Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Loiters In Front Of Monroe

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:31pm. I had a pretty good day at school, but it's COLD out. Man, this is bone-chilling weather. But we only have to endure one more day of this after today so I'm not really complaining. A big warm up is on the way. Anyway, Friday is an ... eventful day, so to speak. I might have a Student Government meeting, but there's a Valentine's Dance at school at 6 that some girls are begging me to come to. I'm wondering what I should do. Mom is not going to let me do both, so I'll have to chose. But enough about me and my complicated life, and here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:49pm - Disturbance. 3651 W Schubert. At Monroe school. 10 kids loitering in front.

6:01pm - Burglary. 3639 W Shakespeare. Foribicle entry. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me while I napped.

6:35pm - Information for the police. Fullerton and Central Park. Stolen U-Haul truck sitting in the parking lot of the Tony's store.

6:44pm - Assault in progress. 4242 W Wrightwood. Woman screaming about her parking space being taken and that the guy who took it is taking photos of their car and being irate.

6:45pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:00pm - I'm back.

7:36pm - Panic alarm. 3032 N Milwaukee.

9:12pm - I have to go. Have a goodnight, everyone.


  1. Is some crabby ole lady calling about kids hanging out in the school yard? Isn't that what its for? How many calls like this ars just crabs complaining? Tell them to pack it up and go move into a nursing home lor out of the city.

  2. Hang out with those girls and go to the dance, Timmy. Take a break from that other stuff and have a good time. You deserve it.

  3. Congrats on all the hard work you have completed here. I truly enjoy your blog. Thanks.

  4. I doubt it, bobbo. Probably just a concerned citizen. There's been violence known to happen as a result of kids hanging out in front of Monroe.

    Thank you, Linda. I appreciate your comment.

    BBE, the only reason why I'm not going to the dance is because I have to be up at 6am on Saturday, and since I wouldn't get home until 11 or 11:30pm, I decided it was best I didn't attend the dance. I want to be well rested when I go to Roosevelt on Saturday, so not going to the dance will help ensure that.

  5. And these concerned citizens are probably the ones who get their houses egged every Halloween....
