Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beat 2523 CAPS Meeting This Evening (12-8-10)

Good evening, everyone. The meeting this month had an ok turn-out. Certainly not as big as meetings in the past, but hey, it's the holidays. Not as big as some of the previous meetings, but still, it was a good turn-out. So, moving on to the old issues late October/November:

Old problems:
* 2800 N. Ridgeway - There were 8 calls for service on the block, two gang disturbances. CPD has made a presence on the block. This issue is the one I mentioned back in October regarding gangbangers hanging out on the block and what not, and also the new incidents of fights/shots fired.

Before I move on to the new problems, I'd like to let you all know about the changes coming to CAPS effective January 1, 2011. Meetings will be held every two months for each Beat (in our case, it'll be ODD months, meaning January, March, and so on). For Beat 2523 in particular, we will still meet at Copernicus on the 4th Wednesdays, but we now have a start time of 6:30pm. Our next meeting will be January 26, 2011.

And now to the new problems:
* On Milwaukee, drunks are loitering in front of a medical center.

Other observations:
> As I said before, this meeting didn't have much attendance, and it was rather on the short side, but it was still informative as always.
> The most incidents took place in the 2900 block of N Ridgeway. The most crimes were theft (19 reported incidents), motor vehicle theft (16 reported incidents), and burglary (14 reported incidents). The most incidents took place on Wednesdays and Fridays.

As I do in every Beat meeting post, I extend my thanks to all for being involved in this meeting. We are making progress for sure, I think, but work still needs to be done. Once again, I ask for those residents who read the blog but don't come to the meetings (because they don't want to), please, come! It only takes ONE hour of your time, and we need all of the help we can get.

Thank you,


  1. well Timmy i guess you have a problem with drunks loitering also on Milwalke. Why should I have to shoo a drunk on my doorstep away if I have a suit and tie on and coming home from working all day at the office? That's what the police are for. You seem quite young and probably think of the PO as "knights in shining armor" but the truth is quite different.

  2. I see the wagon is not doing any drunken bum pickups. Perhaps they've been told not to violate their civil rights?

  3. The very drunks you complain about are caused by the residents of the area. Keep gving them money, they then buy booze, and piss all over the place. If you shut own the liquor stores, stop giving out money to the bums, they will go away. NO MONEY, NO HONEY...

  4. Americanlt, I only wrote this concern down because it was a concern brought to CPD's attention at this meeting. I write down any and all concerns brought up so people who read this blog and missed the meeting know what's going on on our Beat. Personally, it's not much of a concern to me at all. But no one listens to me, they'd rather work on getting rid of drunks first than getting rid of gangs. You should see half the stuff that is done and discussed at our CAPS meetings about drunks. I can only sit there and listen. All of my gang concerns seems to fall on deaf ears (the only people who listen are the police theirselves), but when someone gets killed, they'll care. And, you shoo away a drunk on YOUR doorstep because it's YOUR doorstep. Tell them to get off YOUR property. The police aren't your personal service to where you can call them everytime and say, "hey, get this drunk out of here!!" and then except a 5 minute response. It doesn't work that way. I seem quite young...yes, I do. Did you read my profile? If you did, you would learn that I AM actually young, but not too young. I'm 17. But I am old enough to have a basic understanding on how stuff like this works. Plus, I won't be young for long. I'll be an adult by June. And, about the POs, maybe I think of them that way because most of them actually are good people who want to do their job. They want to help people. I know that there are bad apples (believe me, I come across those jerks too), but I have met many good officers. In particular, my two Beat officers in the afternoon are awesome. So, yeah, just because I write something doesn't mean I personally have a problem with it. There's a lot of stuff at CAPS mentioned that I could care less about. Many of it is small stuff, too, which just wastes time. I'm all for fixing big problems and what not, but people need to realize, this post is just for people who couldn't make it to this CAPS meeting and would like to see what happened. This post is not about me.

  5. Anonymous 11:46, probably. But the drunks are violating our civil rights by doing what they do.

    Anonymous 11:53, I agree. I see people in the area feeding them, and it pisses me off. If the drunk wanted help, then yeah, feed him, but nearly all of them just want more booze, so don't fall victim to them.

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  7. Timmy I think you are doing a good job posting. I'm glad that you admit to there being "a few bad apples" when dealing with the police. I 'm thinking about myself some mace so I can deal with this bum who knows the police won't arrest him. I personally think the police don't care for me because they know I make more money than they do.:)

  8. americanIt, you are the only one who cares about how much money you make. Becoming a PO isn't as easy as passing a drivers test- most of their job is boring and we definitely see that- but at any moment they could be in a situation where they are killed or permanently injured while trying to protect the public. People who go in to that line of work are never paid very well but they feel that they are 'doing the right thing' and couldn't live with themselves otherwise. They could have chosen a lot of other professions that pay more money, but they didn't.

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  10. And as usual, nothing good happened out of the meeting again. It's just no one cares anymore.

  11. Well fucking said Sgt. If hes making 80,000+ a yr why doesnt he move with all the other idiots on the Gold Coast

  12. Anonymous 10:58, I agree 100%. While yes, their job can become boring, conditions always change within the blink of an eye for them.

    Anonymous 9:31, what do you mean nothing good came out of it? Officer Flores told us about the old problem on Ridgeway, then there was discussion about The Polish Store on Milwaukee, then someone brought up the new problem on Milwaukee, and finally, we had a bit of a social event. I'd say something good came out of it. You notice there wasn't any major new problems, or arguments or anything, right? And, if you think people don't care, wait until the meeting next month. Last year's CAPS meeting in January was packed (there were 50+ people in attendance), and I'm excepting the same for the next one.

  13. Timmy, you're doing a good job, thanks for reporting the issues. Thanks, Americanlt, for declaring yourself a young professional, so you can make the rest of us young professionals look like douche bags. I can see where this is going, but I hope everyone realizes that for every douche bag yuppy, there are 10 young professionals that love Logan Square and wouldn't move even if they could.
