Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stolen car recovered on Monticello

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 4:36pm. It's finally the end of the regular school year. Here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

3:43pm - Recover the stolen auto. 2241 N Monticello. Someone is recovering their stolen car.

3:44pm - Burglary report. 3060 N Avers. Someone broke into the basement.

4:03pm - Beat car 2535 asks for a call back on the 3:43pm job. There's no answer. The job will be coded.

4:06pm - Battery. 4459 W Wrightwood. The complaint was jumped by a bunch of guys in the alley behind the address. The guys mentioned that they "shanked" (which means stabbed) him as well, but he's not sure.

4:08pm - Beat 6750Adam needs a female for a search at Cortland and Lawndale.

4:11pm - EMS run. 3108 N Milwaukee. Two intoxicated males down.

4:17pm - Beat car 2543 is assigned to the DOC. Event number is 12553.

4:24pm - A unit is excuting a search warrant at 2224 N Springfield. Council time is 16:24 hours.

4:26pm - The 4:11pm job is being duped to Ambulance 81.

4:42pm - Parker. On 2524's beat.

5:01pm - There's a disturbance with people entering through the area. The job is somewhere on Ridgeway on 2524's beat.

5:16pm - Beat 2533 is on some kind of follow up at 2240 N Springfield.

5:33pm - Argument over the air. The female cop on Beat car 2533 is arguing with dispatch regarding the 5:16pm item. Sounds intense because dispatch said "if you have a problem, come over the air with it instead of messaging me". The female cop responds back with some snarky comments.

6:34pm - Battery in progress. At Mozart Park. Several people fighting.

6:35pm - Beat 2544 is giving a slow down on the 6:34pm job.

7:00pm - I'm going to go. I'm not too sure if I'll be here tomorrow. Something's happened that requires my full attention. Good night, everyone.


  1. Hope all is well with you and your family.
    I'm sure I speak for many when I say thank you for your dedication to making this a better neighborhood for everyone. And if you need anything you can always ask me and I'm sure many others.
    Thanks again.

  2. Everything is fine with my family :-). However, I lost my cell phone on my school bus today, so I need to retrieve that. Until I can, there will be limited coverage. But, there is good news. I will be contact with the bus company tomorrow and will hopefully be able to head there to retrieve my cell phone.

    Thanks so much for checking on me. It means you guys care! :-)

  3. Update on this cell phone situation: We've been in contact with the bus company all day today and they couldn't find it. So, as a solution, I'm heading to Target tomorrow to get a new one. This time around, I will keep it on me at all times.

    The crime blotter will return at 7:51pm tonight, with coverage of 17. Tomorrow, I'll be mointoring 25 (but won't be here all day), then Saturday will be 14's turn to be mointored.

    Just letting everyone know: I'm taking a day off on Sunday. It's my birthday on that day.

  4. My cell phone was found earlier this evening. I'll have it back on Monday.

  5. Yay! So happy it was found! I can only imagine how annoying that would be. Now you can have a great weekend! Make sure to have some fun!

  6. It was actually terrifying, but now I'm doing fine because it was found.

    And yes, I can have a good weekend now :-).

  7. So glad you got it back! All is well again.
    Hope the dumb thugs around you take a break for a while. Let everyone enjoy the warm weather.
    Have a good day in school!

  8. You mean the dumb thugs in the 'hood or at school? Because if you're talking about the school, the administrators put out the warning that there will be ZERO tolerance of any foolishness. If there's even one incident, you'll be thrown out of summer school.

    Thanks :-).
