Monday, July 25, 2011

Community Questions Re: Violence

Good afternoon, everybody. I have two questions to ask all of you, for those of you who live in the following areas, about two incidents that occurred. The first one was on Mozart between Logan and Diversey on Sunday morning, the 24th, and this is the comment I received about it on the Facebook page:

"anyone hear about something happening on Mozart between Logan and Diversey last night? I'm pretty sure I heard 6 gun shots, but I was asleep and it was 3am..."

And the second incident took place on the 3200 block of N. Albany, which is a block with a very bad gang problem right now, sometime yesterday (again, Sunday, the 24th). The person I talked to says that they found blood all over their sidewalk this morning.

If anyone knows about about either, or both, incidents, please do not hesitate to send a comment here, on the FB page, or to my inbox.



  1. Just have the policde roundup all the gangbangers. Bring them to Soldier Field and let them have a Royal Rumble.

  2. Poor 13 yr old boy who's an A-B student at piccolo elementary ! He didn't even have a weapon in his hand got shot multiple times by the police .. I think police should try to negotiate if it's a young kid like that before they pull the trigger . Which we all know that's not going to happen if the police have fear or feel like their endangered right ? Now that same kid, who knows he might hate the police when he gets older or not trust them ! Did they really need to shoot that kid 10 times ? i think not ! How does the Chicago Police gain trust from people if situations like that happen? People fear police and police fear people ! What pretty soon "Martial Law" ? Im glad the police have a good defense mode because some of these criminals need it but when there's a child involved they need to have a better strategy before they shoot ! Don't they have K9's ?

  3. The kid had what turned out to be a BB gun in his hand. Had he listened to the cops and dropped it instead of pointing it at one of them, he wouldn't have been shot. Serves the kid right. Follow police orders!

  4. I could agree to that, bobbo.

    Anonymous 10:32, while I do feel a little sympathy for his parents and I feel sorry for the fact he is a bit young, but this kid knew what he was doing. He is old enough to understand not to run from the police in any situation. If he truly did have that BB gun, he should've just put it down and followed the orders of those officers. But he made it much more dramatic by pointing the gun at the officers, and of course they're going to fire back in that District (11), especially after two of their officers were shot last week. So I'm sorry for my lack of sympathy for this kid, but like I said, he's old enough to understand what he's doing. What he's doing with a BB gun in the first place?

    BBE, I couldn't have said it any better.

  5. at 1032 its pretty simple logic dont point guns at the police and you wont end up like swiss cheese you sound like a college professor that lives in Evanston or Oak Park and how do you know that he is a A-B student? he doesnt sound very smart. Feck Him

  6. So many biased people here! Alot of " witnesses " that were there said he didnt have anything in his hand ! Got to give the benefit of the doubt. Why is it that everyone believes first off police side first? There's two sides . Just because police are police doesn't mean that they make the right decisions all the time. That's a kid were talkin about yeah the kid shouldve listen IF he had something but just remember the kid doesn't have a mind as an adult does so they will panic! Damn thank god I took psychology, to bad not everyone had. Sorry but there has to be a different way when it comes to a child! What's wrong with people? Everyone is so against everyone! Police do make mistakes and that was one of them. Wtf are you guys saying police are always right and never make mistake? We're human and everyone does make mistakes.. Let that be one of your family members who was 13 yrs old and got shot up like that , what r you going to feel then? I'm not saying police or all police make mistakes or they're bad people, but there are mistakes being done and they're police who are just plain jerks as well as great professional police! I'm tired of hearing people downing citizens who are sometimes innocent and saying police are right when sometimes they can be wrong! In this case they were wrong. This kid didn't have nothing in his hand and if you guys watched the news you wouldve seen that instead automatically viewing the police were right! Why? Because the police are always right? Sorry not this time! When you's experience or had experience which situations like that you'd think open minded not just because! I'm not against police but very open minded when it comes to situations like that and experience I've been through. I might get smack talk to me on this blog or people disagree but I kno what I'm talking about and everyone is entitled to their opinion. We shouldn't have to get harassed on here if are able to voice what we think about the crime and experiences we have in our neighborhoods! Im sorry the next time I get cussed at or harassed I will report this blog ! Timmy you do a great job on this blog and I love the reports and archives you do but I think people on here shud be alittle respectful too people opinions instead of always chewing them out! It's opinions and comments not rights or wrongs! We have opinions so people can view and be open minded and express what they feel about what happening in their neighborhoods and how to make changes not to talk crap and down somebody! As for that kid , I hope he gets better and emotionally better! For his family my condolences go out to them! To the police go hard but make the right decisions when comes to a kid for godsakes !

  7. Poor 13 year old? Come on. His actions are those of a criminal. First of all, why is he running from the cops? Why is he pointing a bb gun at them when their real weapons are drawn in defense and on edge. Police are assuming they will be shot when someone points a weapon at them. When the cops tell you to stop running, you STOP. PERIOD. If they tell you to drop the weapon, DROP the weapon. If you don't stop running and you don't drop the weapon you take the situation to a whole different level. Obey the god damned laws and this shit will not happen. It's really quite simple. 13 year olds should not be running around with bb guns that look like handguns late at night on a street that shots were fired on. Grow up, stay in school, obey the law or get left behind far behind.

