Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My observations on school (final post)

Hi, everyone, things were good this week.

June 8: On Monday, my class and I went on our final field trip of the year, to the Chicago History Museum (formerly known as the historical society). It was a nice trip. After the trip, we ate and got back on the bus to school.

June 9: On Tuesday, it was a quiet yet interesting day. I saw no incidents of goofing off but alot of interesting things (discussions and etc.) were going on in both my regular classes and my program.

June 10: My last day of school (until summer school) has came! On Wednesday, things were good. Everyone was just hanging around, doing nothing for the most part. I also saw people wishing each other a happy summer, giving hugs, etc. In other news, my class threw a birthday party for me (my birthday is on the 14th of this month). They sanged to me, wished me a happy birthday and other nice things. It's been a pleasure being here at Sullivan for the school year. I've met a lot of nice people and have made lots of friends along the way. I will always remember this school year.

- Thanks,
Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter

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