Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve 2011 ~ 17th District

Happy New Year to you all ~ hope your evening festivities are going peacefully.  Here starts the New Year's Eve activity in 17.

8:11 - Karlov & Henderson, hit-run, vehicle to vehicle, black Sonata hit by Honda, driver fled the scene, left car.

8:35 - 41XX W School, fight in progress, no further details given.

8:40 - 45XX W Belmont, report of a fire, requests check to see if it bonafide.

8:57 - 39XX W Dakin, possible burglary in progress, called in for Apt 2P, caller thinks he hears someone inside.

9:05  - 34XX N Keating, caller states husband's son broke into house, may have alrady been handled with callback on earlier call around 1800, criminal damage to property which may all be same call, 1731 codes it a 16Adam. 

9:08  - 47XX W Grace, nearby, one call for shots fired, may be fireworks. 

9:17  - Addison/Pulaski, 2-3 males passing out flyers in front of Jewel, disturbing customers.

9:21  - Belmont/Pulaski, person with a gun a Pulaski bus stop waving a gun around. Male, black, wearing a blue jacket and jeans. 

9:28  - 33XX N Kilbourn, fire requests assistance, 70-year-old dementia patient, combative.

9:46  -  Sunnyside & St Louis, person with a gun, male Hispanic, heavy-set, tall, wearing a black jacket per anonymous caller from cell phone. 

9:48  - 1723 reports that they have two on the fence from 9:46 job.

11:34 - 47XX W Berenice, unruly party, underage drinking, urinating in alley and breaking bottles. 

11:57 - 1730R asks for all noise disturbance calls for next 15 minutes.

Happy New Year! 


  1. Too bad for that suburban girl. She should've known to stay out of the city. The whole area around the Congress theater is kind of seedy. Perhaps she could have gone to Woodfield instead?

  2. Derek, she should be able to come into the city without having that happening to her. She has as much right to come into the city as we do going out into the suburbs.

    But I do agree about the area around Congress. It is rather troublesome.

  3. Plus the crowd that was in attendance for that performer/DJ that was at the Congress Theatre was extremely sketchy. It was basically a huge rave with lots of kids on drugs.