  8. Anonymous 10:32/8:57, I don't know who you are, but you're starting to piss me off. First off, I'm not biased. Just because you disagree with the rest of us on this does not mean you've got the right to lash out and call us biased, especially me. I say this because I didn't "chew" you out. I spoke to you in my comment very calmly, but now I don't know if I should do that, especially if you're threatening to report this blog. Who exactly are you going to report this blog to? Hmmm? The Chicago Police Department supports me, as well as many other agencies and many, many, many people in our community. So clarify yourself and tell me who you're reporting my blog to. Because I'd like to defend myself and prepare to file a lawsuit for whoever's going to violate my First Amendment rights. I'm not playing this time with people threatening me. Now I'm mad because I feel threatened by you. Why don't you reveal your name? Stop hiding behind that anonymous moniker. Especially if you're going to make threats like that. Oh, and while at it, learn how to stop getting so mad so fast just because someone disagrees with you. No one yelled at you nor cussed at you. If anything, you're the one always yelling and cussing.

    Everyone else, we're done with this topic. This didn't happen in our neighborhood, so don't bring it up. If you want to discuss what happened at Augusta and Kedvale Monday night, go make a blog for Humboldt Park or something. I'm tired of all these posts always ending up resulting in some dramatic argument. Do any of you know how you make this blog look doing that? Then I'm the one who has to hear about it from the police. Grow up or don't comment at all. Thank you.

  9. Please go to this article, Media Cover Up Continues, on this blog,

    See the nice 13 year old throwning up vice lord signs. This was the picture his folks gave to the media and look what they took of it for the article. I do not feel sorry for him or his parents. He learned a hard lesson.

  10. Whoa, first of all I wasn't talking about you Timmy or you cussing at me! It was someone else's on your blog on a past comment who was cussing at me first and be aggressive , so that's why I been voicing my opinion a little stronger. If I'm being dramatic to that's because you had rude people on your blog come at me because an opinion or comment I posted. It's just a personal opinion. You mean I don't have a right voice it? Sorry to piss you off but I'm piss off too that everytime I post a comment I get ridiculed about it and that's not right! I dont go at other people when they right stuff why come at me like that? I'm a very opened minded person so im very opinionated . So that give the right for people on your blog to call me a pussy or asshole? That's not right! If some on your blog calls me that for voicing my opinion that's not me having a right but getting harassed ! I'm always going to stay anonymous because that's my choice. I don't have to give my identity out and if you want to ridicule me about that go ahead! That's all I get from this blog for having opinions people don't like. I know people will disagree with me but I will stand by what I believe. So I'll stay off your blog because I'm tired of not being able to have my right of freedom of speech. I always spoke good of you too and praised all the good stuff you done , but now that changed my mind. Sorry your the one who needs to grew up too! I remember you getting all piss fast too when people were writing stuff you didn't agree with , then you wanted to shut your blog down because you couldn't handle critism. Peace to your blog. People can change a nice person to not so nice and that's what happened here.

  11. Anonymous 8:34, it indeed does look like he's throwing up gang signs in that picture. I didn't know those were the signs of the Vice Lords, though. But nevertheless, no surprise here. Everyone wants to say the CPD is trigger happy, but no one looks at the facts presented to them. I for one do, and do not feel sorry for this kid or his parents.

  12. Anonymous 8:56, if you had a problem with people cussing at you on a particular post, you should've notified me via e-mail and we could have addressed it. How am I supposed to know? There's a lot of times I'm busy doing more than one thing while I'm monitoring the radio, and when I get to the comments page, I usually just press the moderation button and don't look twice at comments. I admit that's lazy on my part and I will be screening comments more carefully. And, sorry, but I won't be allowing anonymous comments without a name or at least a nickname on them any longer. I respect the fact that people want to stay anonymous, but please, give a nickname or something. I'm also going to crack down on people for using profanity every other word, and making personal attacks towards someone. There is a such thing as constructive criticism, and plain degrading, in my eyes.

    I NEVER said you didn't have a right to express an opinion. Everyone (well, almost everyone), has that right. But you have to realize this is a public blog and there are some people here with very strong opinions, and others who either don't have manners or don't know how to express that opinion intelligently. I have over 400 readers here. Not everyone is going to be nice (I learned that lesson the hard way) to you and give you a thoughtful opinion. I wish that was the case.

    The only reason why you made me mad last night was because you threatened to report this blog. I'm sorry, but I don't tolerate threats, especially ones concerning my blog. I just want to be able to peacefully blog and inform the community of what happens in our community, so they can benefit from it and so we can all work together to make our community better. I don't feel it's right that you threatened to take something away like this for all of these people. It's not even a personal thing with me. I could very well chose not to blog, because I already know what happens in our neighborhood, personally, and I could always find other hobbies, but I do it for the community.

    You can change your mind about me. That's fine. I don't even care what anyone's negative opinions are about me. I'll continue to be me, and you'll be you. If I cared about people's bad opinions, would I continue to do this blog even though there are times I do want to quit? No. Each time I start feeling like that, I realize what I do is to better the community and inform the community, and therefore chose to continue it. And, I am growing up. Each and everyday. It's not easy, but I'm doing it. Thank you for the reminder though. You know why I've gotten pissed off when it comes to those people, and so does everyone else here. Those people were just plain on attacking me, and I'm not going to sit here and tolerate personal attacks against me. So that goes back to what I was saying about me watching the comments more carefully, which is what I begin to do Monday.

    One last thing. I'm not really defending these people (and for those of you who just cuss this person out, knock it off), but I think there are times you come across way too negative about the police, and you use too many exclamation points at times, like you're yelling. You have to realize a lot of us here support the CPD 100% and are behind them all the way. We get upset when we hear people downgrading the police, especially in these times. The Chicago Police could use all of the support it can get, especially with our politicians not supporting them.

  13. And, this post is now officially closed. All further inquires about this post should be directed to my inbox at Thank you.
