Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fight on Monticello

Good morning, everyone, it's 5:55am. Today, it's supposed to be about 10 degrees cooler than yesterday, which is a good thing for me (I couldn't really take the heat yesterday). Also, today marks one year since I graduated from Monroe. It's been one year already. Well, I'm glad for the most part to be out of there. Lastly, I only have to go through two more days (today and tomorrow) of 8 hour school days, then I'm off until Monday when summer school starts. Here is crime for this morning before I go and for this afternoon/evening.

5:50am - Battery in progress. 2440 N Monticello. Ex boyfriend is fighting the mother in the backyard.

6:03am - Beat car 2533 is taking one for 2523 from the 5:50am job.

6:43am - I have to go. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back later.

4:28pm -I'm back.

4:43pm - Suspicious vehicle. Karlov and Dicken. Men in a blue Astro van might have some weapons. They're also circling the area.

4:54pm - Beat 2505 is doing a park check at Kelyvn.

5:04pm - 1) Loud music disturbance. 1700 block of N Lawndale. East alley. 2) Disturbance. 3659 W Diversey. At the hair salon. Complaint is upset with the person cutting their child's hair because they're pulling it too hard.

5:43pm - 1) EMS run. 2400 N Ridgeway. Baby locked inside of a blue Ford Focus. 2) Municipal ordinance violation. Fullerton and Monticello. Two kids, one aged 8 and one aged 9, don't have seatbelts on inside of a car.

5:50pm - Person down. 2914 N Hamlin. Male Hispanic passed out in the front yard.

6:02pm - There is some kind of job at 1931 N Monticello.

6:36pm - Violation order of protection. 4323 W Schubert. Something about the father seeing the child.

6:37pm - Beat car 2523 has a traffic stop at Wrightwood and Avers.

6:45pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow. There's not much crime going on, so I don't feel the need to cover until I head to bed. Good night, everyone.


  1. Today also marks one year since the murder happened on the 2700 block of North Monticello. It's not a celebration in the least, though.

  2. Here is the compilation of all the shots fired this year.


    I hope you enjoy!


  3. I did enjoy the map :-). West of Central Park seems to be where all of the action is. The most blue dots are around the areas of Palmer and Kedvale, Fullerton and Tripp, Shakespeare and Central Park, Armitage and Pulaski, the 2800 block of N Ridgeway and Lawndale/Wolfram. I never knew I blogged so many "shots fired".

    I have one kind request, though. Could you remove any and all blue dots west of Killbourn and south of North Avenue (as those aren't in the neighborhoods/coverage area)?

    Also, how do you make a map like that (like if I wanted to do a map of all the "Battery in progress" calls I have)?

    Thanks again for the map! It was a pleasure to view :-).

  4. Great Map Nate. I'll be using this to speak to our alderman thank you!

  5. Good luck, anonymous. I honestly don't think you'll get an answer from him (he's a mute, if you're living in the 30th Ward under Alderman Reboyras), but it's always good to try.

  6. here is the updated map without the markers outside of the coverage area.


    I created the map using google maps. All you have to do is:

    -Have a gmail account. ( you can make one for free if you dont have one already)
    -sign into your account and go to google maps
    -to create a new map with markers search a location
    -in the bubble on the map that shows up on a searched location there should be a link titled "Save to My Maps" click that.
    -this will create a new map and place the location with a different color marker
    - to add a location to a map do the same thing but select the map you created from the drop down menu after you have selected "Save to My Maps"

    i hope that helps.

  7. Thanks for updating the map :-). As for the map, I figured out a way to do it, but it didn't come out as good as your map. I'll follow your steps for a better map.

    Thanks again :-).
