Thursday, February 10, 2011

Unknown Call On Lawndale

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:25pm. School wasn't as good as yesterday, but oh well. Tomorrow's Friday. Speaking of school, I've decided not to go to the dance. I'll stay for the Student Government meeting but will go home right after. The reason why I'm doing that is because I'm going to Roosevelt University on Saturday and I need to be up early, at 6am. And the dance ends at 10pm, meaning I wouldn't get home until 11. So, here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:30pm - Some call at 2830 N Lawndale.

4:28pm - Some call at 2100 N Central Park. Possibly a burglarly.

5:07pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

5:22pm - They're calling back on the 4:28pm job.

6:48pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:01pm - I'm back.

7:13pm - I'm going to go for the night. I've got some stuff I need to do. I'll be back at this time tomorrow night. See you all then, and goodnight.


  1. Should of went to the dance. The girls seem to like crime fighters like yourself. :)

  2. I want to be well-rested when I go to Roosevelt, and that is more of a priority to me then to be out partying half the night. And those girls aren't even aware of this blog. They know me as a different person at school.

  3. Sorry to hear that you aren't going to the dance. I'd pick the dance over blogging, but the Roosevelt tour must be pretty important if you are skipping the dance for it. Hope all is well. You ever get a chance to read The Choirboys?

  4. Kids don't dance anymore. They just stand around and sort of move with that ghetto rap crap, a music that is all about drug dealing and grabbing hotties.

  5. bobbo, that is mostly true, but some people actually did dance at the dance I went to last night.
