Friday, June 5, 2009

Criminal damge to property at Wrightwood/Pulaski

Good afternoon, everyone. It's 5:15pm. School was kind of crazy today (food fight, ditching, etc.), but they got out at 11:45am which calmed things down in the school a bit. I stayed at school until 3:30pm, however, because of the graduation and I wanted to see it. Anyway, it's warm out today, which means things might start popping off. Here is crime for this afternoon and evening.

5:33pm - Criminal damage. Wrightwood and Pulaski.

5:41pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

5:53pm - I'm back.

5:58pm - Person down. 1943 N Harding. Male has been down for 30 minutes.

6:02pm - 1) Assault in progress. Armitage and Pulaski. From a traffic accident, people are threatening each other. 2) Criminal trespass in progress. 1719 N Harding. Several males in the rear of the abandoned property. 3) Gang disturbance. Keeler and Dickens. 6 male Hispanic in white shirts and blue jeans flashing gang signs. 4) Selling on 2525's beat.

6:07pm - The 5:58pm job is coded 19Paul.

6:18pm - Battery in progress. North and Springfield. Big gang fight.

6:19pm - Robbery report. 2827 N Pulaski. At the fire house. Elderly female walked in to say she was robbed.

6:40pm - Parker. 1925 N Pulaski. Few cars parked in the alley.

6:51pm - 1) Person down. Barry and Springfield. Male passed out. 2) Theft. 3643 W Oakdale. Male Hispanic, red shirt, blue baggy jeans snatched the complaint's purse and ran.

6:59pm - Domestic disturbance. 2435 N Tripp. Father has been drinking. Can be heard screaming in the background.

7:02pm - Beat car 2521 wants to know if fire made a removal from Barry and Springfield.

7:04pm - Fire has not made a removal from Barry and Springfield.

7:16pm - Wanted from 3643 W Oakdale is a male White Hispanic, 5'8, stocky build, brown skull cap, red t-shirt, baggy blue jeans and short black hair. He put a newspaper in front of his face.

7:25pm - 1) Vice complaint. 3752 W McLean. In a burgundy car, people are drinking and smoking weed. 2) Narcotics. Fullerton and Central Park. 6 male Hispanics are selling. One has on a yellow t-shirt, blue jeans sitting on a 2 seater bike. Another one has on a black t-shirt.

7:28pm - The Fullerton and Central Park offenders are walking eastbound into 14.

7:32pm - Beat 2550 wants the job pending at 3018 N Milwaukee.

7:43pm - Domestic disturbance. 3602 W Shakespeare. On the 2. Intoxicated brother.

7:49pm - Gang disturbance. 2749 N Killbourn. 6 or more teens involved in gang activity.

8:11pm - Battery in progress. Fullerton and Monticello. Ten or more male Hispanic gangbangers fighting. They're also throwing bottles.

8:14pm - A slow down is given on the 8:11pm job.

8:17pm - 1) Person with a gun. 3910 W Wabansia. Originally came in as a gang disturbance at 3900 W Wabansia with 3 male Hispanics loitering on the corner. Now, a male Hispanic with a black and white striped shirt has a gun. 2) Gang disturbance. Wrightwood and Konster.

8:24pm - 1) EMS run. 3722 W McLean. Daughter overdosed on pills. 2) Disturbance. 3724 W Fullerton. Group throwing things at passing cars.

8:31pm - 1) Traffic accident. 3900 W Diversey. Sliver Honda was hit and offending car fled the scene. 2) Vice complaint. 2920 N Kenshoa.

8:58pm - Beat 2593Tom says that a big pole may fall at 4021 W Diversey. Streets and Sanitation was notified.

9:00pm - FBI tip. 1018 N Laramie. At Hay school. Male Black, 14-16 yrs old, has a gun. Students are in the school for the talent show.

9:03pm - A slow down is being given at Hay, but there's about 10 witnesses talking to police. The subject lives on Lockwood, near the school. He's with some other males. Well, I'm only going to mointor our area again as of now. Just wanted to make sure everything was ok there.

9:11pm - Shots fired. 2322 N Springfield. 3 shots fired.

9:14pm - Multiple calls coming in on the 9:11pm job.

9:16pm - A slow down is being given on the 2300 block of North Springfield.

9:17pm - Two male Hispanics are involved in this shooting. One has on white shorts and a black shirt.

9:18pm - A 45Sam unit is at the shots fired and is throwing a code on it for now, but says something will start up again. There's a group out there.

9:24pm - Battery in progress. 2531 N Lawndale. 10 people fighting.

9:28pm - Beat car 2520 says there's a music disturbance sitting on the board at 2014 N Hamlin. It's been there for a while. They've been calling all day. 2520 wants a code thrown on it.

9:29pm - Parker. 4330 W Schubert.

9:30pm - Criminal damage. 3949 W Armitage. Kids just tagged the garage.

9:32pm - Disturbance. 2945 N Kenshoa. In front of the field house, a group of males are loitering and making too much noise.

9:33pm - Beat 2523 gets a vice complaint on the box.

9:49pm - Gang disturbance. Fullerton and Springfield. Group of them throwing bottles.

9:57pm - The 25th district desk comes over the air to say more cars are needed at Fullerton and Springfield. The gangbangers are shooting at any car that turns on Springfield. Multiple citizens are calling the station and 911.

9:58pm - A backlog has been put into 25. 21:58 hours.

9:59pm - A slow down is being given on Fullerton and Springfield, for now.

10:01pm - A citizen tells police that the shooters are in the east alley of Springfield just south of Fullerton.

10:03pm - Assault in progress. Springfield and Dickens. Gang members chasing someone near the basketball court.

10:04pm - Beat car 6759George is asking dispatch if there are any names on these calls or better descriptions.

10:05pm - Gang disturbance. 2426 N Tripp. 6 gangbangers running up on passing cars.

10:09pm - Beat 45Sam16 needs a case report at 3919 W Fullerton.

10:12pm - Another unit is heading to the 2300 block of N Springfield.

11:13pm - A unit has a handwaver at Milwaukee and Monticello.

11:36pm - 1) Criminal damage in progress. Monticello and Belden. 6 male Hispanics throwing bricks and bottles at cars. They broke a window to a dark colored van. 2) Beat car 2523 gets some things on the PDT.

11:39pm - Domestic disturbance. 4104 W Oakdale. Neighbors shoving each other.

11:50pm - Beat 2523 is hearing six to seven loud reports at Ken-Well Park.


  1. Great news! The drug dealers at (or around) 2912 N Ridgeway (green house, second north from George St) have been evicted! The neighborhood is already noticeably quieter.

    Hopefully the landlord will bring us some new, nicer neighbors.

  2. That is great news. However, I never knew drug dealers lived there. I do hope that nicer neighbors come this time around.

    I'm also glad the neighborhood is getting quieter.

  3. I grew up around Ridgeway and Armitage over thirty years ago. Although I am long gone I still have an attachment to the Old Neighborhood. I'm glad to see by your website that someone is still keeping an eye on it.

  4. Anonymous 2:09pm, how was that area when you lived there?

    Thanks for your comment.

  5. From the old neighborhood post:A lot less crime. No real drug problem Unfortunately the area gave way to "White Flight Syndrom" in the 1970's. Here is a trivia question for you. What was the Area around Funston School(Central Park and Armitage) Originally called?

  6. I was born in the early 90s, so I really don't know, but I'll take a guess: whiteville?

    As for a lot less crime back then, that's good.
