Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve 2011

Good evening, everyone, it's 6pm. As you all know, it's New Year's Eve, the last night of 2011. I'm sure a lot of you will be bringing in the new year with your friends and family, which is a good thing. As for my family and I, we'll be having yet another quiet New Year's Eve with no other family members or friends over. I must say, I like it when it's quiet. It gives me a chance to monitor the radio. Speaking of monitoring, I'm going to monitor 25 from now until 8pm, then I'm switching to some other Zones to monitor for my other blog. I'll be returning at 10:15 with 17, then at 10:30, I'll cover 14 until 11. At 11, I'm returning with 25 until 11:30. Finally, at 11:30, I'm going to take a break until 12:15. At 12:15, I'm returning with 17 until 12:30. Then at 12:30, I'm going to monitor my other blog until 1am, at which time I'll come back with 14 until 1:14, then I'll be monitoring until my other blog until 2am, at which time I'm returning with 25 until 2:15. After 2:15, I'll be gone for the night. Also, for you readers in 17 North of Belmont, ProdigalOne will be doing additional coverage after 8pm. There will probably be another post from her. So there are my plans for the evening. What are yours? I hope all of you will stay safe this evening into the new year. Here's crime for this last night of 2011.

6:13pm - Parker. On 2523's Beat.

6:39pm - Battery in progress. 36XX W Shakespeare. People fighting in the street.

6:41pm - Battery in progress. 3600 W Shakespeare. Big fight with baseball bats.

6:42pm - Beat car 2525 is saying that there's a couple of groups on Shakespeare. Dispatch is requesting back-up for them.

6:43pm - 2524 is heading over to Shakespeare to help 2525. They're fine, but they do need an assist car.

6:55pm - Disturbance. 3850 W Fullerton. At the Jimenez grocery store. Two people refusing to leave.

6:57pm - EMS is needed on Shakespeare. There's a 40 year old man with a head injury.

7:47pm - Battery in progress. 16XX N Harding. People fighting in the basement.

7:50pm - Parker. On 2524's Beat.

7:54pm - Parker. 1800 block of N Harding.

8:00pm - I'm gone until 10:15. See you all then. Don't party too hard in between then ;).
The following calls and information are from the Criminal Sexual Assault that occurred near the Congress Theater, on the 2100 block of N Rockwell. An 18 year old female was found naked and unconicous. One commenter reports that she is in a coma. I will be looking up information on this incident, but in the meantime, this is what ProdigalOne was able to obtain from the 911 tapes:

9:43pm - 2158 N Rockwell, citizen says there is a naked female in the grass, fire is rolling.

9:49pm - Regarding 9:43, requesting need for detective and evidence team.

9:50pm - Looking for female officer(s) for 9:43 job.

9:54pm - Call for more cars to help with crowd control.

9:57pm - Possibly six offenders, three in custody, awaiting better description.

No further calls one hour past initial call.
10:15pm - I'm now listening to 17. We have 105 minutes left until 2012.

10:30pm - I haven't heard anything in 17, but you all can always check ProdigalOne's post she will be putting up soon for anything. Standby for 14...

10:45pm - 1) Theft. Medill and Campbell. Male Black in a 4-door gold Buick went towards Belden. Something was stolen from the caller. 2) Burglar report. 31XX N Sacramento. Caller's house was broken into.

10:58pm - Person down. 2169 N Milwaukee. Male down in front of the Congress Theater.

11:00pm - Now switching over to 25 until 11:30. Just an hour left until 2012 :).

11:22pm - Suspicious person. Wrightwood and Pulaski and Wrightwood. Male Black, black and red hoodie with a ski mask is following a female as she's walking towards Altgeld on Pulaski.

11:27pm - Police Helicopter 1 is over the area, looking for the 11:22pm offender. Meanwhile, 2525R has the man stopped on Pulaski, in the 2500 block.

11:28pm - Beat car 2525R is asking for an assist. 2524R is going over to help.

11:36pm - Suspicious person. 36XX W Shakespeare. Some guys hiding by garage. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call.

11:39pm - Burglar alarm. 3034 N Pulaski. Laundromat, glass-break alarm is sounding. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call.

11:43pm - Loud music disturbance. 18XX N Harding. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call.


  1. Right at midnite I saw a hispanic gangbanger in Koz park open fire with an AK47 while his friends shot pistols in the air. Where were the police? Hiding out at a donut shop? If the police can't or won't do the job lets get replace them.

  2. Anyone know what happened on Rockwell last night just north of Congress Theater around 9:30 pm? There were 10+ police cars and they taped off a fairly large area of the sidewalk (probably a good 50 yards or so).

  3. at 9:50 an 18 year old girl was sexual assulted and found naked unconcious and is still in a coma
