Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fight At Cafe Luna On The Mil

Good morning, everyone, it's 1am. It's a clear, but cold, night. It's about 20-something degrees. Today will be in the 30s, and I think with sunshine. Anyway, I'm monitoring 25 from now until around 4 or 5am, then I'll come back after my dinner. Tomorrow, I'll cover 25 from when I wake up until my dinner. Here's crime for portions of today.

1:56am - Battery in progress. 3184 N Milwaukee. At the Cafe Luna club. There's a fight in the club.

2:00am - Beat cars 2523Robert and 2524R are at the club, dispersing the crowd that's letting out for the night.

3:05am - Gang disturbance. Palmer and Keeler. Five of them on the corner.

4:14am - Battery in progress. Lawndale and Palmer. Street fight.

4:19am - Fire. 27XX N Hamlin. Building.

4:21am - A disregard is being given on the Hamlin fire. It was just a stove.

4:28am - I'm going to go. I'll be back later. See you all then.

7:13pm - I'm back. Good evening, everyone.

10:12pm - Criminal damage report. 20XX N Avers. Apartment was left damaged as the ex-tenants moved out.

10:41pm - 1) Battery in progress. Fletcher and Tripp. Three males and a female fighting in the street. 2) Commercial alarm. 17XX N Harding.

11:13pm - Not sure what unit has a traffic stop on the 2800 block of N Ridgeway, but there's a unit over here with its lights on and it has a car pulled over. Maybe a Citywide unit.

11:17pm - Assault in progress. 3959 W Armitage. People about to fight in the liquor store.


  1. Cafe Luna is a cess pool of urban beatnik kids. A place to avoid. These despots are all coming for the G-8 summit to burn loot and pillage along with the westside ghetto clans.

  2. Good to see u working the midnight-5am shift. Lots of crime at those hours also.

  3. Cafe Luna is the type of place we need more of in this neighborhood. We need to push out the crap and clean up this area. Make this area get gentrified and drive up the prices to get the slum landlords and welfare tenant renters OUT. It's the only way to clean it up. Career minded money makers will buy up the homes and renovate them and keep the grass green. Dirtbags, criminals, drunks and people who abuse entitlements will have to leave for crappier neighborhoods. It's worked before in Wicker Park, Bucktown and Roscoe Village. Let's make it work here.

  4. Yo Timmy. Did you ever think that maybe you are using this blog to be lazy and not work? I would think that your parents would be more happy if you got out of the house and got a job bagging groceries at Jewel or at least something. Wether you like it or not, eventually you will have to get a real job.

  5. Milt, I actually agree with Undergrounded, good to hear about a bunch of "beatnik" kids fighting rather than hoodrats.

    Anonymous 10:56, no problem. I happened to be wide awake, so I figured why not.

    Anonymous 3:10, I agree, but in my personal opinion, I feel that exceptions, or accomdations, should be made for poor people who are law-abiding and can't find jobs or have some sort of situation in their lives (my family is one example).

  6. From the area, you're obviously a troll. I shouldn't even really be responding to you, but I am. I fail to realize how I'm using this blog to be lazy from working considering that I only have time to blog once or twice a week now. I don't know if you've been keeping track, but I've been absent at least three days in a row each week for the last month or so. That's how busy I am with school and getting ready for college. Also fail to realize how I'm going to work if I don't have a High School Diploma yet (which I'll have in June) and have a 10 to 12-hour school day.

    My parent, not parents, isn't pushing me out. My mother is very understanding that getting on your own feet as a young person can take a couple of years. She also understands that I have a very long school day.

    FYI, my school is helping to look for a job within the Chicago Public School system as a school bus aide, and I might apply for an internship with my Alderman's office for the summer. So yeah, I've been looking. Believe me, I'd rather work than be in school.

    Oh, and by the way, before you flame me next time, you might want to spell "whether" correctly. LOL. Have a good evening.

  7. Tell that troll to get a life Timmy. Just keep going to those C.R.A.P. meetings and making a difference in this hellhole of a city.

  8. From the Area, I think from Timmy's posting even a person as dumb as yourself can understand that he doesn't have to have a job now. Next time leave your real name and address you fucking pussy, before you go spouting off about shit you don't understand. Keep up the good work Timmy. From the Area is obviously a loser with a bed wetting problem.

  9. That's an imposter...I'm "FROM THE AREA". Just so you know Timmy. Thats not me...

  10. @ Dan Trost,
    Why are you using my screen name? I know its are the only person I had disagreements with on this blog. I haven't commented since then. Once again, I hope Timmy knows that is not me. I have better things to do my friend. Keep up the great work on your blog... and good luck with these people who act stupid on here. Thanks.

  11. Sorry, but no, i was not impersonating you crybaby. I think your a loser, but wouldnt waste my time doing that. Given your arrogant posts im sure lots of people have issues with you. Nice try jagoff, next time get your facts straight though before throwing out reckless accusations.

  12. @ Dan Trost...
    Giving my arrogant posts?? You are a real winner. You managed to call me a "crybaby", "looser", & "jag-off" all in a small paragraph, Yet you dont even know me. I disagreed with your gay idea 3 weeks ago, and you have that much hate. Fuck you bitch. I swear, you are a pussy who talks shit on the internet, but in a real life situation would buckle in a heart beat. I can tell by your "arrogant posts". Fucking. moron. Set something up...I'll show up, tough guy. No weapons needed...I love that shit! Win or loose...I'm still down to settle this like men.

    The real "FROM THE AREA".

  13. So much for not threatening people on the comments. From the Area, you talk the talk, but do you walk the walk? I will not soil my hands on a mongaloid such as yourself. And if you ever so much as touch me, ill get the biggest jew lawyer i can find and sue your white trash ass. You and your family will be hanging with piss bums collecting cans in the alleys you ignorant dickbag. Timmy please dont allow this punk to post any more threats.

  14. You sound like a "crybaby" You like to call people names over a computer, but I can tell your true colors. Why would Timmy not let me comment? I never did anything to anyone on her except disagree with Your (Dan Trost) stupid vigilante comment. To top it off, Timmy agree with me it wasn't the smartest idea. You sounded like a gang banger yourself in that comment...and still sound ignorant by using racial comments in your new comment. I'm not white trash, I'm proud to say I'm Italian & Irish American.

  15. Put up or shut up then. Ill be at the next beat meeting if you want to prove how tough you are. Im 5 foot 3, 200 pounds of muscle. I have a Metallica coat that ill wear that day. If you got the plums, come say all these things to my face and give me your real name. Make sure you bring an ambulance though because you will need it. Fuck getting a lawyer and sueing your ass, i will personally enjoy delivering you several knuckle sandwiches. By the end of the night, you will be crying for your mama you stupid wop. Just remember, you started this psychologucal battle. You didnt just disagree with my guardian angel idea, you also insulted me personally. Come to the beat meeting and you will learn why they nicknamed me "the Ultimate Destroyer" when I served prison time at Joliet for killing a guy in a bar. Timmy, as always, keep up the brilliant work that you do.
