Thursday, October 6, 2011

Assault In Progress On Springfield

Good afternoon, everyone, it's 3:45pm. It's a nice afternoon out. Well, I don't have much to say, except for I'm going to monitor 25 from now until 5;10pm, then again from 8:40 to about 10. So here's crime for this afternoon and a portion of this evening

4:06pm - There was an "assault in progress" job on Springfield on 2523's Beat, but I didn't get a block or address this was occurring at.

5:09pm - Disturbance. Armitage and Pulaski. Two males walking west towards Keystone, harassing people on the street.

5:11pm - Municipal ordinance violation. 18XX N Pulaski.

5:13pm - I'm gone until 8:40. I'll be back then. See you all in a couple of hours.

8:40pm - I'm back. Good evening.

9:05pm - Reckless driver. Kostner and Diversey. Black car speeding east towards Lowell at a high rate of speed. Great, just what we need. Another accident in the making. Already had one on Diversey earlier (I'll talk about it tomorrow)...

9:42pm - I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. Can'y they install governors on all cars? With the maximum speed limit of 65 that's as fast as cars should be able to go.

  2. around 540PM today, there were men tagging the house on the SE corner of Ridgeway and Diversey. There were at least 20 people standing on each corner of the block "watching". All men (ages 20-35), most wearing red t-shirts. There were black gang signs on the house, the man was going over all of it with bright orange spray paint...

  3. Perhaps its time police officers returned to their roots. The beat officer. Ah, I remember the days of the footman patrolling our streets. Perhaps they should put all beat car personel on foot walking their beats and use the rapid cars to do in progress calls.

  4. Any idea as what happened last night in the vicinity of Fullerton and Central Park? I live near Shakespeare and Drake and was asleep with the windows open when multiple cars with sirens and lights going woke me up, sometime in the middle of the night, heading that direction. Also, I overheard a neighbor saying it seemed like 20 cars, but didn't wanna pry into her conversation.

  5. You don't get out and around much do you? Maximum speed limit of 65? That's little old Illinois only. Most people travel. What happens in Indiana, Florida, Montana, etc, etc etc.......let's try and keep this intelligent and educated.

  6. Why not a governor on a car? Does one really need to go 0 to 60 in 3.34 seconds? Or be able to go 130 mph? Just think of the gasoline savings if we banned the V8 and V6 engines?

  7. Bobbo - many people track their cars in SCCA and Car Clubs such as BMWCCA, Porsche CCA, etc. These events are held at Road Courses such as Road America in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin or Blackhawk Farms Raceway in Michigan or the Autobahn Club in Joliet, Illinois. The road courses are not public roads and the production cars that owners bring to the tracks need to be fast, handle excellent, brake hard and hit high top end speeds. Auto racing is a sport and it begins with production cars. Limiting the sports cars, as you say, would be like not allowing tackling in football. Your theory just adds to increased regulation and the downfall of independent responsibility to be educated enough to make the right choices as an individual in life.

    Please stop with your nonsense here.

  8. Timmy love your site. What happened with the accident earlier at kostner and diversey? You said in your post that you would mention it the next day but you never did.

  9. And who owns cars like these? Surely not the regular guy, just folks who love to waste $$ on vehicles. Sorry these are all things that got to go, along with firearms too. If you must do racing, go play video games...

  10. Anonymous 6:24, was CPD called? I live right here and to know there were that many people out here is scary, quite frankly. I wish I had been awake at the time for this, too. I do see the graffiti, however, it makes this area look like ghetto trash. I'm going to call 311 ASAP on this. The graffiti just shows us how bad the gang situation is getting over here.

    Mary, see my response to your comment in my next post.

    Anonymous 7:41, I can ask around and try to find out for you.

    Matt, I'm sorry. I got really busy these last two days. I'll mention it today.

  11. Hey Timmy, how are you? Not meaning to bother you, but what ever happened with that accident from earlier?
