Thursday, June 4, 2009

Another premise check...

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:29am. Today, at school, it's finally a regular school schedule, although my class and I are going on a field trip to the Art Institute of Chicago. That should be nice. Anyway, the sun is finally going to be out and it's going to be nearly 15 degrees warmer than it was yesterday (it's forecasted to be 70). That might make crime increase, at least a little (but it was only in the 50s yesterday and there was ALOT going on). Here is crime before I leave this morning and for this afternoon and evening.

6:13am - Beat car 2535 does a premise check at the pumping station, 1747 N Springfield.

6:27am - EMS run. 3720 W Armitage. Female down.

6:41am - I have to go. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back later.

3:38pm - I'm back from school.

3:48pm - Robbery. 4131 W Dickens. The son was robbed at gunpoint at Dickens and Pulaski.

3:52pm - Disturbance. 3940 W North. Problem with the manager.

3:58pm - Battery in progress. Lowell and Wrightwood. 20 males beating on one.

4:02pm - Wanted from the 3:48pm job is a navy blue Dodge van with a driver who had a black baseball cap, black shirt and black pants and a passenger who had a red shirt and blue jeans. The passenger had the gun. Stolen was a gold chain and bracelet. The van was last seeing going southbound through the alley of Keystone.

4:06pm - Reckless driver. Fullerton and Lowell. Female in a blue Jeta speeding westbound.

4:11pm - Person with a knife. 4412 W Montana. Husband threatened complaint with a knife. He is known to take heroin, so he may be high. His name is James.

4:19pm - Domestic disturbance. 2847 N Ridgeway. Problem with someone in the basement.

4:21pm - Beat 2505 is running a plate at Kenwell Park.

4:28pm - Disturbance. 3110 N Milwaukee. At the deil. Loud group of males outside of there.

4:31pm - Beat car 2505 is doing a park check at Koz.

4:33pm - Loud music disturbance. 1852 N Springfield. From a blue car.

4:57pm - Beat 2524 is on a traffic stop at 2424 N Ridgeway.

About 5:00 to 5:25pm - I was on the phone with some people, so I didn't pay attention. Sorry.

5:21pm - There's a job at 3628 W. Shakespeare, but I'm not sure on details.

5:28pm - Disturbance. 3137 N Harding. Female racing up and down the alley with a motorcycle.

5:31pm - Beat car 2590 is on Shakespeare.

5:54pm - Criminal damage report. 1951 N Monticello. Two teenage males spray painted the house. One was wearing a brown shirt and blue jeans. The other one is wearing a white hoodie with red and white checker shorts. They walked towards Armitage, then went west on Armitage.

6:00pm - Domestic disturbance. 2827 N Hamlin. 17 yr old son threatened the complaint.

6:07pm - Battery in progress. 3110 N Milwaukee. Apartment 1E (above the deil). People fighting.

6:11pm - One of the 6:07pm offenders has a hammer. Also, I hear the sirens. They're on the way.

6:17pm - EMS run. 2659 N Springfield. 14 yr old daughter is under the influence.

6:26pm - Beat 2535 has a stop at Armitage and Pulaski.

6:31pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back shortly.

6:43pm - I'm back.

7:04pm - Disturbance. Fullerton and Central Park. Male selling bootleg movies in front of the store.

7:11pm - Beat car 2590/99 says that there is an anti-violence march at Wabansia and Central Park. He needs a couple of cars over there for I guess traffic control (I don't crowd control would be an issue).

7:14pm - Criminal damage. 2311 N Kedvale. Group of youths damaged the complaint's car with bottles. They fled west on Belden.

7:19pm - Beat 2540 is at the march.

7:54pm - A unit was just infomed by a 14th district Tac unit that a male in a blue van has a pistol from 1725 N Central Park.

7:57pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Good night, everyone.


  1. on anyone hear the whistling last night at around 2 or 3 a.m. (albany/wellington area) followed by distant sirens? the whistling was obviously some sort of code because it was done by several people all in different "spots" on that block. does anyone know what is going on? so many distarbances in this area at or around the same time.

  2. I sure didn't, LOL. Do you know what the whistling is about, though? Sounds like that people are whistling to maybe alert one person for something like a drug deal or a fight.

  3. the whistling happens about 2 or 3 at night for the last week or two (a few nights) and i agree, its some sort of heads up or code. it is usually followed by some yelling that is inaudible. just strange because i had not noticed it before and have lived in the area for 8 years so it is something new.

  4. The gang activity in this area has been really active only recently. Its probably why you've never heard it before. I have lived a half block south of Diversey for 6 years and have only heard gunfire this past year-- never before.

    Keep your eyes open and if you see anyone or anything suspicious going on call 911. We need to pay attention to what is going on outside our front windows and stop this insanity.

  5. Anonymous 7:12pm, I don't mean to be all up in your business, but you live around Albany (in that general area), right? I'm thinking this because it sounded like your comment was directed towards the other anonymous commenter.

    If you're talking to me, well, it's been active on my street for the last few years (two years at least).

    Nevertheless, you're right. We do need to pay attention and stop the madness.
