Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Premise check at the pumping station

Good morning, everyone, it's 6:09am. Today is the final day of final exams (thank god!). The exam I have to take is a computer exam, and since that'll probably be way easier than my last two exams, I'm not too worried about it. I get out of school at 12:15pm today so I'll be home by 1pm. Here is crime before I leave this morning and for this afternoon/evening.

6:08am - Beat car 2535 does a premise check at 1747 N. Springfield, the pumping station.

6:41am - I have to go. Have a great day, everyone, and I'll be back later.

1:51pm - I'm back.

2:54pm - A 10-1 is being issued at Austin and Barry. Complaint's father is an off duty PO and he's getting jumped by someone. Big fight is also ensuing. Multiple units en route.

2:55pm - This 10-1 is a robbery of an off duty PO. The suspect is a male Black who had on a orange shirt. He fled eastbound on Wellington.

2:58pm - Everything seems to be under control, so I'm going back to mointoring just our area.

3:02pm - Battery in progress. Parker and Konster. 5 female teens fighting.

3:04pm - A slow down is being given on the 3:02pm job.

3:09pm - Beat 2524 needs an assist at the 3:02pm job.

3:14pm - A backlog has been put into 25 at 15:14 hours.

3:42pm - Battery. Hamlin and Palmer. Complaint was beaten up. EMS en route.

4:02pm - Gang disturbance. Cortland and Hamlin. Four male Hispanics representing.

4:03pm - Disturbance with the mental. 3724 W Fullerton. Apartment A202. 50 yr old high risk of the meds.

4:04pm - Battery. 4000 W Fullerton. On CTA bus #1068, which is standing westbound, the driver was hit in the head by a bunch of youths with an egg. EMS was requested.

4:15pm - 1) Disturbance. 2750 N Lawndale. Complaint arguing with some over a car. 2) Parker. On 2524's beat. 3) Criminal damage report. 2435 N Tripp.

4:58pm - 1) Battery. 2421 N Harding. Neighbor hit the caller with a stick. 2) Holding the offender. 4419 W Diversey. 3) Bunch of sellings on 2523 and 2525's beats.

5:03pm - Shots fired. Cortland and Monticello. Two shots fired.

5:06pm - Theft. 4441 W Diversey. At the thrift store. Woman had her purse snatched by two male Blacks. Might be related to 4419 West Diversey.

5:13pm - Beat car 2505 is doing a park check at Mozart.

5:22pm - Gang disturbance. 3700 W Dickens. There's also a selling there.

5:23pm - Disturbance. 3944 W Barry. Male White, Polish, 15 yrs old, brown hoodie, black pants, white gym shoes is riding a dirt bike through the alley and on the sidewalk. In the alley, he's knocking over garbage from the cans.

5:35pm - Burglar report. 3046 N Konster.

5:43pm - Battery in progress. 3819 W Wrightwood. Male beating female in the hallway.

5:45pm - Person wanted. Kedvale and Dickens. This is from some earlier jobs on 2522's beat.

6:06pm - Gang disturbance. Fullerton and Ridgeway. Rival gang members throwing bottles at each other.

6:12pm - Person down. Armitage and Avers. Male down.

6:16pm - Assault in progress. 3144 N Davlin. Two homeless males arguing in the parking lot. One's taking their shirt off. They might fight.

6:31pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:57pm - I'm back.

7:08pm - Domestic disturbance. 3631 W Shakespeare. Problem with the brother.

7:10pm - Burglary in progress. At the 5:35pm job. The offenders are still there.

7:15pm - Beat 2545 had a stop at 2929 N Pulaski and will be going into 25 with one on a warrant investigation.

7:16pm - A slow down is given on the 7:10pm job. Beat car 2548 is going to code it in a minute.

7:17pm - Beat 2561Adam is taking a female into 25 from 2037 N Keystone. 19:17 on the clock.

7:18pm - The 7:10pm job is coded a 19Paul.

7:26pm - Disturbance. 4400 W Wrightwood. Three vans, one orange, one white and one blue are going through the neighborhood with real loud mufflers.

7:27pm - Disturbance. 2850 N Hamlin. Several homeless males are going through the vacant building via the rear.

7:30pm - Battery in progress. 2034 N Hamlin. Two male family members fighting.

7:35pm - A Gang or Tac unit is requested for a selling on 2524's beat.

7:36pm - Beat car 2548 has a stop at Wrightwood and Konster.

7:37pm - Beat 2542 needs another unit to meet him under the railroad tracks on Diversey (about 4200W).

7:57pm - Loud music disturbance. 2014 N Hamlin. From the location. Also, there are drinkers and smokers on scene as well.

8:06pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. what happened around 8:15 this morning at the starbucks on california and logan? there were 8 cars there.
