Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Traffic Accident @ Pulaski and Nelson

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:49pm. School was ok. But, boy, it's hot out! It's in the upper 80s. Enjoy it while you can. Fall starts tomorrow, and I'm thinking it'll start cooling down in the next few weeks. Anyway, the CAPS Beat 2523 meeting is tomorrow evening at 7pm at 3160 N Milwaukee Avenue. It's at the Copernicus Center. Your's truly will be there, and I will be getting an award, which will be presented by the police. Here's crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:50pm - Traffic accident. Pulaski and Nelson.

4:11pm - Battery in progress. 1627 N Pulaski. Male fighting security at Walgreens.

4:19 to 4:30pm - I had to go to the store.

5:09pm - 1) Disturbance. 3640 W Oakdale. Five Latino drunks in the rear, getting drunk. 2) Disturbance. 3060 N Avers. Landlord locked the caller out of the building. 3) Suspicious person. Wellington and Pulaski. 4) Loud music disturbance. 3600 W North.

5:25pm - I've changed the way comments are going to be published on this blog. For now on, only registered users can comment. I'm sorry for those of you who used to comment anonymously because you either didn't want to give your name, or sign up for an account, but tough. A certain idiot has ruined it for all of you. I'm really fucking sick of that person's comments, and with this, he'll no longer be able to comment. I don't need this shit. I've got enough things going on in my life right now to be breaking down in depression or anything. If you don't want to sign up for an account, but want me to see your comments, email me. My email is on my profile.

5:33 to 6:07pm - Took a nap. Sorry.

6:44pm - Gang disturbance. Milwaukee and Central Park. Male who sped by real fast, towards George on Central Park, flashed gang signs as he was driving by.

6:48pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back.

7:04pm - I'm back.

7:46pm - 1) Disturbances at 3636 W Wolfram and 4024 W Barry. 2) Traffic accident. Belmont and Pulaski.

7:47pm - 1) Disturbance. 2552 N Kildare. Problem with the tenant. 2) Gang disturbance. 20X1 N Keeler. Six representing.

9:08pm - Animal abuse. Wabansia and Hamlin. People are killing animals by putting them on the nearby METRA tracks. Ewwww.....

9:13pm - I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow morning from 5 to 5:50am with 14. See you all then. Good night, everyone.


  1. Good call on the comments buddy. While I totally understand why some well meaning people may choose to remain anonymous due to concerns for their safety (especially when living on the same blocks with the people who cause the problems) I also have a real issue with people who hide behind their computer screen to verbally attack people. Be a man. That whole string of attacks was by far the most cowardly, childish, ignorant bullshit I've ever seen.

  2. Thanks for the support, JCON. I appreciate it. I completely understand those who remain anonymous for concerns of their safety, and this is why I'm sort of anonymous myself, but I simply cannot and will not take that bullshit I had to put up with from that asshole.

  3. I have been a constant fan of your crime reporting, Timmy, but I never even looked at the blog comments until a few minutes ago. The Anonymous poster who has caused you so much stress has too much time on his hands. Anyway, Anonymous opinionated posts of any kind are, in my view, cowardly. If you are big enough to express your view, then be big enough to sign your name. See you Wednesday at CAPS.

  4. Hey Ed, thanks for commenting! I appreciate you stopping by. I agree that poster has too much time on his hands, and may I add, doesn't have a life. I will see you at CAPS this evening, and again, thanks for dropping by.

  5. Timmy, I think this anonymous posting is totally obnoxious, and I also think that people wanting to be "anonymous" due to "safety concerns" gets a little precious and ridiculous. If you're the kind of person who fears random gangbangers are going to figure out who your are from a crime blog and seek you out, just don't. post. period. Love ya Timmy.
