Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fight In Front Of U-Haul On Fullerton

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:54pm. Today's been a bad day, but I'm just glad to be home now. Anyway, I've got a block club meeting tonight, so I'll be gone after 5:30-ish. Then, tomorrow, I have a Student Government meeting, and will not be home until around 5. So, here's crime for some of this late afternoon and evening.

- Battery in progress. 4100 W Fullerton. At the U-Haul. Man and woman fighting in front.

5:52pm - I have to go eat, and with that, I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone.


  1. Well, I don't know if you loyal blog readers are ready for this one, but I spoke with a good friend of mine named Sgt. Chuck H., and he gave me the skinny on what the hell "Club Gibbons," stands for along with it's horrifying origins.

    As most of you remember, sometime in the summer or early fall, the bodies of two badly decomposed, mummified corpses were discovered in the basement of one of the abandoned buildings on 23's beat. The deceased were two young lovers that made a suicide pact. The male strangled the female to death then had sex with the dead body before taking his own life.

    This couple turned out to be well liked by the vagrants in the area for always buying them booze, candy, cigarettes, and moon pies.

    When the bodies were waked at the "Gibbons Funeral Home," on Irving, the homeless vagabonds decided to honor the couple by naming their so-called private hangouts, "Club Gibbons." Don't ask me, I guess when you drink several pints of Old Spice a day it sounds like a good idea.

    Since the signs have popped up, many rumors and urban legends have been swirling about. Reports that evil acts ranging from necrophilia to satanic cult rituals have not been substantiated. I'm sure if you talk to any of the cops on the beat, especially the wagon cop with the gray mustache, he'll tell you how disgusting the houses have become. Usually the floors are littered with old polish sausages, baby oil, and used condoms. One time, a half eaten live goat was found in an attic, covered in Jurgens.

    Timmy, take this all with a grain of salt. The Sgt. who was filling us in on this hang's out at my fathers deli. He'll even admit though that all he heard was hearsay and that he doesn't work much on 23's beat. Hope this posting helps and keep up the good work with the site.

  2. What? With all these meetings and block clubs are you planning to run for alderman?

  3. Who were those two goof cops at 2523's beat meeting? Yhey weren't the regulars.

  4. Anonymous 8:29, those two "goof" cops (they don't seem goofy to me) are reliefs. They were filling in for our regulars. For some reason, our regulars are off quite often.

    Anonymous 6:56, I go to two block club meetings (one yesterday and one Tuesday), and I don't run the one I go to on Tuesday. I'm there to help out. I run the meeting I went to last night. Then, in addition to those two meetings, I have to go to two more meetings. Those are CAPS and the Neighborhood Association. Then, at school every other Friday (usually), I stay for a Student Government meeting. But to answer your question, no. I can't even run at this time if I wanted to. And, when I get older, I'm not even considering running for any public office. I'd like to be a police dispatcher. I just go to all of these meetings because I care about my neighborhood (except the Neighborhood Association one; as a block club president I am required to go to that meeting).

  5. That definitely clears things up Roderick. I always wondered about those dumb signs. Hopefully the info. will be passed along to the CAPS office and beat officers.

  6. au contraire rodrick, the real story of how club gibbons came to be is a closely held secret. the only bit of information i can tell you is that a csa was pulled at brookfield zoo when some off duty cops were found drunk and horney and locked themselves in the gibbons monkey cage. oh no the g is knocking on my front door i have to run out the back..........

  7. i hate that club gibbons crew, they chased me out of 025.

  8. Good ridance Jimmie Curry. Those bums got tired of your cornhole. It got too worn out by your sgt.'s in 025..

  9. Roderick, that is some good, but sickening info to hear about. It's so sickening to know that all of this has happened. That building was at 2922 N. Ridgeway and it happened in early or mid June. As for the Sgt. not working too often on this Beat, I'd still say he's got good info on the Club Gibbons thing. I'm sure everything he heard was from his officers, and this info did help.

    Bad Hip, wow...
