Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gangbangers With Guns @ Diversey and Kostner

Good evening, everyone, it's 7:29pm. Today's been an ok day, and it's actually been a little warm outside, hence why it's raining. It got to about 40 today. But be prepared. In addition to a snow accumulation, there's supposed to be gusty winds and bitter cold temperatures coming into the city by Monday. Anyway, I've got two more meetings next week. Monday is the Avondale Neighborhood Association, then on Tuesday, I've got to go to a block club meeting (no, not mine). After that, I'm done with meetings for the rest of 2010 :). I'll be able to enjoy my time off from school as Christmas break starts next weekend. Here's crime for tonight.

8:10pm - Person w/ a gun. Diversey and Kostner. Four gangbangings with guns.

8:11pm - 1) Criminal trespass in progress. 3640 W North Ave. Male who's not supposed to be on scene is. 2) Barking dog. 1800 N Harding.

9:41pm - Robbery. 2715 N Ridgeway.

10:58pm - Traffic accident. 4140 W Fullerton.

11:18pm - Check the well being. 3100 block of N Lowell. Woman screaming on the phone, followed by a child saying "mommy".


  1. I was driving by Belmont/Pulaski this morning at 10AM and saw a man literally staggering in front of the bar falling into the street! The problem isn't just the winos/bums but those that serve them as well. We have to get tough on the suppliers as well as the users. Drugs/booze is the same in my book. Have you ever brought this up at all the CAPS meetings?

  2. Americanlt, I'm definitely aware that there are enablers who give the drunks money to buy the booze, and while I personally haven't done this, it's been brought up at CAPS meetings a gazillion times.

  3. Talk to the alderman, lets vote the area dry. Therefore all bars and liquor stores will be forced to close. Without the availability of liquor, the bums will go elsewhere.

  4. What/where's the Avondale Neighborhood Association?

  5. Anonymous 9:26, our next meeting is tomorrow at 7pm at St. Hyacinth's (in Resurrection Hall). Our group is a non-profit organization that seeks to:
    * Work with city officials with neighborhood planning and development
    * Maintain and enhance Milwaukee Ave. shopping district
    * Enrich neighborhood parks and open green spaces
    * Unify neighborhood through community events
    * Ensure high level of educational opportunities for our youth
    * Work with CAPS, local politicians, and block clubs to identify, address and prevent safety and public nuisance issues
