Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Disturbance On Springfield

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:20pm. Here's crime.

3:30pm - Disturbance. 2400 N Springfield. Some sort of loitering going on.

3:45 to 5:10pm - Fell asleep. I'm sorry. I'll try to get an archive of this time period.

5:15pm - Some call around Wrightwood and Monticello.

6:36pm - I have to go eat. I'll be back soon.

6:52pm - I'm back.

7:14pm - Traffic accident. Wrightwood and Pulaski. No injures.

7:17pm - 1) Traffic accident. Pulaski and Diversey. Injures. 2) Parker. On 2523's Beat.

7:30pm - Narcotics. 23XX N Harding. Selling.

7:54pm - Narcotics. 27XX N Lawndale.

8:40pm - I have to go. I'll probably be back tomorrow. If not, I'll be here Friday. Have a good night, everyone.


  1. We need some more Midnight-6AM police monitoring. Maybe try doing it on the weekends? The criminals are working 24hours7days a week.

  2. What are post shooting missions? Are the police looking for the shooter or just harassing the neighborhood teens in that area? The police do seem to like to pick on unarmed folks all the time.

  3. Bobbo

    Start your own blog and monitor 24/7. In the meantime let Timmy decide when he monitors. Deal?

  4. Once again Mary u seem to amaze everyone with your liberal ignorance...I don't think the police are unjustly picking on ur ghetto savage "teens" in our slum of a neighborhood

  5. With the police sup. announcing police personel increases on the street, will 025 get any help? The cops here don't seem to have our safety at heart. I hear their sgt's and radio dispatchers always checking to see if they're still on their jobs or goofing off?
    I think they should have GPS tracking on all their cars so those in charge can really see what they're doing.

  6. Like I said don't listen to the fake Chaz McGibbons,it's not me

  7. I think the city could save money by getting rid of the paddy wagons that drive around all day and waste gas especially the one with the #2573 on top..

  8. Sounds like you're racist in calling a squadrol a paddy wagon. And actually they really don't need those wagons anymore now since cops drive tahoes, and don't do DOA's anymore.

  9. Well "Elizabeth Harn" how would u know who removes dead bodies,is there actually a police officer making a comment on our community blog?

  10. The body removal is done by a private service since the cops cried to their union about having to do it. Like duh, it was in the papers a few years back.
