Saturday, February 12, 2011

Burglar Report On Nelson, Possible Loose Dog On Avers

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:06pm. Sorry for no post yesterday. Turns out I did go to the dance, and you know what? It was really fun. I have no regrets from going. My feet are now sore, but that shows how much fun I had. I had to leave a little early to go home so I could get up at 6am, because I needed to go to Roosevelt University this morning for their college tour. I attended two sessions, which is really going to help me with my decision of going to college. Roosevelt has a program for the disabled, so I will be keeping a close eye on that university. But I don't think it's a two-year college, which is what I want. Roosevelt seems to be four and over. Anyway, I will be monitoring until midnight, and I will be monitoring tomorrow from when I wake up to dinner time. Lastly, it's been pretty warm out today (mid 30s), and it will continue to get warmer. Here's crime for tonight.

7:38pm - 1) Municipal ordinance violation. 2904 N Avers. Something about a dog being loose. 2) Burglar report. 4182 W Nelson.

7:40pm - Burglary. 2639 N Monticello. Short male, Hispanic or Black with black clothing, was just seen by the caller in their back door. They chased him out.

7:58pm - Battery in progress. Milwaukee and Avers. Male beating on a female.

8:06pm - Beat 2562David is going in with one from 2731 N Lawndale and is pulling an RD number for an "1811". It's HT159362 with the event number of 15901.

8:32pm - 1) Recover the stolen vehicle. Haussen and Milwaukee. 2) Parker. 2300 block of N Kedvale.

8:48pm - Parker. 4343 W Schubert.

10:28pm - Some call at 2718 N Lawndale.

10:35pm - Spanish speaker needed at the 10:28pm job.

10:38pm - Spanish speaker no longer need. The caller's son speaks English.

10:58pm - 1) Animal bite. 2528 N Avers. Caller bitten by a pit bull. 2) Burglar report. 2510 N Avers.

11:07pm - Disturbance. 4010 W Armitage. Male harassing other patrons in the bar.

11:51pm - Battery in progress. 4442 W Fullerton.

11:58pm - Traffic accident. 4000 W Fullerton. Hit and run.


  1. What's wrong with four years of college? Go for it. Get all the education you can. Or you'll end up a cretin like me.....

  2. bobbo, I just want to go for two years so I can get some sort of degree so I can get a good job. I don't want to go to college, but I have to because that's what it takes just to get a good job these days. I think I've been in school long enough, and I just want to start my adult life.

  3. i'm with bobbo, get all the education you can
    if you want a good job like you say 4 years is minimum
    also college is adult life-sink or swim

  4. Do you know where codes like "1811" come from? Is there any guide to what they mean?

  5. Nevermind, found them:

  6. Good link, big shoulders.

    Anonymous, I simply can't be bothered with four years of college. Two years of it is annoying for me as it is, I don't need another two added on. Like I said, I never intended on going to college, but I have to get a job, so I need to go at least two years to get some sort of degree to get a job. I feel like four years of college will do nothing but hold me back.

  7. Two years of college got me the career of a lifetime ~ one that has always earned big bucks with benefits, was challenging and rewarding, and now allows me to enjoy it in semiretirement right from the comfort of my own home. Success in further education will come from following your heart and enjoying what you study. College is so much more open-ended that it used to be and your options are many. Go with your heart, enjoy what you choose. You've already made good choices in your young life ~ I know you will succeed!

  8. What's wrong with four years of college? Go for it. Get all the education you can. Or you'll end up a cretin like me.....

    Saturday, February 12, 2011 11:18:00 PM CST

    ain't that the truth.
