Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gang Disturbances In Western Part Of Neighborhood

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:46pm. It's a pretty warm and sunny afternoon. It's in the upper 60s right now. It's going to get down into the upper 30s tonight, though, and only get into the lower 50s tomorrow. Anyway, my Spring Break is almost here! I'm too happy for that. Friday is my last day of school, and then I'm off next week. I plan on doing a 24-hour monitoring of 14 sometime during the week. Most likely Friday. We'll see how that goes. Also, I'm monitoring 25 from now until about 6pm or so, and then I'll be attending my CAPS Beat meeting this evening. I should come back around 8 or so. We'll see, though. Here's crime for portions of this afternoon and evening.

3:51pm - Gang disturbance. Diversey and Lawndale. Three of them throwing up gang signs. And I just went by that corner too...

5:00pm - Gang disturbance. Karlov and Dickens. Large group of males on the corner, throwing up signs.

5:38pm - Suspicious person. 20XX N Kedvale.

6:00pm - I'm going to go. I'll be back later. See you all then.

8:03pm - I'm back. Good evening, everyone.

8:17pm - Just so everyone knows, but the street lights in the 1900 and 2000 blocks of N Pulaski are out, and there's been gang activity on these two blocks. Beat 2530 is over there now. 2535 is going over to patrol along with 2530.

8:24pm - Commerical alarm. 3628 W Armitage.

8:27pm - 1) Disturbance. 3909 W Belmont. At the restrauant. Something about a customer. 2) Narcotics. 28XX N Ridgeway. Group of people dressed in black clothing smoking the "loud" [weed].

8:51pm - Gang disturbance. Armitage and Pulaski. Group of 10 to 15 gangbanging out there. This is in relation to the street lights being out over there.


  1. With all the problems facing our youth, a ban on firearms should be in order. Guns do not have a place in a modern civilization. One doesn't need to go hunting for food since we have grocery stores. Let's all support a candidate who will pass stronger gun control laws, along with full bans on handguns and assault style weapons.

  2. Timmy, what is your other blog that you run? Where is it located on the web?

  3. Mary,I agree. I don't the Chicago police need to carry guns wither. The police in London just carry batons & it does not have a lot of violent crime. Mary,glad to have you a member of our community.

  4. Lol @ Mary. You troll hard Mary or should I call you Marv??!!

  5. What happened to the white bicycle that was at the corner of Avers and Diversey in Koz park? Did the police steal it?

  6. Thanks for your continued work. I really appreciate your blog.

  7. Mary, we already have a ban, and it sure ain't workin'.

    Anonymous 9:54, it's called "Timmy's Chicago Crime Blotter", and if you look on the left hand side of the main page, you'll see it in the links section. Please do enjoy your read!

    Lester, not sure what happened to that bike.

    Anonymous 10:16, you're welcome :).
