Saturday, May 14, 2011

Loud Music On Hamlin

Good evening, everyone, it's 6:33pm. Today's been an ok day for me. Cold though. It'll be cold for a couple of days, in the low to mid 50s, until Tuesday, then it'll warm into the upper 50s and 60s. Oh well. Well, I have nothing else to say at this time, so here's crime for this evening.

6:37pm - Loud music disturbance. 2012 N Hamlin.

8:01pm - Battery in progress. 3110 N Milwaukee. Two homeless men fighting.

8:11pm - Traffic accident. Kostner and Wrightwood. Hit and run.

8:12pm - Disturbance. 2039 N Avers. Loud noise.

8:22pm - EMS run. 1650 N Avers. 11 yr old kid is hurt at this location.

9:12pm - Panic alarm. 3111 N Kilbourn.

11:03pm - EMS run. 4438 W Wrightwood. At Kelvyn Park. Man down with blood around him near the field house. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

11:43pm - Shots Fired. 2144 N Springfield. Four to five heard.

11:52pm - Foot chase. Fullerton and Avers. Between Avers and Hamlin, south alley. Two male Hispanics fleeing from CPD.

11:53pm - Beat 2554 has an open door at 3809 W Fullerton.

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