Thursday, March 29, 2012

Man Blocks Driveway On Ridgeway, Threatens Someone

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 6pm. This evening, I'm monitoring 25 from now until 8:03. Anyway, one more day of school tomorrow for me, then Spring Break gets here :). I'm excited for that. I'll be briefly going out of town on Saturday to visit a friend of mine in the south suburbs, and that should really be fun. I'm excited about April coming, it's going to bring a lot of exciting things for me. Here's crime for this portion of this evening.

6:22pm - Assault in progress. 2900 block of N Ridgeway. Male White blocking the driveway, threatening the caller. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

6:29pm - Person w/ a gun. 21XX N Springfield. Gang members, Cobras vs Disciples, getting ready to fight. Male with gun is a heavy set male Hispanic, 5'8", blue cap, white t-shirt. Red Honda and white car with several males around them from earlier call at this location may be involved in this incident. . Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

6:33pm - Battery in progress. 2200 N Springfield. Group of gangbangers fighting.

6:35pm - A slow down is being given per 2561Boy. They're breaking up.

6:42pm - Gang disturbance. Belden and Springfield.

6:50pm - EMS run. Mozart Park. 17 year old fell and hit his head. He's layed out.

7:25pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

7:40pm - I'm back.

8:03pm - I'm going to go for the night. I'll be back tomorrow or Saturday. Good night, everyone.


  1. I was about to enter the beat (2523) meeting but I was waylayed by the numerous homeless drunks outside. Don't those beat officers ever do something about them?

  2. Mary, the police & majority of the liberal public view these winos as real people. The truth is these winos don't want help, are not going to stop & use our city streets as a giant toliet. Most of the beat officiers are too overweight to do anything anyway.

  3. When will they ever re-write the constitution of the United States? Most of those rights are outdated and not up to the standards of the modern world.

  4. Anonymous 2:28, I agree with most of what you said, except for our beat officers being overweight. At least on 2523's Beat, anyway.

    Anonymous 11:54, I agree with you.
