Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Off-Duty PO Needs Assistance On Belmont

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:13pm. Today's been a long day, having gone to the Museum of Science and Industry with the class, but I'm glad to be home. Anyway, there was a nasty fire this morning on the 2800 block of N Central Park. I don't have any details on it, but I do know it occurred at 6am, as a helicopter was flying over my house at the time. Then, as my bus was heading down Central Park after picking me up for school, I saw all of the action from afar. The whole street was blocked, so it must've been a big fire. Also, tomorrow, I've got 2523's CAPS Beat meeting (at Copernicus, 3160 on Milwaukee) to attend. I'll only blog tomorrow before school (5am-6:30-ish). Here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:49pm - Assist the PO. 3901 W Belmont. Off-duty officer is holding a male in the barbershop and needs some assistance.

3:53pm - A slow down is being given on Belmont.

3:56pm - Battery in progress. Wrightwood and Keeler. Male teen hitting a female teen.

4:00pm - An RD number has been pulled from Belmont. It's
HS650086 with the event number of 09597.

4:31pm - Some job on 2525's Beat.

6:10pm - Disturbance. 3123 N Milwaukee. Homeless men in the laundry room.

6:47pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:00pm - I'm back.

7:34pm - Loud music disturbance. 1819 N Harding. Thanks to ProdigalOne for getting this while I was napping.

7:55pm - Criminal damage. 3704 W Wrightwood.
Anonymous caller heard people arguing, and now brick is lying out front and there is a broken window. Thanks to ProdigalOne for getting this while I was napping.

9:00pm - I have to go. I'll be back in the morning. Good night, everyone.


  1. I listen to my scanner daily and noticed that off duty PO calls seem like a priority. For example, argument heard on & the police are there in 2 seconds.I call 911 for the homeless man sleeping in back of my building & it took 45min to get "on the air."

  2. Yes, off-duty PO calls ARE priority over citizen calls. That's one of their own, so of course they're responding to that first.

  3. They even give priority to off duty Sherriffs what's next off duty mall security guards. I waited 45min for my call and when the officers finally came I asked for a supervisor & they just laughed at me.

  4. Off-duty Sheriffs are just as important as off-duty POs. And, it will take time for CPD to respond to a call like yours, especially if they've got more serious calls they have to go to first. You have to understand, the police go to calls based on priority. If there's a shooting or a fight, they're going to that before they go to the drunk homeless man.

  5. I understand but the homeless man happens to be terrorizing residents in my building with his cardboard boxes, garbage bags, booze ect.. What can I do do make them respond faster? They don't take the complaint seriously.

  6. Two words: phone tree. You and your neighbors need to start a phone tree. Basically, all of you would be calling, and the 911 dispatcher will obviously see it's a problem, and the police should respond faster.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Wondered why I kept dreaming of helicopters early this morning...

    sounded like an AFB or something
    and I figured Obama/Biden/Dalai Lama was flying over the neighborhood

    Thanks for the info, Timmy.

  9. "What can I do do make them respond faster? They don't take the complaint seriously.

    Tuesday, December 7, 2010 6:00:00 PM CST"

    drop a brick on his head.

  10. Most of those off-duty cop calls are the jail guards stepping in crap. They are not the police.

  11. The off-duty cops got a gun, don't he? If he's gonna play police off-duty he should have handcuffs, right? It's good to hear that some folks don't care about thaty tin star they carry. One should challege unlawful arrests by these rogues.

  12. I really don't care how many calls they got "on the backlog" or whatever. They need to respond to my request & let me speak to a supervisor. The times they came they were unmarked car guys who seem like bullies to me. They actually told me, "Mr. Smith do you realize we live in a violent city?" True but still doesn't solve my problem and I pay taxes.

  13. americanlt, speak to a supervisor about what? Because they went to a call more important than yours first? And, you don't care? Ok, I see. So you'd rather have CPD on the scene in 5 minutes of a simple drunk disturbance (you can shoo the drunk off your property yourself first before calling CPD, you know) rather than someone getting robbed, battered, etc., right? Ok. Just remember that if they ever go to a drunk call before going to you getting knocked to the ground one day (just an example). Face it, there are priority calls they must respond to, and a drunk disturbance is not at the top of their list. Never will be. Personally, I'd rather have CPD going to the scene of a shooting VS going to shoo off some drunk any day. I'm one of those people who has to call in gang fights and "shots fired" pretty darn often, and am grateful the police come to that before they get to a drunk.

    Anonymous 1:35, no problem. I was actually thinking the same thing, and I did get nervous about it being over our area.

    Anonymous 7:46, I'd like to know where you got that statement from.

    Anonymous 9:19, shut up. You're just a police hater, plain and simple. Do me a favor, and don't call the police when you need something, if you're going to talk about them that way. Personally, if I were a cop, I wouldn't respond to ANY calls you make because of that statement. And, FYI, that off-duty probably DID have handcuffs, but maybe the stupid idiot who committed the battery (yes, it was a battery) was resisting arrest. Ever thought of that?

  14. You seem concerned about the 2800 block of Ridgeway, you must live there, eh?

  15. Anonymous 11:49, I do live there. I won't ever say the exact address on this blog, but yeah, I do live on that block. I've been here nearly 20 years, and yes, I am concerned by what happens over here. I'm very concerned, actually.

  16. Timmy, you lived on Ridgeway for over 20 years? How old are you???? And still in skool???

  17. Anonymous 9:38, if you would read, I said I was on Ridgeway for NEARLY 20 years. I've been on the block 17 years, and that's how old I am. I graduate from school in June of 2012. And, there are kids who stay in school past the age of 20. All of the kids in the autism (yes, I'm autistic, if you didn't know) program at my school usually have to stay past 20, except for me (because I'm the most high functioning student). They go until they're 22.
