAPS meeting.

Other observations:
* This meeting had a considerable amount of residents in attendance (10 to 13). This group seems to be involved and they seem to care about their community.
* I lost the crime stats paper I received from this meeting, so I have no crime stats for this Beat.

For this Beat meeting post, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, go!

Next meeting: July 14th, 2011 at Logan Square Boys and Girls Club (3226 W. Palmer) at 6:30PM.

Thank you,

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