Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vehicle Blocks Alley On Monticello, Owner Gets Mad

Good evening, everyone, it's 5:44pm. It's a partly cloudy evening with day turning into night with temps in the 30s. I'm just going to monitor 25 this evening. We'll see what happens. Here's crime for this evening.

5:50pm - Assault. 27XX N Monticello. Caller asked the offender to move their vehicle out of the alley and then that person threatened them.

5:56pm - Beat 5550 needs a transport unit at Fullerton and Tripp. 2525 will do the transport.

6:29pm - Some call on the 4100 block of W Wellington.

6:48pm - I have to do some other things, so I'm gone for tonight. I'll be back sometime in the week or on Saturday. See you all then. Good night, everyone.


  1. Timmy, the CPD, 014th district got a nice write up in the news recently.

    1,800 arrests of MLD's and 1000 contact cards filled out. All of you at 014 are making us proud!!!! Keep up the great work guys and gals!


  2. Arrests for nonsense. Contact cards? All of this violates their civl rights. I hope they contact the ACLU and get a lawsuit against the police and city.

  3. Contact cards and some "street stops" are against the law. It makes the "police vs. the hood" gap wider. The police need to get out of their cars more & engage the community. Also, in London the police carry batons and no guns. I think that would help bridge the gap between the police & citizens in high crime neighborhoods.

  4. Its never good enough for some.....

  5. 4:39, no it's not good enough. The police need to get out of their cars and integrate themselves more into the community. Have more of those outdoor roll calls. Rein in those "jump out boys" in civilian "tac" clothes. Logan Square could be in for a very crime filled summer.

  6. Yes, perhaps the police wouldn't act so tough if they were not allowed firearms.

  7. RE: Anonymous said...
    Contact cards and some "street stops" are against the law. It makes the "police vs. the hood" gap wider. The police need to get out of their cars more & engage the community. Also, in London the police carry batons and no guns. I think that would help bridge the gap between the police & citizens in high crime neighborhoods.

    Okay, then you can be the first one to go out and do the job and take out your baton when you are looking down the the barrel if an AK47 and see if the baton will deflect those bullets for you! Liberal idiots!

  8. @ Mary LaNett.........Then why do bother to call 911 for anything? Go outside and try to reason with them yourselves! Patrol your own neighbor and ask the gang bangers nicely to please stop shooting at one another as well as unarmed citizens and tell them to please stop selling illegal narcotics. According to you, you don't need the police. I hate to break the news to you, as obviously you are another bleeding heart liberal but tough is all they understand or they perceive you as being weak. Please feel free to go out there and put yourself in the cross fire unarmed but just make sure that your disability and life insurance premiums are paid up !
    Now I have to ask what the heck is wrong with all of you people? You must be that new arsty, yuppie entourage that thinks you should all hold hands and sing kumbaya together! Lord, go back to the suburbs or the colleges that provided your education because they failed to educate you in the ways of the streets of this city!

  9. 10:46, The "tough" style of policing just doesn't work. The CPD needs to reach out to the urban youths. Get to know the high school students ect... That is why Section 8 is failing. These CHA residents still feel alienated in their new communities. Jody Weiss had the right idea when he talked to those gang leaders.

  10. The cops don't really care about us. After work they just go home to their fancy Edison park or Norwood park neighborhoods. Perhaps they can put some section 8 up in their hood? Let them too, enjoy the fun.

  11. @Anon 1:00pm and 1:06
    What's the excuse here.....The death of a Washington State Patrol trooper hit the sheriff of Kitsap County especially hard. Steve Boyer served 27 years with the State Patrol and once was the trooper's supervisor.
    Sheriff Boyer stood in the foyer of the sheriff's office in Port Orchard Thursday and wiped away tears as he talked about the death of Tony Radulescu, who was shot and killed during a traffic stop on highway 16 near Gorst.

    "I remember the day he came in the [State Patrol] office with a smile on his face and he was smiling every day since. He loved his job, he was proud of it, he was proud of the State Patrol, he was just a fine young man.

  12. Hey bobbo.......there are plenty of us that don't live in Norwood Pk or Edgebrook and most of us do care! I get tired of being the police and work and coming home and being the police at home as well! If the neighbors come to me, I try to help and I am active in the community as well. Most of you don't do you jobs 24/7 so don't we deserve the same? I like to spend time with family and friends as well!

  13. Next time you see a gangbanger acting tough with their pants hanging off their ass and talking like a mentally challenged half wit, go up to them and slap them in the face and tell them they should have stayed in school. Watch them run away on a rusty bicycle or get into their beat up 1983 Ford Escort. What a joke those little shit turds are. They should be locked away in sewers. They are weak children who will amount to nothing. Worse than sausage maggots on 24 day old raw chicken.

  14. The 014th District write up in the paper was nice to see. Very glad they have the MLD on the run. Those children are scared now!

  15. Anonymous 11:06, yep, I saw this article. They're doing a great job in 14, as odd as that might sound.

    Chaz, if they're out here gangbanging, they should lose all their rights. You want to act like a ghetto savage, get treated like one.

    Anonymous 3:04, since when? And how do you except CPD to get out of their cars to interact with citizens when they're running from call to call. They don't have time for that. As for them carrying guns, they NEED their guns. What good is a baton going to do against an armed gunman at the scene of a shooting, or other crime?

    Agreed, anonymous 4:39.

    Mary, maybe you wouldn't be so brave with your comments if there was a gangbanger right in front of you. Just saying.

    Truly agree with you, anonymous 10:45. Some of these people really don't have a clue, at all.

  16. In high agreement with you, anonymous 10:46.

    Anonymous 1pm, sorry to inform you of this, but Jody Weiss is an idiot, which is the reason why he was let go. You're really misinformed if you believe what he said.

    bobbo, the cops have lives, too. They already deal with our crap 8 hours a day, and are the ones who have to enforce the laws with these hoodrats, so in my opinion, they have a right to go back home to their very safe neighborhoods when they're done fighting crime in our area.

    Uh, anonymous 12:22, that's kind of off topic. But ok, I guess.

    Agreed, anonymous 1:13, and thank you for being one of the fine men in blue who risks his life everyday to protect us citizens (a lot of us who are ungrateful, too). It might not sound like a lot of people support your efforts, or even like you, but a LOT of us law-abiding citizens really appreicate what you guys do day in and day out. Thank you once again for what you all do. You do have support, and we encourage you to keep helping us fight the good fight to take our neighborhoods back.

    Agreed, anonymous 2:26.
