Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Female Hit By Car At Addison And Kedzie

Good morning, everyone, it's 6am. It's in the lower 70s, and it's sunny right now. It'll remain sunny today. It's supposed to warm up into the mid to upper 80s. Anyway, I'm monitoring 17 this morning until I go to school, then I'll be back with 25 later. Also, tomorrow is my CAPS Beat meeting for 2523. It's at 6:30pm, at the Copernicus Center on Milwaukee. Lastly, this weekend, from Friday to Monday, I will not be blogging. I will be going on a mini blog vacation. I need some time away from the scanner once in a while, to focus on other areas of my life and spend time with my family and what not. I'm not sad or anything. So, here's crime for today.

6:39am - Traffic accident. Addison and Kedzie. Female hit by a car.

7:41am - I have to go. I'll be back later. Have a great day, everyone.

12:47pm - I'm back. Good afternoon, everyone.

12:56pm - Shell casings found in the alley of 4457 W Diversey.

1:01pm - Beat car 2534 has a traffic stop at Kedvale and Dickens.

1:57pm - Disturbance. 22XX N Karlov.

1:59pm - The 1:57pm job is now an assault in progress. Two females looking for the caller's mother, trying to fight her.

2:05pm - Open door. 16XX N Harding.

2:06pm - Beat 2552 needs a Spanish speaker at the 1:57/1:59pm job. 2550 is going.

3:05pm - Theft. 3022 N Milwaukee. Couple of males stole the AC unit out of the business.

3:17pm - Wanted from the 3:05pm job are two male Blacks and a male White, who all fled in a red Chevy, heading towards Central Park in the south alley of Milwaukee.

3:18pm - Found person. 30XX N Karlov. 85 yr old man found by CFD.

3:26pm - Battery. 36XX W North Ave.

4:02pm - I'm going to go for a couple of hours. I need to do some stuff.

7:03pm - I'm back. Good evening.

7:23pm - Robbery. 30XX N Avers.
45-year-old mostly Polish-speaking woman mugged on street. Thanks to ProdigalOne for obtaining this call for me.

7:44pm - Gang disturbance. Dickens and Lawndale. Three of them on the corner throwing up signs and selling drugs. One has on a white t-shirt and one other is on a bike.

8:18pm - I've got some other stuff I need to do, so I'm gone for the night. I'll be back tomorrow. Good night, everyone.


  1. where would i find your archive when there's missed monitoring? i appreciate what you do here and you're doing a great job. i'm a regular reader of your blog and have turned on my neighbors and tenants to it. thank you for your service. i have heard from my neighbor that there have been a recent rash of home robberies on the 2700 block of monticello. i do what i can to secure my home and make my presence known when i'm here during the day, but i can't be here all the time. if a thief wants to get in, they will. all i can do is make it harder on them. i am not able to attend CAPS meetings due to my work schedule. is there anything i may be able to do to make my voice heard there without my presence?

  2. Buy an alarm which makes lots of noise. Those ones like ADT take too long to notify the police. By the time the cops show up, the bad guys gone with your stuff. Usually the bad guy's got about 10 to 15 minutes before the police get there. So get a loud alarm the sound will scare him off.

  3. The archived police scanner can be located at www.radioreference.com. Currently, no archives are available for districts 14 or 17, but this could change on any given day. There have always been archives for 25 located on radioref. You will have to be premium subscriber to access archives. Live scanning is feed is available without charge.

    If you live in 25, the author of this blog is an excellent resource for CAPS issues or you may contact the 25th district directly at caps25district@chicagopolice.org. If you live in 17, you can contact me, ProdigalOne, or the 17th district directly at CAPS.017district@chicagopolice.org. We're always glad to hear of others interested in being community resources to their neighbors.

  4. bobbo, I do agree with you to some extent, but when I attended a burglary prevention seminar last week in 25, most of the seven convicts said that either alarms didn't scare them off, or they just mess around with the wires.

    Anonymous 1:41, about the archives, ProdigalOne is correct about that. She is what I would like to call an expert at using radioreference. And as for what she said about the CAPS issues, she is correct on that, too. You may contact me at weatherboy58@hotmail.com if you have any concerns/issues about your community, and most times I can give you a thoughtful opinion and suggest to you what you can do about a problem. You could also e-mail the District CAPS Offices at the addresses she gave. In addition to that, and this is if you live in 25, you could e-mail the 25th District CAPS Sergeant Tim Weiglein directly. Please e-mail me for that e-mail address, as I doubt I'm allowed to give that address out here on the blog. Also, about your burglary concern, I attended a burglary prevention seminar last week, and will have the notes I took on it up here sometime next week when I return from vacation. Thank you for dropping by. I appreicate it.
