Friday, December 10, 2010

Knife Involved In Dispute On Kostner

Good evening, everyone, it's 5:52pm. I had a pretty good, but really long, day. I'm glad to be home. Anyway, tonight, I'll monitor from now until midnight, then I'll be on my "weekend schedule", where I monitor after dinner on Saturdays and before dinner on Sundays. Also, Monday is my last meeting of the year :). It's the Avondale Neighborhood Association meeting. I'm a bit glad it's my last meeting, as after this one, I can do what I have to do in my last week of school before winter break, then when the break starts next Saturday, I can enjoy my two weeks off. So, here's crime for this evening.

6:07pm - Person w/ a knife. 2763 N Kostner. Dispute between a male and the caller, who's got a knife.

6:43pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

6:53pm - I'm back.

7:12pm - Person w/ a gun. Kelvyn Park. Three males walking through the park with guns.

8:08pm - Speed pursuit. Central and Lake. Going north is a car with a plate of K559237. The plate doesn't match the car, and it's probably stolen.

8:09pm - Approaching Pine on Huron. Still going east.

8:10pm - East on Chicago from Lotus.

8:11pm - The car just went through a red light at about 50 mph at Lavergne and Chicago.

8:12pm - The pursuit is now in the 11th District. The car went east towards Killpatrick on Chicago in the westbound lane, going east.

8:13pm - Battery in progress. 2700 block of N Ridgeway. Five males fighting on the block.

8:18pm - Parker. 2803 N Ridgeway. Permit.

8:26 to 8:34pm - The police were checking out the 8:18pm call.

9:45pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

9:48pm - EMS run. Ridgeway and Armitage.

9:49pm - Robbery. Cortland and Lawndale. Caller was robbed by two males.

9:55pm - Wanted from the 9:49pm job are two male Hispanics, 180-190 lbs, 5'7 to 5'9, with chrome semi-automatic handguns.

10:35pm - Shots Fired. 2400 block of N Lawndale.

10:57pm - Shots Fired. 2445 N Lawndale, and the 3600 block of W Schubert.

11:37pm - Information for the police. 3905 W Belmont. There's a party going on with teens involved, and there's liquor on scene.

11:45pm - Beat car 2523Robert is on scene of the 11:37pm job.

12:00am - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow night. Good night, everyone.


  1. I've noticed an increase an robbery and shoplifting, purse snatching theft has increased the last few days on my scanner. Perhaps the holiday season? I've convinced my condo board to install 3 cameras around my building to handle my homeless problem. The doorman has also been told to handle the situation instead of calling CPD.
    Happy Holidays!

  2. Doorman this isnt the Gold Coast. A doorman in Logan Square hahahaha a couple of days and hes probably going to be a victim of a robbery. Having a doorman in this hood is like having a sign at your window saying "I got money come rob me". The robberies I have seen incresed when the hipsters or condo owners started to move in they would get robbed harrased ect, alot of them moved out and alot of condos are vacant. I guess vacant condos are better than vacant lots.

  3. Last night around eleven I was heading to my bedroom I live on a third floor apartment and have a great while of the alley, and I saw two teens tagging a garage door they were wearing black jackets and ski masks and they had black jeans with black shoes. Im guessing there Cobras because they tagged a diamond and a dropped picthfork, I called 911 and waited a good thirty minutes and they never came to check it out. I was wacthing television waiting but nothing then I look out the front of my window and see one asian two blacks and one latino walking the block the asian one and the latino had guns out like nothing walking with them like if there legal. I called 911 and they actually came ten minutes later, they had the two black guys on the hood checking them. But I opened my window a little to see what they were saying and to me the convo sounded way to friendly they were laughing, joking around, and im hundred percent sure I heard one of the coppers say weres my money man I got your back and you better have mine. The coppers looked young around late twentys early thirtys. I forgot to get there numbers. But when I see them again I will.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Perhaps the guy with the gun on Kostner was looking for the guy with the knife?

  6. If you see crooked cops call for a supervisor. Lets get out the cameras and start filming these useless cops. We can give the video to a local news agency.

  7. "If you see crooked cops call for a supervisor. Lets get out the cameras and start filming these useless cops. We can give the video to a local news agency.

    Saturday, December 11, 2010 9:31:00 AM CST"

    did you take the test on Saturday?
